At this moment, a roar sounded.

The thunder of the sky reverberated in everyone's ears.

At the same time, heavy dark clouds gathered from all directions.

In an instant, the sun was blocked and the bright light dimmed.


"what happened?"


The sudden change disturbed the hearts of the Yae Lord and the villagers.

They ignored Yae Rin and Yae Sakura, and all raised their heads and looked at the sky.

This scene is very similar to the usual rainfall after the end of the sacrificial ceremony.

god? Appeared?

"Escape? They don't need to escape."

This time, Lord Yae and the villagers were wrong.

It is not divine grace that comes, but "God punishment".

As if possessing magic power, when this voice appeared, the eyes of everyone present moved accordingly.

Their attention was focused on the source of the sound - right above Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.

Originally there was nothing there, but now there is a young man.

Many people have seen this young man before.

Yesterday, I went back to Yugiya in Yae Village with Yae Sakura.

He, is God?

5.5 An awe-inspiring and inviolable aura, an aloof posture, a vision in the sky.

Yes, Yu Gong is definitely a god.

Otherwise, how to explain all this?


The villagers couldn't help kneeling down and fell to the ground.

"Sir God."

"Please save us, Lord God."


As if they had caught a life-saving straw, they prayed to Hagiya.

"Oh, save you?"

Yu Gong slowly descended and landed next to Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.

He has no interest in pretending to be a god.

However, this is undoubtedly the most effective way to deal with the villagers of Yae Village.

Facts have also proved that Yu Gong's idea is correct. .

Chapter 410


The hearts of the villagers trembled violently.

What does the word of God mean?

He didn't come to save Yae Village, but to punish Yae Village?


The thunder that had stopped for a moment resounded again.

A silver-white lightning struck down, adding a little light to the dim sky.


The villagers put their heads lower and dare not lift them up at all.

The thunder and lightning that fell from the sky were undoubtedly the wrath of God in their understanding.

"Is he here for Sakura and Rin?"

The Eightfold God Master was also extremely nervous, not daring to move at all.

Others only regard Yu Gong as a pure god, but he is different.

Yae Sakura said clearly that Yugiya is her friend.

Now, they are going to use Yae Rin as a sacrifice to perform sacrifices.

Hamiya learned that he would let Yae Village go?

Although this is the usual custom of Yae Village, the purpose of offering sacrifices is for the continuation of Yae Village14.

However, does Yumiya care?

"Big brother Yu Gong."

Yae Rin cautiously stuck her head out from behind Yae Sakura and called out softly.

"Don't be afraid, Rin."

Like ice and snow under the scorching sun, Yu Gong's icy expression quickly dissipated when he turned his head.

When confronted with Yae Rin, his face was the usual warm smile.

"With big brother here, no one can hurt you."


Yae Rin still doesn't quite understand what the current situation is.

Hearing Yu Gong's assurance, a strong sense of security arises spontaneously.

Yae Rin believes that no matter what, she and her sister will be fine.

"Your Excellency Yu Gong."

Beside her, Yae Sakura's cold eyes have warmed up.

When I need it, Yugiya will definitely appear.

For the first time in her life, she experienced the feeling of having a strong support.

I have to say, this feeling is very good and fascinating.

"Ha ha."

Touching Yae Rin's head lovingly, Yugiya looked at Yae Lord and the villagers in front of him again.

At this moment, she regained her previous arrogance and indifference.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way."

Step, step, step.

The scene was chaotic, with the sound of chaotic footsteps one after another.

Yu Gong's voice was not loud, but in the ears of the Lord Yae and the villagers, it was more terrifying than thunder.

The kneeling villagers of Yae Village hurriedly stood up, and then everyone retreated to both sides of the road.

In a short while, a smooth road leading to the outside of Yae Village was revealed in front of Yu Gong, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.

"Let's go."


The three walked side by side and passed through the crowd naturally.

No one has the guts to stop them, not even the slightest movement.

For fear of disturbing Yu Gong, he would bring disaster to himself and Yae Village.


When Yu Palace, Yae Sakura, and Yae Rin walked away, Yae Lord and the villagers breathed a sigh of relief.

These few tens of seconds were unusually long for them, and they were like years.


The Eightfold God Lord was extremely helpless.

The presence or absence of Yae Sakura and Yae Rin cannot change the overall situation.

The drought in the village has lasted for several months.

If it doesn't rain again, Yae Village will face an existential crisis.

Therefore, sacrifice is imperative.

Without Yae Rin, other virgins would have to replace her.


Yae God is about to lead the villagers back to discuss matters such as the candidates for the sacrifice.

At this moment, a cold feeling came from his face.


The Eightfold God Lord raised his hand suspiciously and touched his face.

Moist, like water.

Not only the Eightfold God Lord, but also those who did the same thing, but also the surrounding villagers.

Unspoken, everyone looked up at the sky.

In mid-air, it started to rain.

The rain is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the light rain turned into heavy rain.

"It's raining?"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then their faces showed ecstasy.

Is this rain a favor given to Yae Village by Hagiya?


On the other side, outside Yae Village.


Yae Rin's eyes widened in surprise.

The rain that fell from the sky was bounced off a few meters away from her.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier protecting her from the heavy rain.

"Your Excellency Yu Gong, you..."

Yae Village did not hold sacrifices, and it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to rain.

This unusual rain must be Hagiya's masterpiece.

Yae Sakura didn't understand why Yugiya sent a heavy rain to Yae Village.

His actions clearly revealed his disgust for Yae Village.

"Anyway, it's the village that gave birth to you, so it's for your own sake and help them."

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