Theresa breathed a sigh of relief, slowly calming the turbulent waves in her heart.

Yes, Hanamiya is not that kind of person.

"It's you, you have to work hard."

At the end of the sentence, Hanamiya-senpai's tone seriously warned Theresa.


Theresa snorted softly and turned her head away like a troubled child.

What does Yumiya mean? Is it okay to imply that Judas is using it?

"Hee hee hee."

Theresa's sulking look is really cute and playful, and Jizi almost laughed out loud.

Wendy's legalization is imminent, and the fourth collapse is about to break out, but they are still in the mood to joke.

It can be seen that the two are not too worried.

The source of this confidence and leisure is Yu Gong.


In peace, a week passed unknowingly.

One morning, the training ground of St. Freya Academy.



Bang bang bang bang.

Inside the training ground, several young girls are training for actual combat.

"Wendy, let's go to the training ground."

"Okay, okay."

In the distance, Jizi and Wendy, who were passing by the training ground, stopped and watched their training with great interest.

"Wendy, what do you think of these juniors?"

After watching for a while, Jizi asked Wendy for her opinion.

In terms of age, Wendy is younger than most of the girls in the training ground.

However, she became a Valkyrie early on, and she was considered their senior.

Besides, not to mention the seeds of S-rank Valkyrie, Rao is an A-rank Valkyrie, a level that very few people can reach.

Therefore, Wendy is fully qualified to evaluate students.

"My sisters are very fighting spirits, and they will definitely become powerful Valkyries in the future."

Wendy, who has come here, can see that the talents of these students are not very good.

Probably the B-rank Valkyrie is their limit.

She was embarrassed to say it, so she had to give a conservative evaluation like "vigorous fighting spirit".

"Ha ha."

Ji Zi has a lot of experience, how can she not understand that Wendy is taking care of the students' face.

What a gentle and polite good boy.

It is really deplorable that such a sensible flower girl was ruined in the experiment of destiny.

She pushed Wendy's wheelchair to the next tree.

"Wendy, rest here for a while."

"I'll go to the principal's office once, and I'll be back in ten minutes at most."


In Jizi Academy's principal's office, there must be serious business to be done, and Wendy will not delay her.


"When will I be able to act freely like them."

After Jizi walked away, Wendy lowered her head and looked away from the training ground.

Those energetic girls will sting her heart.

"Fool, fool."

Honkai consciousness has been waiting for the opportunity to confuse Wendy, trying to occupy her body.

Seeing that Wendy was shaken, she seized the opportunity decisively and shot again.

"You are so naive, you still believe their nonsense?".

Chapter 441

"The cured leg is not easy, just take out the desire gem."

"You don't think they know about this?"

"Why do they procrastinate and never do anything, you haven't thought about it?"

The thoughts of Hagiya, Theresa and others have nothing to do with Honkai consciousness.

It has only one thing to do, to make the Herrscher.

"They must have their own plans."

Whether it is Jizi, Theresa, or the person who takes care of herself, they are all very kind to her.

Even Yu Gong would occasionally visit her.

Wendy could feel the sincerity of Ji Zi and others, and knew that they cared about her very much.

Therefore, even after almost two weeks, the treatment promised by Hanamiya and the others has not been fulfilled.

Wendy didn't have the slightest resentment in her heart.

"Should I say you're silly and cute?"

Wendy didn't waver, nor did her collapse consciousness.

"They have other plans? Hahaha."

"You know better than anyone the consequences of taking out the desire for gems."

"It's not that those people can't do it, it's that they don't want to do it at all."

"They're the same kind of people who put the desire gem in you, hypocrites, cold-blooded animals."


The experience in Yuduchen's illusion at the beginning naturally came to mind.

Desire for gems is not a broken stone. If the huge amount of collapse energy in the gem is released, it is enough to destroy several cities in an instant.

"Could it be that they really..."

As usual, Wendy's will would not be easily shaken by the collapse consciousness.

However, external forces are different.

Otto's actions multiplied Wendy's inner doubts, anxiety, hatred and other negative emotions.

Finally, Wendy's firm heart developed a crack.

"Come on, use your strength."

The time for Jiuhou finally came, and the collapse consciousness immediately struck while the iron was hot.

"Kill them and ruin this academy."

"Believe in yourself, you can do it."

"I can do it."

Wendy's body glowed with a faint green fluorescence.


At the same time, St. Freya Academy collapses the monitoring room.

"Warning, warning, a strong Honkai reaction detected."

"Warning, warning..."

"A strong Honkai reaction?"

"what happened?"


The sudden warning sound caught everyone off guard.

Fortunately, the assigned staff are all elites who have undergone rigorous training.

After the momentary surprise, they each performed their duties to find out the source of Honkai Energy.

After a while...

"No, it's impossible."

Extreme panic, incredible disbelief, occupied the faces of many staff members.

The source of Honkai Energy is in St. Freya Academy?

"500HW, 800KW, 1000KW..."

Cold sweat soaked the clothes of the person in charge of the monitoring room.

She was always watching the monitoring equipment and suspected that something was wrong with her eyes.

The strongest battleship of St. Freya Academy is Himeko's Hyperion.

The main battery of the Hyperion is 1200HW.

And the unknown source of collapse in St. Freya Academy just appeared, the value has exceeded 1200HW, and it is still rising rapidly.

In the perception of the person in charge, there is only one existence that can reach this level of Honkai power.



The principal's office.

"Theresa, you, eh?"

Yu Gong, who was talking, stopped abruptly.

There is an unfamiliar and powerful atmosphere, and the location is not far from the office.

After sitting and thinking for a while, Yu Gong deduced the owner of this breath.


No, to be more precise, the Fourth Herrscher-Wendy.

"What's wrong? Yu Gong."

Ji Zi and Theresa looked at each other with a bad premonition in their hearts.

Yu Gong's expression was not right.

"Wendy has become a Herrscher."

The situation is urgent, and Yumiya doesn't say much nonsense.


・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

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