The Eightfold God Lord threw another question.

"Is it necessary to know so much about it?"

Yae Sakura can walk away without paying attention to Yae God Lord.

But, after all, she is her father, so she must have the respect she deserves.

"Shouldn't I know about the new friend my daughter made?"

"Besides, he came to Yae Village yesterday, and some people in Yae Village were injured by monsters today."

"I have reason to suspect that those appearances are related to him."

"Sakura, you're still young, you don't know people's hearts are sinister."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Be careful of being used by someone with a heart, and you don't even know it."

Yae God Lord did have the suspicion that Yu Gong used Yae Sakura's naivety and ignorance, and deliberately approached her to achieve his ulterior purpose.

More, I still want to take the opportunity to know the details of Yu Palace.

Perhaps, the change in Yae Sakura is related to Hamiya.

"Ha ha."

Yae Sakura smiled softly.

If Yu Gong wants to attack Yae Village, does he need to use such a small trick?

Step, step, step.

Without answering Yae Lord, Yae Sakura continued to move forward.


The face of the Eightfold God Lord. Gradually become unhappy.

Once or twice, he was able to ignore.


Yae Sakura was disrespectful again and again, and Yae God Master couldn't tolerate it.

Did she take her father seriously?

"Stay in the shrine honestly, and are not allowed to go out."

"Today is going to hold a sacrifice. As the next priestess of the shrine, you must be present."

"Sacrificial worship?"


A few small cracks appeared on the template under Yae Sakura's feet.

Hearing the words of disgust in her heart, her mood fluctuated violently, and she couldn't control her power for a while.

"Sacrifice, who is it?"

A bad premonition grows in my heart.

Is it really that coincidental?

"The sacrifice is Rin."

Seeing Yae Sakura's "obedient" stop, Yae Divine Master's dissatisfaction subsided slightly.

He spoke slowly, explaining to Yae Sakura.

"I originally hoped that the last sacrifice would bring rain and relieve the drought."

"But a month has passed. Not only has there been no rain, but monsters have appeared outside Yae Village."

"The old people in the village agreed that the sacrifice failed, and the reason for the failure was that the sacrifice was not a virgin."

"Therefore, it is proposed to follow the sacrifice of ten years ago and offer sacrifices with the blood of the witch to calm the anger of the gods."


The surrounding air suddenly became heavier.

Yae Sakura bowed her head slightly, the pair of blue eyes hidden under the tips of her hair were full of cold light and anger. Death.

Chapter 409

A small part of Yae Sakura's anger is towards Higuomaru and Yae God Lord.

Mostly, to the villagers of Yae Village.

Higuomaru, of course, will do anything to occupy her body.

As for the Eightfold Divine Master, maybe he would resist or be unbearable in the past.

But after sacrificing sacrifices again and again, I'm afraid I've long since become numb.

Even if the sacrifice was his own daughter, he would not hesitate at all.

The villagers of Yae Village, haha.

In order to survive, I really don't care about anything.

As long as it's not yourself, other people's lives can be sacrificed at will.

Yae Sakura turned around expressionlessly and walked back to the inside of the shrine.

Just like before, she was going to take Yae Rin out of Yae Village.


Staring at Yae Sakura for a moment, Yae God Lord gradually moved away.

He didn't take his daughter's strangeness to heart.

In the past, Yae Sakura would show her unbearableness when offering sacrifices.

This is the process that every Yae Shrine master and priestess have to go through, and he has come all the way.

The only thing worth caring about is Yae Sakura's calmness.

"Sakura, do you want to take Rin to escape?"

"No, it's Rin's destiny to be a sacrifice."


Outside Yae Rin's room.

"Rin, come with me."

Yae Sakura found Yae Rin who was playing alone in the courtyard, then pulled her up involuntarily and ran towards the entrance of the shrine.

You don't need to wait until night, you can go now.

She is not the weak and powerless Yae Sakura, no one can stop her.

"Want to go out? Sister?"

Yae Rin can recognize the direction, Yae Sakura wants to take her out of Yae Village?

Didn't I just say, let yourself stay in the Yae Shrine obediently, don't run around?

"Well, let's find Your Excellency Yu Gong."

Yae Rin had a smile on his face.

She looked relaxed, as if she was going to have fun, and she couldn't see the panic that someone who ran away should have.


Yae Rin didn't know the inside story, and naively thought that what Yae Sakura said was true.

She followed Yae Sakura closely, looking forward to meeting Yu Gong in the near future.


Yae Village.

"Today's sacrifice..."

Lord Yae is discussing with the old man in the village about offering sacrifices.

Occasionally, his eyes shifted to Yae Sakura and Yae Rin who were hurrying.


The Eightfold God Lord was extremely surprised.

He guessed that Yae Sakura would take Yae Rin to escape, but he didn't expect Yae Sakura to be so courageous.

If you want to escape, shouldn't you wait until night?

The dead of night is the most suitable time.

Yae God Master has already thought about how to block Yae Sakura and Yae Rin at night.

"Quick, you come with me."

The incident happened suddenly, and the Eightfold God Master didn't have time to think about it.

He hurriedly led people and approached the road to outflank Yae Sakura and Yae Sakura.


"Sakura, Rin."

It didn't take long for God Master Yafold and others to catch up with them.

It is true that Yae Sakura's feet are very fast.

However, Yae Rin is young, and his physical strength and athletic ability are not very good.

The two walked together, unless the Eightfold God Master noticed it late, it was almost impossible to catch up.

"Where do you two want to go?"

"They, are they trying to escape?"

The villagers who came with Yae God Lord also realized something, and their expressions were extremely bad.

What happened to Yae Sakura, they didn't care.

But Yae Rin was the sacrifice of the sacrifice, so he wanted to escape?

Absolutely not.


At this point, even if Rin Yae was slow, he still sensed something was wrong.

Subconsciously, she gripped Yae Sakura's sleeve tightly.

The gaze of the father and the villagers made Yae Rin a little uncomfortable.

"Father, are you going to stop me?"

Yae Sakura stepped forward and helped Yae Rin to block everyone's sight.

Although she was discovered, she was still not afraid.

A mere group of ordinary people, trying to get in her way?

"Of course, do you think you can escape?"

The Eightfold God Lord made his eyes secretly, signaling the people around him to surround him...


Yae Sakura's eyes were cold, and her body gradually tightened.

She was thinking, whether to go straight, or to go after the villagers were knocked down.


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