"It's time to start."

After Yae Rin left, Yu Gong's expression became a little more serious.


Yae Sakura slowly closed her eyes.

No need for Yu Gong to say, she also understands what to do.

Calm down, the rest of Yugiya will be taken care of.

"I hope you are more obedient, little fox."

Seeing Yae Sakura getting ready, Yugiya stretched out her hand and pressed her fingertips against her forehead.

Higuomaru is attached to Yae Sakura, and starting from the root is the best way.


"Humans don't deserve to own the earth."


"What a strong resentment."

Yu Gong frowned slightly. .

Chapter 412

Finding Higuomaru hidden deep within Yae Sakura's body is not difficult for Hamiya.

But the moment he found it, what he first came into contact with was not the body of Hiuyuwan, but endless resentment.

Resentment towards human beings, resentment towards civilization...

Fortunately, Yu Gong's temperament was tough, and it wasn't much affected.

As an ordinary person, I am afraid that consciousness will be washed away in an instant.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, the scene in Yu Gong's eyes changed.

The wooden house and Yae Sakura disappeared, replaced by Yae Shrine.

He was standing under the torii gate, and on the stone steps not far ahead, there was a huge fox.

The fur of the fox is pure white like snow, and the limbs are the color of fire.

Its body is wrapped with red and white hemp rope, and there are three red hook jade on its forehead.

"I thought you would continue to hide."

Yu Gong said with a half-smile.

This fox is the main body of Higuomaru.

No, it is not accurate to say that it is the body.

It should be said that this is the attitude of the Hiugomaru Honkai Beast.

"My consciousness has been eroded by me, how dare you speak out?"

Higumaru always knew that Yugiya was the biggest threat.

Therefore, Higuomaru has been waiting for an opportunity.

Finally, the perfect opportunity came today.

In order to prevent him from making trouble in the future, Yu Gong actually took the initiative to contact it.

Higuomaru has no reason to let go of such an opportunity.

It took advantage of Yu Gong's unpreparedness and eroded Yu Gong's consciousness.

At this moment, Yu Gong was already in a coma.

The place where the two sides are currently is the sea of ​​consciousness of Yu Gong.

As long as Higuomaru defeated Yumiya in the sea of ​​consciousness, he would never wake up again.

"Ha ha."

On the surface, Yumiya's current situation is very bad.

However, there was no trace of worry on his face.

"You and Yae Sakura coexist, so you must have heard what we said."

"I heard, what do you want to express?"

Higuomaru gradually became alert.

Yu Gong is too calm, and it is not reasonable to be calm.

In general, there are only two possibilities.

The first possibility is ignorance and fearlessness, and the second possibility is well-intentioned.

Yu Gong will not be an ignorant and fearless person, the first possibility can be ruled out.

Then, there is only the second possibility.

"Since you've heard of it, don't you remember that I have a divine key called Yu Duchen?"

Yu Gong took a step forward, and the whole person disappeared.

When he reappeared, it was on top of Higumaru's head.

"Besides, you also know a little about my abilities."

"If I don't want to, do you think you can erode my consciousness?"


Higuomaru remembered that Yumiya had indeed mentioned the key of God - Yu Duchen with Yae Sakura.

Yuduchen's function is to manipulate consciousness.

Damn, it's too careless.


Higuomaru let out a loud roar, blazing flames all over his body.

Although it was a miscalculation, the arrow had to be fired on the string.

Now it has only one way to go, to fight with Yu Gong with all its strength.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Yu Gong crossed his legs and sat down leisurely.

In the flames, he has nothing at all.

If you look closely, you can find that there is a faint ink-colored gas surrounding Yu Gong.

These ink-colored gases faintly formed a barrier, isolating the flames from the outside.

"What, thought I would kill you?"

"What exactly do you mean?"

The flames couldn't help Yu Gong, and the rioting Higuomaru gradually quieted down.

The disadvantage of being big is reflected.

Yumiya stuck to the top of his head, he had absolutely no choice.

"Means nothing."

Yu Gong was very "excessive" and lay down directly.

Higuomaru's fur is soft and smooth, making it very comfortable to lie down.

The evil idea of ​​"whether to keep a fox as a pet" appeared in his mind.

"I want you to calm down, don't think about making trouble all the time."

"Ten thousand steps back, even if you occupy Yae Sakura's body, what can you do?"

"I want to destroy humanity."

Higuomaru answered without hesitation.

It has hatred in its heart, an infinite hatred of human beings.

Other than that, nothing else.


Yu Gong couldn't help but pouted.

Destroy humanity? A really good lawyer.

"Well, let me show you the current situation."

In front of Higuomaru's eyes, a few crimson feathers fluttered down.


Higuomaru's attention was unconsciously attracted by the feathers.

Slowly, its eyes lost their luster and became murky and chaotic.

The first collapse, the second collapse, the third collapse...


Destiny, World Snake, Eden Technology Group...

Valkyrie, Construct...

After a few minutes, the brilliance in Hiuguru Maru's eyes returned.

"do you understand?"

Yu Gong's voice sounded just right.

"If you don't want to be sealed again, let go of everything in the past."

"You want me and Yae Sakura to live in peace? It's impossible."

Higuomaru's attitude is still extremely tough.

But its tone was much softer than before.

Higuomaru is not an arrogant and arrogant fool.

Let's not mention whether what I "saw" was true or false.

I can't get past this level of Yugong alone.

Yu Duchen is worthy of the name of God's Key.

Suppose Yumiya made a move when it fell into an illusion, the result...

"I didn't tell you to be friends with Yae Sakura, I just told you to stay calm."

Rice, eat it one bite at a time.

Whether Higuomaru can become friends with Yae Sakura is a matter for the future.

The first thing to do now is to resolve the hatred of Higuomaru.


Silence, deathly silence.

Higuomaru didn't speak for a long time, and seemed to be considering Yumiya's proposal.

"Think about it, don't go the wrong way."

As if to comfort a pet, Hagiya gently stroked Higuomaru's head. Death.

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