"It's amazing, Mr. Yumiya."

In the eyes of Xier and Bronya, there was a glitter of admiration.

Rita also secretly praised Yu Gong's cautiousness and foresight.

If it hadn't been for Yumiya's plan in advance, Mei's fate would have been unpredictable.


Yayi couldn't help but use her strength and hugged Yu Gong tightly.

Not only did she save Thunder and Lightning Ryoma, but she also saved herself. Everything Yu Gong did made her deeply moved.

"A lawyer?"

Kiana lowered her head imperceptibly, and observed her right hand from the corner of her eye.

On her right wrist, there is a bracelet of the same style as Mei's necklace.

The effect of this pair of accessories is to resist the erosion of the will by the collapse,

It is reasonable and reasonable for Yu Gong to give it to Mei. What is the purpose of his gift to him?

Could it be that someone was eyeing him, trying to turn her into Zhu the Herrscher?

"We should go."



Chapter 383

At this point, things have come to an end for the time being.

Hagiya, Rita, Kiana and others left Chiba Academy.

After some discussion, they decided to go to Yu Gong's house first, and then discuss the next countermeasures.


Changkong City, outside Yu Palace's home.

"Isn't the place where Honkai broke out at Chiba Academy?"

Kiana kicked away the dead body at her feet and said in a deep voice.

"The scale of the collapse is large and small."

Rita's face was also not very good-looking.

She originally thought that this was just a small-scale collapse that was limited to Chiba Academy.

In the end, from Chiba Academy to the neighborhood of Yugiya's house, everyone they met along the way was infected by Honkai and turned into dead men.

On the bad side, perhaps the entire long sky market has been affected by the collapse.

And using the special function of the hunting suit and shadow iron, she was constantly monitoring the collapse, and she was surprised to find out.

Although the speed is not fast, the concentration of Honkai energy in Changkong City is continuously increasing.

"Qianyu Academy, no, what broke out in the Sky City was obviously a large-scale collapse."



Perhaps, there will be a large number of Honkai 397 beasts next.

As soon as Rita said her words, a villa not far away collapsed, and two Honkai Beasts, seven or eight meters high, broke into their sight.

"Honkai Beast?"

Yu Gong is about to take action and kill these two Honkai beasts.

Two jet-black rays passed in front of him, penetrating the huge body of Honkaikai.


Except for Yumiya and Kiana, the hearts of everyone else jumped slightly.

The strength of the shot is obviously extraordinary, who is it?

Everyone turned their heads in unison, looking in the direction of the jet-black rays.


The door of Yu Gong's house opened, and four beautiful women walked out.

Cang Yue, Chi Yuan, Bianca, Yuan Yi Origami.

"What's going on, Yu Gong, the collapse of the Sky City broke out?"

It was Chi Yuan who spoke, and her words pointed directly at the current situation.

"Go into the room and say."

Yu Gong understands that Chi Yuan and the others are anxious to understand the situation, but outside is not the place to talk.

"it is good."

Yu Gong's words made sense, and Chiyuan didn't ask any further questions.


Yu (Beff) Palace's house, living room on the first floor.

"That's how it is."

It took two or three minutes for Yu Gong to explain the situation succinctly.


Sen Han's coldness gradually surfaced on Chiyuan's face.

According to her previous character and style, she will eradicate this "cancer" as soon as possible.

"How is the situation in Changkong City?"

Yu Gong took out his cell phone and asked Kikimora.

"The relevant information about the collapse has been loaded."

Artificial intelligence casts a huge virtual screen of light.

The light screen is divided into many small areas, and each area has a different picture.

"This is......"

Everyone can recognize at a glance that the pictures in all areas are the sky city.

Dead men, Honkaikai, collapsed buildings, broken streets...

The prosperity of the past is gone, and now there is only hell-like terror left in the Changkong City.

"The collapse has spread to the whole of Changkong City, and the only survivors are you, Yu Gong-sama."

After half a beat, Chichimora's electromechanical sound rang out again.


Yayi was extremely happy.

Fortunately, a few days ago, Thunderbolt Ryoma secretly left Changkong City, otherwise he would not escape bad luck.

"Continue to monitor."

Yumiya issued a new order.

"Yes, Yumiya-sama."


The huge screen disappears,

Chiyuan, Kiana and the others silently watched Yu Gong, waiting for his arrangement.

Now, Changkong City has become a dead city and cannot live any longer.

Next, where do they go?

"The decision is in your hands."

Yu Gong did not give a clear answer, but instead kicked the ball back.

He skipped Cang Yue, Chi Yuan, Bianca, and Tobi Origami, his eyes fixed on Xier and Kiana.

"If you want to live the life of ordinary people, we have a place to live."

"If you want to fight against Honkai, I will send you to a place where you can become stronger."

"Of course it's getting stronger."

Kiana answered without hesitation.

She has unfinished business, and it is impossible for her to live the life of an ordinary person.

"what about you?"

Sure enough, Kiana was very determined.


Ordinary people's life? Join the fight against the collapse?

A dilemma, Mei, Seeer and Bronya were undecided for a while.

"Don't rush to answer, just tell me after you've figured it out."

Yu Gong did not urge them, but gave them enough time to fully think about it.

"It's dangerous outside, you can stay at my house temporarily."


Mei, Xier, and Bronya walked out of the living room one after another.

They have experienced too many things today. They are a little tired and want to have a good rest.

"Mr. Hagiya, won't you introduce me?"

Finally found the opportunity, Rita asked her doubts.

Although she has been the secretary of Yumiya for more than two years, she has never been to Yumiya's house before.

Therefore, Chiyuan and the others have never been seen.


Yumiya briefly introduced the two sides.


Rita took the initiative to say hello.

Whose hand did those two jet-black rays come from?


The four Chiyuan responded politely.

"I have to think carefully about my future plans, so I'll go back to my room first."

The general framework, Yu Palace has already been constructed, and the details still need to be improved.


After Yu Gong left, Rita and Chiyuan stared at each other with big eyes.

When they met for the first time, there was no common topic, and they dispersed.


Hamamiya's room.

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