With Yugiya not present, who can control Kiana and Bronya?


After about two minutes, the bickering between the two stopped.

Appropriate bickering is good for cultivating feelings, but if you quarrel, it will be counterproductive.

"Sorry for making you wait for a long time."

At this moment, Ji Zi and the fifth new student appeared not far away.

"Sister Chiyuan?"

Looking at the people beside Jizi, all four of Kiana were extremely surprised.

Gray hair and blue eyes, beautiful face.

She is not Yu Gong's partner Chi Yuan, who else could she be?


The new classmate cast a surprised look.

Kiana and the others reacted exactly the same as Jizi when they saw them.

"Mr. Ji Zi, does there really exist someone like me in the world?"

"Their reaction proves this."

"Kiana, Mei, the new classmate is not Chi Yuan, her name is Fu Hua."

Ji Zi first responded to the new classmates, and then explained to Qiana and others.

Similar? Fu Hua's statement is not accurate.

More than a resemblance, there is no difference in appearance and body between the two.

The only difference is the hairstyle, Fu Hua's hair is slightly longer.

In addition, their temperament is also different.

Unlike Chi Yuan's ethereal and aloofness, Fu Hua's temperament tends to be serious and serious.


Kiana, Xier and the others nodded to show their understanding.

Just thinking about it, how could Chiyuan come to St. Freya Academy as a student.

"Come in, we're going to class."


The moment she passed Kiana and the others and walked to the front, Ji Zi's smile took on a different meaning.

There are indeed two unrelated people in the world, but they look alike. This is not worth making a fuss about.

However, it is obviously not normal to be similar to Chi Yuan and Fu Hua.

Behind it, there must be an unknown secret.

"We have to find some time to ask Yu Gong."


In name, St. Freya is an academy dedicated to cultivating Valkyries to fight against the Honkai.

In fact, the name "academy" is not very accurate.

The internal functions of St. Freya Academy are complete and self-contained.

Education, entertainment, living...

It is more appropriate to use a reduced version of the description of the city. .

Chapter 389

Valkyrie training is the most important part, but not all.

There are also places for people to relax.

For example, a bar.

"Ah~, hiccup."

Ji Zi hiccupped and half-closed her intoxicated eyes.

"You drank too much, Jizi."

Yu Gong grabbed Jizi's wine glass and put it in a place where she couldn't get it.

Up to now, it has been a month since Hanamiya and the others left Changkong City and Kiana and the others entered St. Freya Academy.

Tomorrow, it will be the first exam for Kiana, Mei, Seeer, and Bronya after entering school.

Yu Gong, who was concerned about them, thought to take a look at the situation.

Because Hamiya arrived at St. Freya Academy a day earlier, Himeko invited him to drink.

So, the two of them came to this bar together at night.

"Not much, not much, I can still drink."

Jizi stood up, walked around the table, and staggered towards Yu Palace.

Looking at Ji Zi's posture, it seems that she wants to take the wine glass back and continue drinking.


After walking a few steps, Ji Zi's feet suddenly softened.

She suddenly lost her balance and fell on her back to the ground.


Yu Gong's eyes and hands were quick, he caught Ji Zi and made her sit sideways on his lap.

Ji Zi was obviously too drunk to drink any more.

"I really don't know what De Liza thinks to actually allow bars to exist in St. Freya Academy."

"Isn't she afraid that those girls will learn badly?"

"Yu, Yu Gong, what you said is wrong."

Ji Zi moved slightly, and found a comfortable place to sit in Yu Gong's arms.

Then she tried her best to open her eyes with a very serious expression.

"There are not only students in St. Freya Academy."

"Places like bars are specially built for us, and students are strictly prohibited from entering."

"Also, although Theresa has cultivated Valkyries, she never uses them as a tool to fight Honkai."

"She hopes that one day, mankind will completely defeat the collapse."

"At that time, the Valkyries will be able to return to their normal lives."

"With this idea in mind, Theresa designed the school system of St. Freya Academy to be quite loose."

"The overall structure of St. Freya Academy is not much different from ordinary cities."

"It's getting late, I'll take you back."

What Ji Zi said, Yu Gong was very clear.

Theresa's concept is naive and simple, but I have to say that this wish is beautiful.


Ji Zi hugged Yu Gong's waist and rested her head on his chest.

After a while, Yumiya heard a slight, even breathing sound.

She couldn't stand her drunkenness and fell asleep.


After Hagiya quickly settled the bill, he hugged Himiko in a princess hug and left the bar.


Jizi's residence.

Yu Gong found the key from Jizi to open the door and went straight to her room.

Put Jizi gently on her bed and cover her with a quilt.

Seeing that Ji Zi was still asleep and had no tendency to wake up, Yu Gong planned to leave first and come back tomorrow morning.


The moment she turned around, Yu Gong's wrist was tightly clenched.

"you're awake?"

Yu Gong turned back and looked at Himiko on the bed.

The water ripples in Ji Zi's eyes. I don't know if it was caused by drunkenness or other reasons.

"You, can you accompany me?"


Yu Gong's eyes gradually became hot.

Tonight, can he enjoy this ripe and attractive fruit?


The next day, six in the morning.

The sun shines through the window, into the room, and sprinkles on the sleeping Qiana.


Stimulated by the sun, Kiana woke up.

"Six o'clock, is it time to get up?"

Glancing at the clock on the small table beside the bed, the sleepiness in Kiana's mind disappeared, and she was fully awake.

Five minutes later, I finished dressing and washing.

After a month, Kiana adjusted to life in St. Freya Academy.

Her habits are much better than before.

"Ciel, Bronya?"

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Walking out of the room, Kiana and Seeer, Bronya faced each other.

"Sister Yayi's breakfast is ready."

Bronya said lightly, holding the Houm doll in her arms.

She and Xier came to see if Kiana got up.

"Let's go."



living room.

"Huh? A lot."

Kiana sensed something was wrong.

For convenience, Theresa arranged for her, Seeer, Mei, and Bronya to live together.

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