Several vertical broad swords rushed forward, covering almost half of the battlefield.

"In the end, it's the Yellow Emperor, and it's not something that can be easily dealt with."

Yu Gong secretly sighed at Ji Lin Hei's strength, and at the same time his own movements kept going.

He gathered a lot of cold air to create an ice cross that was three meters long and wide.

By the time the manufacture is completed, the size of the Frost Cross will skyrocket.

When Ji Lin Black wave-like sword energy came, its size was at least ten times larger.


Kacha Kacha.

All the sword qi was blocked by the giant star Frost Cross, and he couldn't even get close to Yugong.

PS: Sorry, something has been delayed, the next chapter will be as soon as possible.

Chapter 429

Ji Lin Hei's offensive was indeed fierce, but unfortunately it had little effect.

The icy cross star that acted as a shield trembled slightly and dropped some ice chips, that's all.

Yu Gong calmly crossed the ice cross star and faced Ji Lin Hei again.


Stepping out one step, Yu Gong's figure disappeared without a trace.

When he appeared, he was close at hand to Ji Lin Hei.


The speed displayed by Yu Gong completely exceeded Ji Lin Hei's expectations.

Subconsciously, she wanted to back up her horse and distance herself from Yumiya.

"That's it."

Ji Lin Hei's strength is indeed strong, but he can't compare to Yu Gong.

He didn't want to waste any more time, so he used the lore move.

Absolute zero.

At this moment, the surrounding temperature dropped to an extremely terrifying level.

The flowing air, stop.

Below the Frost Cross Star Shield 14, the ice debris that had not yet had time to land stopped.

If you can see the dust clearly, then you can find that even the dust is still.

In this extreme low temperature that even time and can freeze, Ji Lin Hei and the warhorse under her naturally lost their ability to move.


An ice crystal long sword was condensed in Yu Gong's hands.

Yu Gong swung the ice crystal sword and slashed at Ji Lin.



After being hit hard by Yu Gong, Ji Lin Hei broke away from the war horse.

At the same time, the temperature began to rise and everything was back to normal.


Ji Lin Hei bumped into a stone wall not far away, and then slid down against the stone wall.

"Our goal is just your stigmata."

Yu Gong came to Ji Lin Hei, who was sitting slumped on the ground, and said lightly.

"I haven't lost yet."

Even if he was about to lose his fighting power, Ji Lin Hei still refused to admit defeat.

She held the hilt of the Xuanyuan sword in both hands, and then turned the sword upside down, the tip of the sword was facing down, and the hilt was facing up, and stabbed into the ground violently.

She is absolutely disadvantaged, and she can only fight to the death.

This blow, Ji Lin Hei has no reservations.


The thunder that filled the sky fell like raindrops.

Not only the battlefield, but even Jizi, Fu Hua, Kiana, and Bronya, who were hiding far away, also suffered from Chiyu.

"Damn, the scope is so large."

"Stop talking nonsense and run."


Forced to be helpless, Ji Zi and the others had to continue pulling the distance.

"Is this your last blow?"

Jizi and the others, who were far away from the battlefield, were all affected.

In the center of the battlefield, Yu Palace, where the thunderstorms were most concentrated, stood still.

Entering the three-meter range of the Yu Palace around the body, it was like encountering a solid barrier.

Thunderbolt was mercilessly scattered, and he couldn't get close at all.

"Finally, do you want to be free from this endless loneliness?"

Xuanyuanjian slipped from his palm, Ji Lin Hei leaned against the stone wall and muttered to himself in a low voice.

At this moment, her expression changed.

It is no longer cold and dark, but happy and relieved.

Maybe Ji Lin Hei has been waiting for a strong man like Yu Gong to save her from the darkness of eternal calamity.

She waited until today, and this wish finally came true.

"I promised Ji Lin that I would destroy Chi You."

Yu Gong threw away the ice crystal sword.

The battle is over.

"Thank you, mysterious boy."

"I will give the stigmata to your companions, this is the only thing I can do for you."

Ji Lin Hei closed his eyes and revealed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The red gemstone inlaid on the jewelry on her forehead shone with scarlet light.

Immediately afterwards, red dots of light emerged from Ji Lin Hei's body.

The red spot of light drifted out of the battlefield and concentrated on Jizi's back.

This scene is very similar to the inheritance in the story of China.

The inheritor is Ji Lin, and the person who accepts the inheritance is Ji Zi.

It didn't take long for the "inheritance" to end.

The figure of Ji Lin Hei, who had completed his mission, gradually faded away until he could not see it.


Yu Gong sighed, turned and walked outside the battlefield.

Unlike Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan, Ji Lin has been dead for countless years.

Ji Lin Hei is just a collection of her negative emotions.

Otherwise, Yu Gong will also find a way to save her.


outside the battlefield.

"Ji Zi, how do you feel?"

Meeting with the girls, Yu Gong first asked if Ji Zi had any unusual reaction after accepting Ji Lin's stigmata.

"Did Ji Lin give me the stigmata? It doesn't seem to be anything special."

Ji Zi carefully felt her physical condition and found that there was nothing abnormal.

"Mr. Yumiya, Mr. Jizi, let's destroy Chiyou's heart quickly and go back to St. Freya Academy."

Fu Hua suggested.

Ji Lin's stigmata and Xuanyuan sword have already been obtained, so there is no need to remain in Chiyou's body.

In addition, Ji 423's body also needs a good examination.

Some things cannot be seen from the outside.


The women agreed unanimously.

"Follow me to take a sample, and when we're done, we'll leave."

Indeed, it was time to leave.

But before leaving, Yu Gong went to the soul steel where the consciousness of Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan remained.

"take something?"

Jizi, Kiana and others expressed their doubts.

Did Yu Palace drop something? They were completely unimpressed.

"Soulsteel, have you forgotten?"

Yumiya reminded with a smile.


After Yu Gong's reminder, Himeko and the others remembered.

Soul Steel is an ultra-rare metal that can be used in many Honkai-related technologies.

Such a good thing cannot be wasted.

"I don't want Xuanyuan sword and stigmata. Give me the two pieces of soul steel as a reward."

The trip to Jiuyou came to a successful conclusion, and there was an unexpected harvest.

Yu Gong was in a good mood and couldn't help but make a joke.


Ji Zi took the lead and agreed to Yu Gong.

Although she didn't know the purpose of Yu Gong's request for soul steel, she had no reason to refuse.

If it wasn't for Yumiya's help, their mission would not have been so smooth. .

Chapter 430

Without Ji Lin Hei, the actions of Yu Gong and others were unimpeded.

Destroy Chiyou's heart, then return to the crystal seal, destroy the crystal, and take out two pieces of soul steel.

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