After all, the destructive power of A-class and S-class structures cannot be underestimated.

If not restrained, they will cause more damage to the long sky than the dead and the structure.

At that time, it was him who cleaned up the mess.

"Mr. Yu Gong, it really doesn't matter if you don't hide it from me?"

Rita's eyes swept across the surveillance screens one by one.

It should have been carefully planned and the distribution of combat power was just right.

The battle situation in each area is that the structure firmly occupies the upper phoenix.

On the surface, the constructs are showing their power.

In fact, there is important information hidden inside.

The approximate strength of each level of structure, the approximate number of each level of structure, the combat method of the structure...

These are considered core secrets.

"What are you hiding from you?"

Hagiya didn't seem to hear Rita's overtones, and asked back in doubt.

"I am the Valkyrie of destiny."

Rita emphasizes her identity.

Everything I see now, I will report it to Otto one by one, and Yumiya will not fail to understand this.

If that's the case, why did Yugiya show it to himself?

"You think I don't know, the purpose of you being my secretary is to explore the secrets of me and Eden Technology Group?"

"Tianming intends to cooperate with Eden Technology Group? What a good excuse."

"Perhaps, Otto Apocalis has the intention to cooperate with me."

"But the idea of ​​cooperation, when you contacted me at St. Freya Academy, you definitely didn't have it."

The time has come, and Yumiya decides to have a showdown with Rita.


Rita did not respond to Yumiya's words.

Her silence is equivalent to acknowledging that what Yu Gong said was correct.

Sure enough, Otto underestimated Yumiya too much.

From the very beginning, he knew that he was wrong.

Now that the matter has been revealed, what will Yu Gong do next?

Drive yourself away?

"...Are you nervous? It's not like the usual you."

Yu Gong gently held Rita's little hand, as if trying to help her calm down.

"The Rita I know is a beautiful, elegant, self-confident male killer who exudes sultry charm in every word and deed."

"Mr. Hagiya, you are a strange person."


What Yugiya said was true, Rita was indeed a little nervous.

After all, Yu Gong is not an ordinary person.

The scheming is deep, the details are unclear, and the strength is a mystery.

Intuition told Rita that Yumiya might be more terrifying than Otto.

"You mean, why did I keep you by my side and tell you a secret?"

Yumiya relaxed his body and leaned his head back.

Because he was going to give Yumiya a massage, Rita was standing behind him.

So Yugiya leaned back, with her head just resting on Rita's abdomen.

The (Ho Nuo Zhao) soft touch coming from the back of his head made him very enjoy.

"What do you say, Rita?"

"Mr. Yumiya."

The gloom on Rita's face disappeared, revealing a bright smile.

She, returned to her normal appearance.

Yu Gong's mouth is beautiful, elegant, confident, and a sultry male killer with every word and deed.

"Contact with you is a very dangerous thing."

"Continue to stay by your side. Over time, I may be reluctant to leave you."

"That couldn't be better."

Not in vain for her recent efforts, Yu Gong felt that it was worth it.

The Herrscher of Shibuya, who destroyed 3RD, fell into his clutches.

"Hehehe Zhu."

With a charming smile on the corners of her mouth, Rita slowly bent down, her cheeks and Hagiya pressed tightly together.



Chapter 388

After a few minutes, the two slowly separated.

"Hugiya, you said, how should I report to the headquarters?"

Rita put her arms around Yumiya's neck and put her hands on his face, rubbing gently.

Previously, Rita called Yu Gong "Mr. Yu Gong".

Now she omits the word "sir" and calls Yu Gong's name directly.

The change of title represents the change of Rita's mentality.

"Report? Just as before."

"You told Otto about the situation in the past few days."

It's business as usual, Yumiya thinks it's the best solution.

Otto is very meticulous, and there is nothing unusual about Rita that can't be concealed from his eyes.

"Does it matter?"

Rita didn't intend to betray the destiny, but she also didn't want to reveal the secrets of Hagiya to Otto.

"Of course it doesn't matter."

Yu Gong didn't care at all.

Just like the Valkyrie of Destiny can't imagine what kind of existence Otto is, Otto will never be able to find out his details.

"As per your order, Yu Gong, my lord~."

Rita knew that Yumiya had a lot of things hidden from her.

However, she didn't care at all.

It's not that Yu Gong does not trust her, the reason why she hides it is because she doesn't want to embarrass herself.

"You've become a lot bolder."

Rita's "397 Yu Gong-sama" is really heart-warming.

Fortunately, Yu Gong has experienced many experiences over the years.

In exchange, when he just crossed over, Yu Gong thought that he would definitely not be able to bear it.

"Haha, do you like it?"

The corners of Rita's mouth rose, she got close to Yugiya, and increased her strength.

Everyone expresses their feelings in different ways, and this is her way.

"I like it, it suits me exactly."

Yumiya tilted her head and bit Rita's lips that were close at hand.



Here, Hanamiya is enjoying the world of two with Rita.

On the other side, Kiana, Mei, Xier, and Bronya also started their lives as Valkyries.

St. Freya Academy, outside the classroom of new students.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Kiana leaned her back against the wall and whispered.

They are freshmen, and as usual, they have to introduce themselves first.

In this way, it helps to better integrate into the class.

There's nothing wrong with this.

The problem is that now it's class time, and they are still outside the teacher.

"Don't worry, Kiana, isn't Mr. Jizi going to pick up someone? It should be here soon."

Mei comforted Kiana with a warm voice.

Besides the four of them, there is also a new student.

Because that person didn't arrive, so I waited outside the classroom.

"Kiana's patience is too bad, I doubt it, can you really become a qualified Valkyrie?"

Seizing the opportunity, Bronya unceremoniously used the Poison Tongue skill on Kiana.

"Ha, a mere little girl, how dare you look down on me?"

Being ridiculed by Bronya, Kiana couldn't bear it and immediately fought back.

Mei, Xier, Bronya didn't know, but Teresa looked for her alone last night.

During the conversation, the two talked about her father, Siegfried Kaslana.

Therefore, Kiana will never slack off.

"Xier, I will work hard."

Xier's eyes showed nervousness from time to time.

She was a little unconfident, worried that she would be left behind by Kiana, Mei, and Bronya.

"Bronya's grades will definitely be better than that of the idiot Kiana."

"That's not necessarily true, and don't call me a big idiot."


For fear of affecting the people in the classroom, Kiana and Bronya deliberately lowered their voices.

However, their bickering did not stop.


Xi'er and Mei looked at each other, both of them caught the deep helplessness from the other's (beff) eyes.

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