The main player (beff) is her, and Yumiya and Yae Sakura are more accompanied.

The edge of the cherry blossom forest.

"Big Brother Yu Gong, do you really want to live in the mountains?"

It's getting late, it's time to go home.

When it came time to part, Yae Rin was reluctant to part.


In the godslayer world, Yu Gong and Luo Hao often go on outings in the mountains and forests.

He is quite rich in life experience in the wild.

"But, isn't there a place to live around?"

Yae Rin looked around.

The closest to them is the cherry blossom forest. Next to the cherry blossom forest is an ordinary forest.

Beyond that, it's the wilderness.

Where does Yu Gong live and what do you eat?

"Do not worry about me."

Yu Gong gently stroked Yae Rin's head to show his love.

"If you want to see me, come back tomorrow during the day."

"I promise, you'll be surprised."


Seeing that Yu Gong had made up his mind, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin had no choice but to say goodbye to him.


On the way down the mountain.

"Rin. Are you having fun?"

Holding her sister's hand, Yae Sakura's face was filled with a satisfied smile.

She didn't ask for much, that's all.


Yae Rin nodded excitedly at first, and then became a little depressed.

It's a pity that Big Brother Yugiya refuses to live in Yae Village, otherwise today will be complete.

"What are you thinking?"

Yae Sakura asked suspiciously.

Yae Rinhai Oil is troubled, or does she have an unfulfilled wish?


Yae Rin was reluctant to have her own petty willfulness, which affected Yae Sakura's mood.

Her eyes rolled around, and a mischievous smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.

"Sister, do you think Big Brother Yu Gong likes you?"


Yae Sakura's body trembled.

Yumiya Ki, do you like yourself?

"Don't talk nonsense, Your Excellency Yu Gong will be unhappy."

"I don't like it, why is Big Brother Yu Gong so nice to us?"

Yae Rin raised doubts.


Yae Sakura was silent, she couldn't answer this question.

Indeed, Yae Rin's guess is quite reasonable.

If you have to find a reason to explain Yu Gong's selfless help, you can only like it.

Yu Gong, do you really like yourself?

"Sister, you..."

"Don't, stop talking..."


Yae Rin is quirky, and wants to ask what's going on.

Yae Sakura wanted to change the subject because she was shy. .

Chapter 408

The sisters chat, the atmosphere is very harmonious.


"Do you want to save the past tragedy?"

Maybe it's focusing on the other party, maybe it's Higuomaru's actions~ It's too hidden.

Neither of them noticed that there were a few strands of black gas coming out of Yae Sakura's body.

These gases floated into the grass behind and condensed into a dark purple crystal.

"I won't let you get your wish, Yae Sakura."

The dark purple crystal is the crystal of Honkai Energy.

It, of course, is Higuomaru's masterpiece.

If there is an animal approaching, it will be infected and become a Honkai beast if it leaves.

In fact, the best way is to directly implant Houkai energy crystals into animals.

In this way, there is no need to gamble on luck, and the animal will become stronger after it turns into a Honkai Beast.

However, Higuomaru can't control Yae Sakura now.

Complex work cannot be performed, it can only do small actions.

Higuomaru can only pray that his plan will go smoothly.


The night was a dull past.

The next morning, Yae Shrine.

"elder sister?"

Getting up, Yae Rin, who had finished washing up, was about to go to Yae Sakura's room, and Yae Sakura found her first.

"Rin, stay at the shrine today, don't go anywhere."

Yae Sakura instructed Yae Rin solemnly.


Yae Rin was stunned for a moment, full of confusion.

Didn't you agree yesterday evening that you would go to the mountain to find Yugiya in the morning?

"When a villager was out, he was attacked by a monster."

Monster? I'm afraid it's a beast.

The villagers of Yae Village have no concept of Honkai, so they call it a monster.

But Yae Sakura knew the details of "monster beasts".

"The odious Hiuyuwan, who is still a thief."


Hearing that there were monsters hurting people, Yae Rin suddenly became nervous.


Yae Sakura nodded solemnly.

She is going to Yugiya to discuss the Honkai Beast.

Although he knew about the appearance of Honkaiju, he must have something to do with Higuomaru.

However, how did Hiugurumaru do it?

The two are one, and it has abnormal movements, how could it be unaware of it.

"I see, sister."

Yae Rin replied obediently.

The stakes are very important, and she can't cause trouble for others.

"Good, go and rest."



After instructing Yae Rin, Yae Sakura quickly left.

"Sakura, where are you going?"

While passing by the shrine to worship the temple, she came across the Yae God Lord.

"I'm going out of the village."

Yae Sakura didn't have the mind to say unnecessary things to Yae God Lord.

She moved forward without stopping, dealing with the Eightfold Divine Master at will.

"and many more."

Yae God Lord raised his voice and called Yae Sakura.

too weird.

Before, Yae Sakura never dared to be so disrespectful to herself.

He had a strong feeling that Yae Sakura seemed to be a different person.


Yae Sakura stopped and turned around silently.

In terms of mentality, Yae Sakura is very positive.

For this era, I was just a passing visitor.

Therefore, there is no need to be too concerned.

Whether it is the Lord of Yafold or the villagers of Yafold Village, there is no need to pay too much attention.

"You went out of the village to find the boy from yesterday?"

The Eightfold God Lord asked in a deep voice.


Yae Sakura remained silent, not saying a word.

Her attitude was equivalent to acquiescing to the words of the Eightfold God Lord.

"How did you know each other?"

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