"It turned out to be you."

Theresa and Himeko were released from their alert states. Death.

Chapter 437

In fact, there is no need to see clearly at all.

Yu Gong and Wendy's voices are familiar to both of them.

"It's really here."

Wendy was amazed by the effect of the door of another dimension.

Both convenient and easy to use.

But to be honest, she was a little nervous when she passed through the space gate just now.

"Master Principal, Teacher Jizi, you, how are you?"

"Long time no see, Wendy."

Theresa first responded to Wendy with a smile, and then gestured to Jizi with her eyes.

"Come with me, Wendy, I'll take you to check on your body."

Ji Zi understood, stepped forward and pushed Wendy's wheelchair out of the office.

"Okay, it's troublesome."

Wendy was a little embarrassed.

After all, because of myself, I have labored so many 430 people.



Immediately after Jizi and Wendy, Theresa sighed deeply.

"Haha, this is a good thing your grandfather did."

Hagiya knew exactly why Theresa was sighing.

She, 80% is sighing over Wendy's misfortune.


Theresa couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Hagiya deliberately used "your grandfather" to address Otto, was he laughing at her?

"You guy, you always act so unexpectedly."

"It's coming soon, it's really fast."

Theresa didn't want to quarrel with Yumiya, because she was definitely the loser.

Simply, she led the topic to another direction.

"I never like to waste time."

Hagiya casually pulled a chair next to her and sat down opposite Theresa.

"Now, have you come up with a good solution?"

"not yet."

Her own entanglement, Theresa truthfully told Yumiya.

"Anyway, let's hide the news that Wendy has come to St. Freya Academy."

"The rest will be discussed later."

The reason why Teresa entrusted Wendy to Himeko is that in the entire St. Freya Academy, Himeko is the person she trusts the most.

Previously, the two had already negotiated.

Everything is done by Himeko alone, without disturbing the others in the academy.

"It's not necessary."

Hagiya immediately rejected Teresa's plan.

After all, Teresa didn't know much about Otto, and underestimated his wisdom.


Theresa was puzzled.

Although it was Yu Gong who kidnapped, she took in Wendy, which was equivalent to an "accomplice".

If the headquarters finds out, they will definitely be held accountable.

"Indeed, apart from you and Himeko, no one knew that I brought Wendy to St. Freya Academy."

"But when I went to New Zealand, I didn't deliberately hide my whereabouts."

"With Otto's ability, it's not difficult to find out that I kidnapped Wendy."

"Do you think he doesn't know where Wendy is?"


Theresa was still extremely puzzled.

Hagiya took Wendy away, and Otto knew where Wendy was. Is there a necessary connection?

"Hey, forget it."

Hagiya found that he seemed to overestimate Theresa's wisdom.

Speaking of which, Theresa still doesn't understand.

No way, he could only make his words clearer.

"Do you think Otto cares about Wendy? From the beginning, his target was me."

"Huh? You?"

After all, Teresa is not an idiot. After getting this important reminder, she thought a little and figured it all out.

Otto knew that in order to prevent Wendy and the others from participating in the Oceania branch experiment, he deliberately made small moves.

He transferred Wendy to participate in the experiment, and he must know.

He knew that Yugiya would most likely be disturbed as well.

If you want to protect Wendy, what is the easiest way?

Seek Yumiya's help.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened Theresa became.

It turned out that everything was Otto's conspiracy.

His purpose was to take this opportunity to test Yu Gong?


Theresa told Yu Gong with an expression that she had already figured it out.

"Otto is involved in strange things, don't think too easily."

"What are you going to do?"

Theresa's expression is very ugly...

This incident reminded her of who she used to be.

Weak, helpless, and unable to do anything in the face of Otto.

"Let's count it, I..."

As soon as he learned that Otto wanted to target him, Hanamiya thought of a way to deal with it.

"What? Are you crazy? In case Wendy..."

Theresa was somewhat unacceptable to Hagiya's plan.

Without him, it's too bold.

Let's not say whether the script will go according to Yu Gong's vision. Even if it does, the risk is surprisingly high.

A careless one can lead to devastating consequences.

"With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Perhaps in Teresa's view, the plan is very risky.

However, Hanamiya doesn't think so at all.

Even if there is an accident, I have the ability to deal with it.

"There is an old saying in Shenzhou, if a man loses his horse, how can he know that it is not a blessing."

"This is Wendy's chance. It's only good for her, not bad."


Theresa's face was gloomy.

Should you agree to Yu Gong's plan? She was undecided.

I have to say that Yumiya's plan is quite tempting, but the price of failure is something that St. Freya Academy cannot afford.

One second, two seconds, five seconds... 5.5.


After thinking about it for nearly two minutes, the hesitation in Theresa's eyes gradually disappeared.

She made a choice.

"Okay, I agree with your plan."

Risk and opportunity coexist.

With Hamiya's help, Theresa is willing to take a risk.

There is no doubt about Yu Gong's ability and strength.

Since he is confident, he should be very confident.

Even if the plan goes wrong halfway through, Yumiya must be able to turn the situation around.

"Ha ha."

Theresa's choice did not disappoint Yumiya.

From the standpoint of a friend, he felt that he was very affectionate.

If Theresa was hesitating and looking ahead, then he could only say that he couldn't help. .

Chapter 438

"Very well, until the matter is over, I will temporarily live in St. Freya Academy."

"You, the principal of the school, can you arrange a place for me?"

Hagiya leaned in front of Theresa and looked at her with a smile.

After the business is over, the atmosphere can be relaxed a little.

"Hmph, do you need me to arrange it?"

"Ji Zi's house has plenty of space, you can just live with her."

"I think she will be very happy."

Theresa said strangely.

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