"Unfortunately, the second half of the silk book was damaged."

"The contents recorded above only went to a place called 'Jiuyou' by the Yellow Emperor to fight Chiyou decisively."

"It's impossible to know what the final result will be."

"You mean that the stigmata of the Yellow Emperor is most likely in Jiuyou?"

The ending of the Yellow Emperor, Ji Zi thinks, is nothing more than two kinds.

The first is that Huang Di and Chi You perished together.

Second, the Yellow Emperor sealed Chiyou at the cost of his own life.

Otherwise, her story would not have been passed down in the way of myths and legends.

"Well, I'm going to send someone to 〃〃."

Heroes see the same thing.

Theresa also felt that the stigmata of the Yellow Emperor was likely to remain in Jiuyou.

"Because this is a myth and legend for more than 4,000 years, the only thing that can be judged is that Jiuyou is near GZ City in Shenzhou."

"And considering that all the people and things involved in legends are involved, it may be very dangerous."

"So, I would like to ask Yu Gong to accompany you to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Who are the candidates?"

Theresa's concern is justified, and Jizi agrees.

"Fuhua City Shenzhou people, and they were born in GZ City, they are familiar with the local area."

"So, she is one of the candidates."

"Besides Fu Hua, there are you, Bronya and Kiana."

"Only the three of you who inherit the stigmata of the Yellow Emperor can play its role perfectly."

Theresa has already considered the candidate for this operation.

"Okay, leave it to us."

Ji Zi took over the task.


Time flies by in a hurry.

The next morning, Hanamiya, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin passed through the gate of another dimension and returned to the present.

Yu Palace's seaside villa, living room on the first floor.

"Wow! So beautiful."

Looking at the completely different environment from Yae Village, Yae Rin's eyes shone brightly.

She arrived for the first time and was full of curiosity about everything in modern times.

"I'll introduce you to a few older sisters, and after getting to know them, let Sakura take you out to play."

Yumiya sensed the approaching aura.

Presumably, Bianca and others were aware of his return.


Rin Yae responded eloquently.

The ones that Yu Gong introduced must be gentle big sisters.

Step, step, step.

Yae Rin's voice just fell, when footsteps came from upstairs.

The next second, several beautiful figures appeared in the sight of the three of them.

Yumiya guessed it well. The three of them had just returned to the villa when Bianca and the others felt it.


"Are things going well?"

"Come on, let me introduce you."


Everyone gathered in the living room.

Yu Gong first introduced the two parties, and then shared his experience in ancient times.

"Hamiya, if you change history, will it affect the present?"

Cang Yue asked seriously.

As the original owner of this ability, Cang Yue is most concerned about its effects and subsequent effects.

".~Probably not, history is not so easy to change..."

Whether the impact of saving Yae Rin is of great significance, Yumiya does not know.

However, Honkai Impact World should not be much different from Godslayer World.

Either history is forced back to its original trajectory by the correction force, or a parallel world is derived.

No matter what kind it is, it has little to do with Yugiya.

"Revision force and parallel world, so it is."

After hearing Yu Gong's explanation, Cang Yue understood.

"I have something to tell you, Yu Gong."

Next to him, Bianca interrupted the conversation at the right time.

"Before you came back, Ji Zi called you."

"She seems to be looking for you in a hurry, you'd better get in touch with her."

"Are you looking for me urgently?"

Yu Gong was stunned for a while, then got up and went upstairs.

"Whatever you want, I'll go and give her a call."



After returning to his room, Hanamiya called Himiko.

"Yugong, are you back?"

Ji Zi's first sentence was a slightly surprised greeting.

"Just got back, I heard Bianca say, are you in a hurry to find me?"

"It's not urgent."

Himeko simply relayed the task of GZ City to Hanamiya.

"The stigmata of the Yellow Emperor?"

Yu Gong thought of the related plot extension in the original work.

Xuanyuan chapter.

In the Xuanyuan chapter, Ji Zi and the others are indeed in danger.

No need to think about it, Yumiya decided to go with Himeko and the others.

"When are you going to leave, I'll come to you when the time comes."


Of course, the sooner the better, Ji Zi has always acted resolutely. .

Chapter 416

"Okay, tomorrow morning, I will arrive at St. Freya Academy on time."

"Apart from you, who else is there?"

Hagiya and Himeko set the time, and then asked about the details.

"Bronya, Fu Hua, Kiana."

Himeko informs Yumiya of the people involved in the mission.

"Have you checked the relevant information? For example, where is Jiuyou's specific location?"

"I checked, GZ City..."


In terms of personnel, it is not much different from the game plot.

After speaking, the two discussed other details.


On the other side, the living room on the first floor.

After a brief chat, the girls dispersed.

Chi Yuan and the others went about their own business, while Yae Sakura and Yae Rin were resting in the living room.

"Sister Bianca, Sister Chiyuan, they are all good people."

Yae Rin nestled in the soft sofa, her face full of contentment.

Compared with the wooden chairs of the Yae Shrine, the sofas of the Hagiya family are like heaven and earth.

"Be obedient and don't make the sisters angry."

Yae Sakura took off the hat on her head and put 413 next to her.

Although they are latecomers, everyone's attitude is very kind, just like treating good sisters who have known each other for many years.

This warm environment is what Yae Sakura has always longed for.

"I, eh."

Yae Rin was about to speak when he suddenly let out a light yawn.

Previously, Yae Sakura had always been wearing a hat, and she didn't notice anything unusual.

When Yae Sakura took off her hat, Yae Rin saw it clearly.

Yae Sakura's ears are not human ears, but fox ears.

"Sister, your ears."

"Remember Higuru Maru? I..."

Yae Sakura explained the origin of the fox ears.

Now that she's back in modern times, she doesn't have to hide it anymore.

"Such cute ears."

Yae Rin couldn't help reaching out, trying to touch Yae Sakura's fox ears.

"do not."

Seeing Yae Rin's actions, Yae Sakura was shocked and stepped back subconsciously.

Her ears are rather strange, so you can't touch them casually.


In terms of reaction, Yae Sakura was already very fast, but it was still a step behind.

As soon as she moved, Yae Rin grabbed her ear.

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