Chapter 413

"Hatred only breeds new hatred, and it can't bring any beauty and light."

"Any wise existence desires warmth, not darkness."

"I think the Lawyer is no exception."

Yu Gong is not a destiny, nor is it a world snake, and does not regard Herrscher as an enemy that must be eliminated.

So, I'm willing to give Higumaru a chance.


Higuomaru did feel the warmth when Yumiya touched him just now.

Although it is very weak, it does make people infatuated and can't help but want to pursue more.


Yu Gong's figure faded little by little, and then disappeared.


At the same time as Yugiya disappeared, a strong sense of rejection filled the entire space.

Higuomaru was completely unable to resist this sense of repelling, and was forcefully squeezed out of Yu Gong's sea of ​​consciousness.



The unconscious Yu Gong slowly opened his eyes.

At first glance, he saw Yae Sakura's beautiful face.

However, that pretty face lost its usual gentleness and coldness, and it was full of worries.

"Your Excellency Yu Gong, are you awake?"

Seeing Hagiya awake, the worry on Yae Sakura's face disappeared.

Thick joy emerged.

Earlier, Yu Gong suddenly fell into a coma, which scared Yae Sakura quite a bit.

She thought that Yu Gong was accidentally plotted by Higumaru.

At that time, Yae Sakura felt extremely regretful.

If Yu Gong caused an accident to Yu Gong for her own sake, she would never be able to forgive herself.


Yu Gong found himself lying down and was about to get up.

As soon as he moved, his movements suddenly stagnated.

He and Yae Sakura were not in the outhouse, but in his room.

There was a delicate and delicate touch under his head, as if he was resting on Yae Sakura's jade legs.

Yae Sakura's lap pillow?

"You, get up first."

According to Hanamiya's expression, Yae Sakura guessed what he was thinking.

With a blushing face, she pushed Yu Gong's shoulder and whispered.

"Worried about my accident?"

Hanamiya got up quickly and sat down beside Yae Sakura.

"Yes, yes, I, ah~."

The distance between the two was too close, and Yae Sakura, who was close, was a little shy.

She stood up and wanted to find a chair.

However, before taking two steps, Yae Sakura's hand was firmly held.

Step, step, step.

A force came from the arm, leading Yae Sakura back.

Unprepared, she sat in Yu Gong's embrace.


Yae Sakura's brain exploded and became blank.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, Hiyu Pill can't hurt me."

Hamiya put both hands through Yae Sakura's armpits and the bend of her legs, changing her posture from sitting upright to sitting sideways.

Then her arms came together and wrapped around her waist.

"Your Excellency Yu Gong, let go, let me go."

Yae Sakura didn't hear a word of what Yugiya said.

Now, her heart has been completely occupied by shyness and panic.

"Sakura, it's time to tell Rin the truth."

"Today and tomorrow, we'll go back to modern times."

Yu Gong pretended not to hear.

The time is right and the place is right. If you don't seize the opportunity to break through the relationship with Yae Sakura, you will simply be living up to the good intentions of God.

"Yu, Your Excellency Yu Gong."

Yae Sakura wanted to break free, but she couldn't make up her mind.

Helpless, she had no choice but to stare at Yugong angrily, conveying her meaning with her eyes that were not oppressive.

"What do you want to say?"

A rare opportunity, how could Yumiya "let go" of Yae Sakura.

He leaned forward and bit Yae Sakura's lips.


Yae Sakura's brain exploded again.


After a few minutes.


The two slowly separated.

Yae Sakura leaned weakly against Yumiya's chest with a complicated expression.

The words Yae Rin said yesterday kept echoing in her mind.

Does Yumiya like her?

Yes, this is already certain.

"You have Rin and the girls in the villa, why do you want me?"

Yae Sakura is a traditional neon woman with a conservative personality.

Rather than sharing with others, she values ​​a sincere heart...

Yumiya's sincerity, Yae Sakura can clearly feel it.

However, the situation is more complicated, and it is not a matter of sincerity or sincerity.

"I hope I have you in my partner."

The progress of the strategy is more than half completed, and Yumiya is quite satisfied.


The problem is Karen.

If there is no Karen, Yae Sakura will make an oath to serve Yu Gong for the rest of her life willingly.

"Do you care about Karen?"

Lily, Hagiya is acceptable.

After all, it's a done deal. Forcibly destroying the relationship between Karen and Yae Sakura is really the last resort, and it's too cruel.

And maybe, lilies can develop new patterns.

However, this is all wishful thinking of Yu Gong, he wants to help Yae Sakura cross this hurdle.


Yae Sakura nodded, indicating that Yumiya was right.

"I'm a man, Karen is a woman, is this conflict?"

Yumiya pretended to be serious.


Yae Sakura is both angry and funny.

Yugiya is male and Kalen is female, so there is no conflict?

Completely crooked.

However, Yu Gong's delusion seems to make some sense.

"Okay, don't think too much."

Seeing Yae Sakura's sway, Yu Gong decided to strike while the iron was hot. 5.5

"The key to me and Karen lies in yourself."

"Sakura, what are your true thoughts?"

Your true inner thoughts?

Yae Sakura asked herself, do you like Yugiya?

The answer is no doubt.


In an instant, Yae Sakura suddenly became enlightened.

Abandoning the hesitation and entanglement, her whole body relaxed countless times.

The bright smile also returned to his face.

"Hamiya, please give me more advice in the future."

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong was in a good mood.

Yae Sakura's words undoubtedly mean that she has figured it out.

"Let's go and find Rin, she should be in a hurry."


Chapter 414


In the cherry blossom forest outside the wooden house, Yumiya and Yae Sakura found Yae Rin.

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