"It's not easy for another little girl."

Jizi added deliberately.

To be able to safely escape the third Kokai, at least in terms of Honkai resistance, Bronya is absolutely qualified.

"It's really like things gather together, and people are divided into groups."

Theresa couldn't help sighing.

"Just yesterday, St. Freya Academy accepted a good student. Let's put them together in this year's freshman class."

"Well, I'll do it right now."

Jizi nodded, turned and left Theresa's office.


The night was spent in peace.

The next day, the hotel where Hanamiya and the others stayed.


The door opened silently.

A figure walked lightly into Yu Gong's room and slowly approached him.

In the room, Hanamiya is operating a personal computer.

He didn't seem to notice the person coming, and he didn't react at all.

"Is something wrong, Rita?"

When he came to the back of Yugong, he suddenly made a sound.

"You seem to be quite busy recently, Mr. Hagiya."

Two small white hands rested on Yu Gong's shoulders, kneading gently and rhythmically.

"It's good to focus on work, but pay attention to your body."

"If it's not necessary, who wants to be busy every day?"

Yumiya operated the computer with one hand, and put the other hand on the back of Rita's hand.

"It's not better to use the time I spend at work to date you."

"Ha ha."

Rita didn't care about being taken advantage of by Hagiya.

Her movements were not affected, she was still massaging Yumiya.

"You are busy, can you tell me about it?"

The Sky City broke out and collapsed, and Yu Gong was busy in Rita's sense.

What she was curious about was what Yu Gong was busy with.


The Structural Corps has arrived in Changkong City and is about to start cleaning.

Therefore, Yumiya intends to pay attention to the situation of the battle.

It's not a secret, there's no need to hide it from Rita.

Beep beep.

The picture on the computer screen changed for a while, and finally it was fixed on the monitoring picture from the overlook angle.

There are several monitoring screens, with Changkong City as the background, and the protagonists are the structure and a large number of dead men, the Honkai Beast.

"Rita, you came at the right time, let's show you the combat power of the construct."

"S-Class Construct..."

The number of structures varies from screen to screen.

Some have only one, some have several, and the majority are in groups.

Combined with the surveillance footage, Yumiya explained to Rita clearly.


Rita was silent, listening intently and watching.

Her main focus is the surveillance screen with only one structure.

According to Yumiya, it was an S-class structure, the highest-ranking structure in the classification of structures.


Changkong City, a certain wide street.

Step, step, step.

The dead men lowered their hands, facing the ground, and gathered in the direction of the street.

Their target is a machine-style soldier-S-class structure located in the middle of the street.

Fifteen meters, ten meters, eight meters...

Ka Ka Ka Ka.

When the dead man approached the S-class structure, a thick layer of frost appeared on them.


The frost spread, and it quickly covered the body of the dead man, freezing it and freezing it into a lifelike frost.


With a crisp sound, all the ice sculptures shattered and turned into tiny ice crystals all over the sky.

In an instant, the dead were all wiped out.

As if attracted by the movement here, two Honkai beasts that looked like mosquitoes flew between the gaps in the tall buildings next to them.

Honkaimon immediately judged the S-class structure as an enemy and launched an attack from top to bottom.

Their body size is several times, ten times larger than that of S-class structures.

When it falls from the sky, it looks like a mountain, and it wants to crush the S-class structure.

"Target locked, dash-level Honkai Beast."

In a crisis, the S-class structure's movements are still unhurried.


A cold, cold light flashed across.

Boom boom boom.

The two Assault-level Honkai Beasts split into two, and their remnants hit the ground heavily.

At this time, the S-class structure was no longer in the center of the street, but behind the dead Assault-class Honkai Beast.

In both of his hands, there was an extra ice crystal long sword.


Hotel, Hanamiya's room.


Through the surveillance screen, Rita watched the two battles throughout. .

Chapter 387

Against the mere mortals and two dashing-level Honkai beasts, the strength displayed by the S-class structure is at best the tip of the iceberg.

But even the tip of the iceberg is enough to be concerned about.

Could it be that Yumiya's S-class structure is aimed at the Destiny S-class Valkyrie?

"Don't worry."

Yu Gong gently patted the back of Rita's hand.

"Good show, it's still to come."

"I'll wait and see."

Rita's attention shifted back to the surveillance screen.


Changkong City.

The dead man and Assault-level Honkai Beast have been resolved, and the surrounding area has been cleaned up.

However, the S-class structure did not go elsewhere, but looked up at the sky.

At some point, the vicinity was surrounded by dash-level Honkai beasts.

There are so many Honkai Beasts, even more than the previous dead men.

At this time, they gathered together, almost draining the water around the S-class structure.

"Danger level judgment, no threat..."

The S-class structure raised its right arm, and the ice crystal sword in his hand pointed at the group of advanced-level structures in midair.

It's like being melted by molten iron and recast.

In an instant, the ice crystal long sword in the right hand of the S-class structure completed its form transformation.

From sword form to bow form.

At the same moment, the ice crystal sword in his left hand turned into a pure ice arrow.

The S-class structure bends the bow, takes the arrow, and shoots the arrow in one go.


The moment it left the string, the ice crystal arrow split violently.

In an instant, a single arrow turned into a vast rain of swords, overwhelming the sky.


Bang bang bang.

The number of Assault-level Honkai Beasts in the sky rapidly decreased, and the number of Honkai Beast corpses on the ground continued to increase.

In just a short time, the sky was "clean".


Hotel, Hanamiya's room.

The rhythm of Rita's massage slowed down unconsciously.

Rao is her, and she has to admit the strength of the S-class structure.

"How does it compare to your Destiny's S-class structure?"

Yumiya asked with a smile.

"Not a good evaluation."

This is the real feeling in Rita's heart.

Without seeing the full strength of the S-class structure, she can't make rash judgments.

"Ha ha."

There was one thing that Yumiya didn't tell Rita.

That was the already messy Sky City, and the situation was even worse. He asked Chichimora to give an order to the structure that was sent to the Sky City to clean up the dead and the Honkai Beast.

All structures of A-rank or above are not facing the crisis of their own, and are not allowed to use excessively powerful moves.

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