"makes sense."

Hagiya seemed to have listened to Theresa's suggestion and nodded solemnly.

"I'm leaving. If you have other matters, please contact me at any time."


Seeing Hagiya, who was gradually going away, Teresa's mood was very complicated.

Sometimes, she really envied Ji Zi.

Because Jizi found a good partner.

Without Yu Gong, how long Ji Zi could live at 14 is unknown.

Now, there is a high probability that you are enjoying the last moments of your life in your own way.

With Yugong, Jizi's fate has undergone earth-shaking changes.

She can feel at ease as a woman and do what she wants to do.

Anyway, Yugiya will withstand all the wind and rain.



After about half an hour, Ji Zi finished dealing with Wendy's affairs.

On the way back to Theresa's office, she ran into Hagiya who was hanging out in St. Freya's Academy.

"I'm going to stay at St. Freya Academy for a few days recently, and Teresa asked me to stay at your house."

Yumiya was thinking about whether to go to Himeko or not, but he came across it.

Simply, Yu Gong told her this decision.


Yu Gong wants to live in her own house, and Ji Zi is very happy.

However, this was a little too sudden.

Could it be that Wendy was the reason?

"Of course it's true, Me and Theresa..."

Yu Gong looked around and saw that there were no idle people around, so he briefly described his plan to Ji Zi.


Ji Zi's heart trembled when she heard it.

Yu Gong's plan, she can only use the word "crazy" to describe.

"Your reaction is exactly the same as Theresa, Jizi."

"What's the matter, you think I'm crazy too?"

Hagiya's fingers bent and flicked on Jizi's forehead.

"That's not true, I just think your courage..."

In normal times, when Yu Gong made such an intimate gesture, Ji Zi Hui immediately threw him into her arms.

But now, she has no such thoughts.

"Simple way? Actually, there are."

"As long as you kill Wendy's child, all problems will be gone, what do you think?"

Yu Gong's expression was very serious, as if he really had such thoughts.

"Ha ha."

Ji Zi was amused by Yu Gong.

Kill Wendy? how can that be possible.

In fact, Himeko believed in Yumiya.

One is because of Yu Gong's ability, and the other is because of the relationship between the two.

"Your class today should be over."

"Come on, let's go play."

Hagiya held Himeko and dragged her to the area reserved for adults in the Freya Academy.

"Okay, I want to have a good drink."

Ji Zi held Yu Gong's hand instead, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Only in front of Yu Gong can she put aside her edge and show her little daughter's side.


Destiny's European headquarters, the main classroom.

"Report to Otto-sama."

A white-haired girl dressed as a nun of destiny and wearing golden crystal goggles slowly came behind Otto.

"There is news from the Oceania branch that the A-level Valkyrie Wendy has been confirmed to be missing."

"The time of the disappearance was about an hour to two hours ago."

"According to the investigation, Hagiya Margot Roy appeared in Queenstown during this time period."

"The possibility of Wendy being taken away by him is more than 90%."


A faint smile appeared on Otto's face.

As he expected, Yu Gong took action.

The missing Wendy must have been taken to St. Freya Academy by him.

"Master Otto?"

The white-haired girl's name is Amber, and she is Otto's secretary.

Since Amber was behind Otto, she couldn't see Otto's expression.

After getting no response for a long time, Amber couldn't help reminding Otto.

"You reply to the Oceania branch, Wendy's affairs will be taken over by the headquarters, and they will do other things."

According to the plan, Otto ordered Amber.


Amber silently remembered Otto's order.

"Who is the candidate for the investigation?"

"Do not."

Otto knew that the one in Amber's mouth was referring to the strongest Valkyrie currently in service, Youlander.

It is about the desire for gems, and it is indeed worth dispatching from Youlander.

However, Otto has a better 430.

"I will handle this matter myself."


Amber was extremely surprised.

Indeed, the importance of the desire for gems is extremely high, but it is not enough to alarm Otto.

Throughout the past few decades, Otto has dealt with very few things personally.

Each one is a major event enough to shock the whole world.

For example, the second collapse of Siberia.

"Make arrangements, Amber, I'm going to the extreme east."

Otto picked up the coat on the chair, and then stood up slowly.

Yes, only the most important matters are worth dealing with.

In his judgment, Yugiya is no less than the existence of the Second Herrscher.

"In addition, the news that I went to the extreme east is classified as a second-level secret, and it will not be entered into the database of the destiny for the time being."

"Yes, Lord Otto."

Watching Otto leave, Amber starts work.

The moment Otto turned around, she saw clearly.

All that is under control, a frivolous and confident smile.

Having worked by Otto's side for many years, Amber, who is familiar with his character, knows it.

This means that Otto is eyeing someone.

The last one seemed to be Siegfried Kaslana's daughter. .

Chapter 439

Time, bit by bit, passed by.

The quiet night came quietly.

St. Freya Academy, an independent dormitory.

"Huh, huh."

Wendy closed her eyes and lay on the bed.

In her deep sleep, she was motionless, huddled under the quilt.

While this well-behaved sleeping position shows Wendy's gentle character, it also shows that she is extremely insecure in her heart.

Step, step, step.

From the dark corner of the bedroom, a figure slowly walked out.

"Are you the fourth Herrscher in the future?"

If there are people with destiny here, they will definitely be surprised.

Because, this person is Otto.

Otto smiled playfully and raised his right hand.

"Mimic, Yu Duchen."


Outside the dormitory, at the top of a building dozens of meters apart.

The two stood side by side, looking at Wendy's room.

The proud Otto didn't know that his every move was being watched by others.

"Grandpa, is he really here?"

Theresa clenched her teeth tightly, clenching her hands tightly.

When Yu Gong told her in the afternoon, she didn't quite believe it, and she held a dubious attitude.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I have to believe it if I don't believe it.

"Theresa, we haven't known each other for a short time, is my judgment wrong?"

In many cases, the situation is very delicate.

Often invisibly, the relationship between the two parties will change.

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