Over time, Ji Lin disappeared, and only Ji Lin Hei remained.

Ji Lin Hei didn't have the desire to destroy Chi You, but only hatred in his heart, hatred for those who once wanted to protect him.

"Chiyou must die, or the land of China will suffer sooner or later."


Yu Gong stepped forward and stood in the middle of Ji Lin Hei and Ji Zi.

At this time, Fu Hua will not use all his strength, and without Ji Lin's help, Ji Zi and the others may not be Ji Lin Hei's opponents.

Therefore, Yu Gong intends to take action in person.

"If you don't listen to advice, do you want to die?"

The corners of Ji Lin Hei's mouth rose, and her expression gradually changed.

In the coldness, there is a hint of tyranny and madness.

"In that case, I will fulfill you."

The energy of red and black surrounds Ji Lin Hei.

She raised her weapon and pointed at Yu Palace in the air.

Ji Lin Hei's weapon is the Xuanyuan Sword, but it is not golden, but dark black, as if polluted by evil forces.

"go to hell."

The black Xuanyuan sword slashed horizontally from left to right.


The blade shot out an orange-yellow sword qi.

The sword energy was fierce and swift, heading straight for Yu Gong and the others.

"To be honest, I don't want to fight you, but this fight seems unavoidable."

A smooth ice mirror blocks the only way for sword energy to pass.


Hit the ice mirror, and the sword energy returned along the original path.


Ji Lin Hei was a little surprised.

Her own attack was bounced back, she never thought.

PS: I'm really sorry, some things have been delayed, please forgive me.

Chapter 428

However, it was only a little surprise.

Ji Lin Hei didn't take an offensive of this level in his eyes.


Shen Jun's warhorse seems to have a spiritual connection with Ji Lin Hei.

Without her giving orders, he moved.

The warhorse deftly crossed its body and galloped forward rapidly.


Jian Qi brushed past Ji Lin Hei and slammed into the stone wall behind her.

"Everyone, step back."

Seeing the start of the battle between Yu Gong and Ji Lin Hei, Ji Zi hurriedly retreated to the rear, while reminding Kiana and the others.


In fact, there is no need for Jizi's reminder at all.

Staying away from the battlefield is the most basic principle. Kiana, Fu Hua, and Bronya all understand.

If he rashly intervenes in the battle, he might not be able to help Yu Gong, and it may cause disturbance to him.


The place where Chiyou's heart is located is like a cave.

The surrounding stone walls are covered with purple unknown substances.

And in the depths of the cave, there is a huge amethyst.

This amethyst is Chi You's heart.

The moment the battle started, this area was vaguely divided into two parts.

Marginal zone, battlefield.

Step, step, step.

In the battlefield, the black warhorse that avoided the sword energy showed flexibility that was not in line with its size.

After turning a small half circle, he adjusted his direction and came straight towards Yugong.

Its speed is not unpleasant, and it approached Yu Palace in the blink of an eye.


The warhorse raised its front hooves, and Ji Lin Hei took advantage of the situation to raise the Xuanyuan Sword and slashed heavily.

Facing this powerful sword, Yu Gong's response was beyond common sense.

He neither dodged nor avoided nor retreated, his right hand clenched into a fist, and his eyes locked on the exposed abdomen of the war horse.


Although Ji Lin Hei was the one who launched the attack first, Yu Gong came from behind.

Before Xuanyuanjian approached, the seemingly ordinary fist touched the black warhorse first.


The war horse made a low neigh and flew backwards like a cannonball.


Ji Lin Hei on horseback had no idea about this situation, was caught off guard and almost fell.

She hurriedly adjusted, trying her best to stabilize the war horse.

Step, step, step.

In the end, the warhorse landed safely, and after sliding for a distance, it returned to stability.


Ji Lin Hei's surprise was beyond words.

He was at a disadvantage, but in the end he had the absolute upper hand. Yu Gong's strength was a bit exaggerated.

"I think, you don't want to live in this attitude."

Ka Ka Ka Ka.

The temperature began to drop sharply.

With the position where Yumiya stood as the center, the frost spread in all directions.

It was like ink was splashed on pure white paper, and in an instant, the whole world seemed to have changed.

"For my own good and for your own good, let me give you the last ride."

"It's very dangerous."

Ji Lin Hei raised the Xuanyuan sword and placed it in front of him.

She rolled her eyes and glanced imperceptibly at Kiana who was outside the battlefield.

Previously, the person Ji Lin Hei valued most was Kiana.

She is the one chosen by Honkai, and she will definitely cause storms in the world in the future.

But now, Ji Lin Hei's thoughts have changed.

Yumiya is more dangerous than Kiana, much more dangerous.


The changes around him prove that Yu Gong is about to make a big move.

In order to avoid falling into a disadvantage, Ji Lin Hei once again attacked first.

The war horse smashed the ground under its feet and leaped vigorously.


Lightning bolts fell from the sky, surrounding Ji Lin Hei.

Carrying Thunder, she charged towards Yu Gong.

"Why resist?"

The airflow, which had been very gentle, suddenly rioted at this moment.

In an instant, an ice tornado with a height of tens of meters took shape.


Unexpectedly, Ji Lin Hei was caught in the tornado with his horse and his horse.

After a few turns, he was thrown out again.

According to the strength of being thrown out, once he hits the stone wall, Ji Lin Hei will definitely be seriously injured...

At that time, the balance of victory and defeat will be greatly tilted.

However, when Ji Lin Hei was less than half a meter away from the stone wall, her figure collapsed and turned into a golden mist.

The golden mist swirled in the air for half a circle, and after landing on the ground, it re-condensed into a human form.

With the ability similar to atomization, Ji Lin Hei managed to escape.

Without hesitation, she immediately launched a counterattack.

"Xuanyuan Sword Shadow."

Behind Ji Lin Hei, dense golden spots of light appeared.

The spot of light turned into a Xuanyuan sword and launched two salvos.

"Such tricks are useless."

Yu Gong didn't see the flying sword movie, he stretched out his index finger and pointed to Ji Lin Hei in the distance.

When the index finger was aimed at Ji Lin Hei, a brilliant ice blue brilliance lit up on the finger.

The ice-blue brilliance is semi-circular and radiates forward.

Destroyed all the way.

Ice Ring destroyed all the sword shadows and continued to move forward unabated.


Ji Lin Hei once again urged the warhorse under his crotch to jump high.

She suffered a loss just now, so this time she controlled the jumping distance of the warhorse, and did not approach Yu Gong recklessly.

Low in the sky, Ji Lin Hei raised his sword and pointed to the sky.

The next moment, the warhorse landed.

5.5 At the same time, Ji Lin Hei's Xuanyuan Sword was cut down at the same time.


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