Otto thinks that he is the hunter, and Hagiya is the prey.

As everyone knows, Yu Gong has already set a trap, waiting for him to sneak in.

"Ha ha."

Theresa smiled helplessly.

Indeed, Yu Gong didn't miss it once, so he shouldn't doubt him.

"Let's go〃〃."


The two jumped off the roof after one another.

This building is not very tall, and for Hagiya and Theresa, there is not much difference in peace.

On the way to the principal's office.

"What are you thinking?"

Since Otto appeared, Deresa's words have been much less frequent, and she seems to be very worried.

In order to prevent Teresa from being hit too hard, Hagiya decided to comfort her.

"Although grandpa has a cold personality and ignores human life, he has always been very gentle to me."

"I never thought he would harm St. Freya Academy, because I am the manager of the Far East Branch."

Theresa opened her heart and told Yumiya her thoughts.

It was really uncomfortable to hold the troubles in my heart, and it happened that there was a suitable person by my side who just happened to talk about it.

"You are his granddaughter, of course Otto is gentle to you."

"But this tenderness is limited to you, not to others."

"As long as you don't have any trouble, the extreme east branch doesn't matter at all."

"It doesn't matter if it is destroyed, the big deal is to build another one."

Yumiya's words are a bit cruel, but they are **** facts.

"He's like this, how could I be fine?"

Seemingly stimulated, Deresa's volume increased a little.

In the office in the afternoon, Hagiya explained his overall plan.

Hagiya said that Otto would find a way to turn Wendy into a Herrscher and lead him out.

The purpose is to take this opportunity to observe him in order to gain some useful information from it.

This information will determine Otto's attitude towards Yumiya and Eden in the next period of time.

As for Yu Gong's plan, it was a plan.

Use Otto's hand to turn Wendy into the fourth Herrscher, and then help Wendy suppress Honkai consciousness.

Let her hold the power of the Herrscher in her own hands.

In this way, Wendy is not considered to have been implanted with desire gems in vain, and the Herrscher core can be considered to make the best use of it.

If this plan is successful, the benefits are countless.

Corresponding to the great rewards, the risks are also extremely high.

Suppressing the collapsed consciousness is not as simple as just saying it.

Once the suppression fails, the consequences are not "serious" that can be easily summarized.

"Perhaps when the time is right, the support troops at the headquarters will be put on standby."

"As long as Wendy is legalized, she will be dispatched immediately."

Referring to Otto's actions during the second collapse, Yumiya can roughly guess one or two of his actions.


Hagiya's guess was very reasonable, and Theresa couldn't refute it.

Just like Otto treats others, his actions are all under the control of Hagiya.

Theresa finally found out that there are people in the world more terrifying than Otto.



The two walked and chatted.

At a fork in the road, Hagiya and Theresa separated.

Hagiya went to Himeko's house, and Theresa went to the principal's office.


The struggle between Hagiya and Otto is going on on the dark side.

St. Freya Academy is still peaceful, and the lives of the students are also the same as before.

Only three people know that the current St. Freya Academy is in the peace before the storm.

In the early morning a few days later, the principal's office.

"Theresa, hey, Yumiya, you are here too."

Early in the morning, Jizi came to Theresa's office.

Wendy has a problem, she has to report to Theresa.

"Is something wrong, Jizi?"

Theresa asked suspiciously.

"In the last few days, Wendy's mental state has not been very good."

"After I asked carefully, I learned that she had to have nightmares for several days."

"Something very wrong, is Wendy's consciousness about to be eroded by the collapse?"

Ji Zi's tone was serious, and she informed Yumiya and Theresa Shu of the situation.

"Do you want to continue to wait?"

Theresa turned her head and asked Yumiya.

"Wait, feel sorry for Wendy during this time."

Yumiya made a clear statement.

The time is not yet ripe, and we must wait until the moment when Wendy is about to be legalized.


Himeko's gaze shifted back and forth between Hagiya and Theresa.

Their calm was extraordinary, as if they had already known Wendy's strangeness.

Could it be that Hagiya and Theresa have secretly acted, and he has been kept in the dark? .

Chapter 440

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

Theresa patted her forehead lightly.

She suddenly realized that Ji Zi was still an "outsider" with unknown circumstances.

No way, there have been so many things lately that I have neglected Ji Zi.

"A few nights ago, Yu Gong and I..."

"What? Is the bishop here?"

Himeko is also clear about Yu Gong's plan.

She did not expect that Otto would actually go out in person.

"Jizi, Theresa, what you have to do now is to take good care of Wendy and give her enough love."

"In this way, Wendy will have a greater chance of defeating Honkai consciousness."

Yumiya emphasized the key points of the plan.

"You don't need to remind me about this, I know, it's just..."

Theresa is not a fool, of course she understands what to do.

However, there is one thing Teresa is very worried about.

Can human beings really overcome the collapsed consciousness?

Agree is the Herrscher, the situation of Wendy and Mei is different.

Mei's consciousness wasn't polluted by Honkai, so Theresa wasn't worried.

Wendy is not the same, her consciousness has been corroded by collapse and is on the verge of legalization.

Once the Herrscher personality formed by the collapse has suppressed Wendy's own personality and has the upper hand, can Wendy really take the initiative?

Teresa has personally experienced the second collapse and knows the horror of the Herrscher.

To be honest, she doesn't have 100% confidence.

"Whether Wendy can defeat Honkai or not depends on your efforts."

"If you all fail, I will use Yu Duchen's power to forcibly suppress her Herrscher personality."

Yumiya showed an indifferent attitude.

"Yu Duchen's power can even suppress the personality of the Herrscher?"

Theresa asked in surprise.

She herself is the owner of Judas' oath, and knows the power of the keys of God.

The key of God is the capital to fight against the Herrscher.

The powerful Valkyrie plus the God's Key can have the effect of one plus one greater than two.

The power of the God Key itself should be inferior to that of the Herrscher.

"Theresa, the power of the God Key is much stronger than you think."

When it comes to the key of God, Yumiya has no choice but to complain about Theresa.

Her use of the Judas oath can only be described as "superficial".

The power of this key of restraint, (beff) she did not exert much at all.

The only thing that can be shot is a zeroth rated power - divine grace enchantment.

"Don't talk about suppressing the Herrscher's personality, if I want to, then all the thoughts in your heart can't be hidden from me."


Hamiya's words frightened Teresa quite a bit.

The function of Yu Duchen is to manipulate brain signals.

She thought it was just an ability like illusion, illusion, etc., but she still has the ability to read minds?

Thinking about it, it's right. Human thinking seems to be inseparable from brain signals.

"Don't get excited."

Yu Gong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Could it be that Teresa thought that he would use Yu Duchen's power at will to spy on other people's privacy?

"You think I'm the kind of boring, despicable person?"


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