Words could not persuade her, so they had to force her to be subdued.


Wendy's hand clenched involuntarily.

"That's what you said when you lied to me back to St. Freya Academy.".

Chapter 444

The air flow around him suddenly accelerated.

Yu Gong's words seemed to touch Wendy's taboo and stimulated her.

"You mean, treating your legs for you?"

Wendy obviously had a violent tendency, but Yumiya didn't care.

After all, the strengths of the two sides are not on the same level.


Wendy kept silent and acquiesced to what Yumiya said.

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong chuckled a few times,

"Now, aren't you free to act freely?"


Wendy was stunned, dumbfounded.

If Yu Gong didn't mention it, she would ignore it.

Now she is indeed out of the wheelchair, not only that, but also flying in the sky.

But this is because he has become a Herrscher and has nothing to do with Yumiya.

"It's easy to take out the desire gems in your body."

Yugiya spoke at the right time to explain to Wendy.

"The existence of desiring gems is always a hidden danger that cannot be ignored."

"I think you've already experienced it firsthand."

"There is only one way to have both. You face the desire gem head-on and master it completely."

"The power of the Herrscher, you know better than me."

"Overcoming this difficulty, you will become a brand new self."

"Not only can I regain my freedom, but the things I wanted to do but couldn't do before are not so difficult anymore."


Wendy looked at Yu Gong, the expression on her face was either surprise or joy.

It turned out that, Hagiya, Theresa did not deceive herself.

They are thinking from the perspective of the overall situation, so they won't take out the desire gem in her body.

"We all believe you can do it, how about you?"

"Wendy, do you believe in yourself?"

Wendy's performance undoubtedly proves that Yu Gong has achieved success.

Although this plan is risky, it is actually not too risky.

First, Yu Gong has enough ability to tell the truth.

Second, Wendy, who had just become a Herrscher, was not deeply trapped.

Coupled with Wendy's firm will, it was not as difficult to influence her as she imagined.

"I, I believe 〃〃."

The Herrscher's tyranny slowly dissipated, and Wendy's expression returned to her usual gentleness.

The cyan wings on her back turned into countless light spots and dissipated.

Hagiya and Theresa believed in themselves and even risked the safety of St. Freya Academy. How could I let them down?

"Very good, let's go back."



St. Freya Academy, Central Plaza.

In the square, the melee between Saint Freya Academy and the Honkai Beast Tide is still going on.

With overwhelming numbers, Honkai Beast has the upper hand.

Everyone had to form a group with their nearby companions, and kept shrinking the defense line, hoping to last longer.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hagiya."

The once spectacular and beautiful St. Freya Academy was turned into a mess under the destruction of Honkai Beast.

The school principal, his former teacher, and his younger generation are fighting hard.

All of this was caused by her.

Wendy felt extremely sad and guilty about this.

"It doesn't matter, your problem is the most important."

"Once the Herrscher goes berserk, the victims are far from only the Destiny Extreme East Branch."

It's just a St. Freya Academy, don't worry about it at all.

Afterwards, Yumiya will contribute money to help Theresa rebuild the school.

"I'll let them go right away."

The matter of apology will be discussed later.

Now, we must drive away the beast tide.

These Honkai Beasts are under the control of Wendy, whether to leave or stay is entirely up to her.

"Don't worry."

Yu Gong stopped Wendy, who couldn't wait to drive away the beast tide.

"Uh, what's wrong?"

Wendy tilted her head suspiciously, her face full of confusion.

"They are useful."

Roughly sweeping the entire square, Yumiya's eyes finally stopped on Mei and Xier.



"Auntie, didn't you say Yu Gong would come?"

Killing a Honkai Beast gave Kiana a short respite.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, she quickly approached Theresa.

"He's gone to deal with the lawyer's affairs. It stands to reason that he should have come back long ago."

Kiana was in a hurry, Deliza was even more in a hurry.

If it drags on any longer, there will be casualties in St. Freya Academy.

What was going on at Yu Gong, why did he delay it for so long.

Could it be that an accident happened?

"...What should we do?"

Not far away, Bronya turned around and asked.

Most of the credit for St. Freya Academy's ability to hold up to this point is Deresa.

Without this S-rank Valkyrie, everyone would have been overwhelmed by the Houkai beast tide.

Relying on Theresa is not a long-term solution.

"Wait for him."

Theresa's attitude is quite firm.

At this point, they had no choice but to trust Yu Gong.


Kiana, Bronya is on the battlefield again, fighting against Honkai Beast.

It was these pillars that always supported them.



What Teresa, Kiana, and Bronya didn't know was that the savior who pinned their hopes was just outside the square.

He didn't kill the Honkai Beast, but used Yu Duchen's power to contact Xi'er and Mei.


"Brother Yu Gong?"

The movements of the two of them unconsciously slowed by half a beat.

After the battle, they took time to look around.

"Don't look for me, I won't kill you by your side."

"Don't get distracted, just focus on listening to me."

Originally, when Wendy regained consciousness, the incident should have ended.

However, Yu Gong definitely has some added value that can be tapped.


Xier and Mei turned to the defensive in unison, listening to Yumiya's words in their minds.

At this critical time, Yu Gong will not find him without complaint or reason.

Moreover, it is still through the way of conveying the voice of the heart.

"Currently, I'm just outside the square."

While the two were getting ready, Yu Gong's voice sounded immediately. .

Chapter 445

"Just outside the square?"

Mei and Xi'er were both startled and puzzled.

He was clearly nearby, why didn't Yu Gong show up?

Without responding to Mei and Xi'er's questions, Yumiya spoke to herself.

"Destroying the Honkaikai in the academy is very simple for me."

"However, I hope it's up to you to do it."

"In both of you, there are powers that are far beyond ordinary people, or even ordinary Valkyries."

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