"Sister, big brother Yu Gong."

After entering the cherry blossom forest earlier, Yae Rin found a place to rest at random.

She was worried about Hagiya and Yae Sakura, and had no intention of playing at all.

Now that he saw Yugiya, Yae Rin's mood became brighter.

"I have something to tell you."

Yumiya picked up Yae Rin and walked towards a cherry tree not far away.

Beside her, Yae Sakura followed suit silently.

When he came to the cherry tree, Hanamiya sat down with his back against the trunk of the cherry tree, and then put Yae Rin next to him.

As for Yae Sakura, she sat on the other side of him.

"What's up?"

Yae Rin asked curiously.

"Say it, you may not believe it, your sister and I..."

Hagiya told Yae Rin that he and Yae Sakura came from five hundred years later.

It's better to say it earlier, so that Yae Rin has more time to digest.

"Five, five hundred years later?"

As Yugiya expected, Yae Rin's heart turned a huge wave.

It is unbelievable to travel through time and space. 14

If the person who said it wasn't Yu Gong, she would think she was listening to a story.


Yumiya nodded, indicating that Yae Rin heard right.


Anyone with normal thinking knows how difficult it is to travel through time and space.

What did Yu Gong spend so much energy for?


Yumiya did not answer Yae Rin's question.

He tilted his head and turned his eyes to Yae Sakura.

Whether or not to inform Yae Rin of the original development, or leave it to Yae Sakura to decide.


Yae Sakura hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

It doesn't matter what happened to Yae Rin in the past.

The tragedy has been salvaged, and now, it is a brand new beginning.

"We traveled back five hundred years to save you..."

Since Yae Sakura didn't care, Hagiya decided to tell the truth.

The original plot, Yu Gong told Yae Rin in the form of a story.

"Thank you, Brother Yugong."

It turned out that my sister failed to escape with her, and she was offered as a sacrifice to the gods.

Even with Yae Sakura, he also embarked on an extreme path.

Yae Rin is extremely grateful to Hanamiya who saved all of this.

In order to be close to her cousin, she made a small modification in the address.

"a piece of cake."

Fortunately, Yu Palace has a gate of different dimensions, and this ability is very convenient.

Otherwise, Mrs. Aisia might have to be troubled.

"Rin, do you want to stay a few more days, or do you want to go back five hundred years later."

"Listen to Brother Yugong."

Yae Rin said obediently.

"Then let's stay for another day and leave tomorrow."

Without thinking about it, Yu Gong made a decision in an instant.

The bad environment of ancient times is good, but other elements are extremely lacking and too boring.

Therefore, Hanamiya prefers to be more modern.


Both Yae Sakura and Yae Rin have no opinion on Yumiya's decision.


On the other hand, modern.

St. Freya Academy, the principal's office.

"There is news from the headquarters, the Oceania branch..."

After Teresa learned about Kiana's current situation from Jizi, she talked about business affairs with her.

"The experiment failed?"

Recently, nothing major happened.

Where did the collapse event occur, and how did the destiny resolve it?

There is only one news worthy of Teresa's attention.

The Oceania branch's research on using the desire gem to develop new armor has fallen into a bottleneck.

The reason for the bottleneck is not that the Oceania branch has insufficient technology, but that no Valkyrie can withstand the huge amount of Honkai energy in the desire gem.

"No, there's no such thing as failure."

Ji Zi's expression was serious, she slowly shook her head, and then continued to explain.

"The experimenter can't bear the Honkai power of the Conquer Gem, so they will replace it with another person until someone can bear it."

"I think the headquarters will not give up the experiment easily."


Theresa was silent, her complexion changing.

Even if she was extremely reluctant, she had to admit that what Ji Zi said was correct.

Otto's character is like that.

"Hey, I hope the experiment will succeed soon."

The complicated mood finally turned into a sigh.

With the thought of not being disturbed by hearing, Theresa decided to change the subject.

"Jizi, how is that guy in Yugiya lately? Have you contacted them?"

"I contacted, Yu Gong went out a few days ago, and has not returned home yet."

"The others are in the villa."

As one of the members of Yu Palace's Crystal Palace, Himeko has frequent contact with Yu Palace.

The timing was very unfortunate. The last time she contacted Yu Gong was on the day Yu Gong left for five hundred years ago. 410

Bianca and the others half concealed Jizi, only saying that Yu Gong was not at home, but did not tell her the real situation.

To say or not to say, it is up to Yu Gong to decide.

"Going out, didn't return for a few days?"

Yu Gong's ability, Theresa knows, what is the matter that needs him to deal with for a few days?

"Theresa, why did you suddenly mention Yu Gong?"

Ji Zi asked curiously.

Theresa wanted to change the subject, she could see that.

But she intuitively told Jizi that when Teresa brought up Yugiya, it was not as simple as simply changing the subject.

"Last week, I found an ancient scroll by chance."

Theresa opened the drawer of the desk in front of her and took out a piece of parchment.

The parchment was yellow, and there were signs of damage everywhere on the edges.

"Well, take a look."


Jizi caught the parchment thrown by Deresa and opened it immediately.

This piece of parchment is very old at a glance, and the information recorded on it is definitely not simple.


The moment the parchment was opened, several black lines appeared on Jizi's forehead.

The ancient scroll did record information, but she couldn't understand it at all. .

Chapter 415

At the end of the ancient scroll, there are several lines of text written vertically.

These characters and symbols are almost the same, and Ji Zi doesn't know any of them.

To the left of the text is a picture.

There are mountains, water, beautiful girls in gorgeous clothes, and monsters resembling Honkai beasts.

Jizi could barely understand the picture, but she couldn't understand the meaning of the picture.

"What is this?"

Ji Zi was ashamed and asked with a strange look.

"This silk book is an ancient relic. The author is the ancient ancestor of Shenzhou, Shennong."

"The text on the silk book and the pictures record the myths and legends of the Yellow Emperor."

Ji Zi couldn't understand the contents of the ancient scrolls, and Theresa had expected it.

She seemed to have done her homework in advance and explained it in a coherent manner.

"The silk book records that the Yellow Emperor has a peculiar tattoo that contains powerful power."

"With this strength, she defeated the enemy Chi You and his subordinates."

"According to the description in the silk book, I think it is very likely that the tattoo of the Yellow Emperor is a stigmata."


Ji Zi looked at the picture on the parchment curiously.

Could it be that the noble girl depicted on the map is the Yellow Emperor.

And the monster that looks like Honkai Beast is Chi You?

"Natural stigmata are very rare, and each of them has decent power."

"If we are fortunate enough to inherit the stigmata of the Yellow Emperor, we will be able to increase our fighting power against Honkai."

Speaking of this, Deresa's excitement gradually calmed down.

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