Yu Gong's conscious body grabbed the soul steel and turned to the back.

Yu Gong, who knew the plot, knew very well that this crystal was not Chiyou's heart at all.

It was the seal created by Ji Lin's comrades, Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan, using the power of soul steel.

The purpose is to isolate the huge amount of Honkai energy in Chiyou's body.

It is a pity that although Soul Steel is easy to use, it is still insufficient in the face of Chi You's power.

Even if the two sacrificed themselves, they could only cut off most of them, and could not completely stop Chi You's actions.

Therefore, I had to leave a message on Soul Steel, hoping that future generations would inherit their legacy and eradicate the great scourge of Chi You.

"My name is Cang Xuan, my sister Dan Zhu and I..."

"Is it Cang Xuan's?"

Yu Gong put a feather of Yu Duchen on the soul steel, and then released it.

Immediately afterwards, his consciousness exited the crystal.



Yu Gong, whose eyes were tightly closed, slowly opened them.

"Look, Yu Gong."

"walk over."

Kiana, Jizi, Fu Hua, and Bronya are always watching Yu Gong.

Seeing what Yu Gong seemed to have done, they immediately gathered around.

"I found a piece of soul steel in the crystal, the back of the soul steel..."

Yu Gong omitted the parts related to Yu Duchen, and told Ji Zi and the others the rest of the information.


The girls secretly sweated.

Is the crystal really not Chiyou's heart, but a seal?

Fortunately, Yu Gong raised a question, otherwise there might be a big incident.

"Bronya, can you detect the real location of Chiyou's heart?"

A crystal is not a heart, so where is the real heart?

The original plan was made useless due to a wrong judgment. Jizi had to ask Bronya to find it again.


When Hagiya and the others talked, was Bronya looking for it, but found nothing.

"The Houkai in Chiyou's body can flow normally, and the position of the heart cannot be judged."

"It's ok."

Hagiya summoned the usual jet-black floating cannon - the Demon Lord of Salvation.

A circle of small floating cannons are pieced together to form a crown-shaped cannon.

Cang Xuan's consciousness remained on Soul Steel, which Yu Gong did not expect at all.

Cangxuan is still conscious, so presumably Danzhu is the same.

Like Can Zhu's consciousness, others may not care too much, but Yu Palace is different.

For him, this is a lifeline for Cangxuan and Danzhu.

"Since you can't find it, then force Chiyou to reveal it."

Chapter 427

The rich energy gathered in the muzzle of the crown cannon, forming a dark ball of light.


The sound of the violent breaking wind rang out.

The pitch-black sphere of light turned into a beam of light, rushing straight upwards.

Puff chi chi.

The beam of light touched Chi You's body, causing bursts of strange sounds.

The sound was similar to the movement of the object being forcibly torn apart, as if a beam of light shot through Chi You's body.

"There is a reaction."

She was still confused and didn't understand Hagiya's actions for Bronya. After seeing the changes in the detection data, she completely understood.

No matter how deeply Chi You hides his heart, it is useless.

As long as there is enough trauma, it will always be exposed.

"The Houkai energy flow in Chiyou's body is accelerating."

"Speed ​​up? Is it flowing to the heart?"

Ji Zi asked excitedly.

"It is impossible to make a clear judgment for the time being, and greater stimulation is needed."

Bronya's answer was very conservative.

"Isn't the bigger thrill? Simple."

Hagiya heard the overtones of Bronya's words.

What she meant was that she increased the strength of her attack.

Chi Chi Chi.

The beam of light began to tilt forward, like a sharp blade, about to cut through Chi You's body.

"The flow rate of Honkai Energy continues to rise, and there are signs of concentration."

"Concentration location, X-23 area."

Bronya reports the latest test data in a timely manner.

Step, step, step.

As soon as he finished speaking, the vibration of the space intensified obviously.

The feet of everyone also became a little unstable.

"Haha, did this big guy get hurt by Yu Gong's beating?"

Kiana smiled happily.

There is only one reason for the intensification of the vibration. Chi You's movement speed has increased.

This is enough to prove the effect of Yumiya's attack.

"The X-23 area should be the real location of Chiyou's heart, let's go."

Ji Zi hurriedly interrupted Kiana.

Now, it's not the time to be happy.

"You guys go first, I have other things to do."

Ruo Danzhu also has residual consciousness, and it is estimated that it is also on the verge of dissipating, and needs protection.

A second later, there may be a different ending.

Therefore, Yu Gong had to go to another seal location first.


Before Jizi and the others could respond, Yu Gong's figure disappeared.


Jizi, Kiana and the others looked at each other.

Since coming into contact with the crystal seal, Hagiya seems to have changed.

At first, everyone felt that Yu Gong was not too fond of the trip to Jiuyou.

It's extremely casual, and even has a sense of travel.

Yu Gong has the strength to support this randomness, and they have no objection.

But now, Yu Gong's attitude has reversed 180 degrees.

Act decisively and quickly.

There is no reason behind this, the girls don't believe it.

"It's time to act."


After thinking for a moment, Ji Zi and the others discarded the unnecessary distractions.

Yu Gong's thoughts, it's better not to guess, anyway, it's impossible to guess.

And the top priority is Chi You's heart.


Another crystal seal.

In order to avoid delay and regret afterwards, Yu Gong arrived here as quickly as possible.

After arriving, Yu Gong repeated the old trick, using Yu Duchen to penetrate deep into the crystal.


Aware of the weak consciousness on Soul Steel, Yu Gong felt relieved.

Leaving a feather as well, he turned to leave.


Chiyou's heart.

"Go back, I don't want to be your enemy."

Yu Gong's speed was very fast, but he was still one step behind Ji Zi and the others.

However, until Yu Gong arrived, they were unable to destroy Chi You's heart.

A strong enemy blocked their way.

The person blocking the road was a **** a horse.

The girl's face and figure are exactly the same as Ji Lin.

But the hairstyle is shoulder-length short hair, and the dress is mainly black, supplemented by red and gold.

His temperament tends to be cold and dark, unlike Ji Lin's majesty and gentleness.

The horse under the girl's crotch is dressed in black and gold heavy armor, and its eyes glow with blood red light, like a legendary ghost warhorse.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

She is another Ji Lin.

One of the bosses in the Honkai 3rd game, Jilin Hei, nicknamed Pipima by players.

Fighting alone in the endless darkness for thousands of years, this loneliness is unbearable even for Ji Lin.

In order to persevere, Ji Lin had to reluctantly abandon his love and hope.

Put her loneliness, fear, regret, all into the darkness.

From this, Ji Lin Hei was born.

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