After returning to the room, Yu Gong turned on his personal computer and contacted the people from Eden Island.

Fortunately, the network was not interrupted. He will not lose contact with the outside world.

"Changkong City, I accept it rudely."

The current Changkong City is both a dead place and a treasure land.

Yu Gong intends to seize the opportunity and take it into his pocket.

Then, based on Changkong City, he built his own power. .

Chapter 384

Clap clap clap.

In the quiet room, only the sound of hitting the keyboard echoed.

The icy luster of the computer screen reflected on Yumiya's face.

At this moment, his expression was not the gentleness he had when facing Mei, Rita and others.

It is the indifference that can only be revealed when he is alone.


the other side.


After Rita packed her room, she contacted Otto at the European headquarters.

"Is what you said true?"

After listening to Rita's report, O-Tuo couldn't help confirming to her.


Rita said with certainty.

Don't blame Otto for making a fuss, it's a thing - too unexpected.

"Do you need me to deal with it?"

The collapse of Changkong City, although large in scale, is still within the scope of Rita's handling.

"Need not."

Otto immediately rejected Rita's proposal.

"I received news that the extreme east branch has sent someone to Changkong City."

"What you have to do now is to focus on your task."

"my task?"

From a personal point of view, Rita didn't want the mission to end too soon.

But, is there any need for her to stay by Yugiya's side?

"The time has not come. When the time comes, I will call you back to the headquarters."

"Apart from Hagiya Margot Royd, you should also pay attention to those four little girls."

If what Rita said is true, then Hagiya Margot Royd is by no means a simple person.

What she sees, hears, and touches is all superficial.

It's too early to get to the core stuff.

After obtaining valuable information that interests him, Otto does not intend to end Rita's mission.


Does Yu Gong really not know her purpose?

Will he really let himself find out the core secrets as Otto wishes?

Maybe it's just relying on his own dictation and not having personal contact with it.

Rita always felt that Otto underestimated Hagiya.

Also, why did Otto specifically explain himself to pay attention to Kiana, Mei and the others.

Could it be that he has other plans?


Destiny's European headquarters, the main classroom.

"K423, the Third Herrscher."

"The two are in the same city and have a close relationship with the same person."

"Is it a coincidence, or was it deliberately guided by Hagiya Margot Royd?"

"Staying in the place with the highest concentration of Honkai energy, but not being affected, is it the owner of the natural stigmata?"

"Analysis by Rita, apart from Yumiya Margot Royd, there are strong people among his forces."

"She only mentioned the names of two little girls. Fortunately, it's not a big problem."

Rita's report contained a huge amount of information.

But it doesn't matter, what Otto lacks most is patience, he has time to understand them one by one.

"Chiba Academy..."

The information circulating on the Internet is fragmented and scattered.

But in front of Destiny's cutting-edge technology, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Using the authority of the bishop level, Otto completed the collection and integration work in just a moment.

"Ciel Fleur, Bronya Zaycek, Chi Yuan, etc."

Looking at Chiyuan's information, Otto was stunned.

Few things could surprise him, but this time was an exception.

The information was forged by computer experts, and Otto saw through it at a glance.

However, the crux of the problem is not true or false, but people.

"Chiyuan Immortal? Impossible."


The next day, the news of the collapse of the Changkong City spread all over the world like a whirlwind.

Of course, only a very small number of people know the truth.

The vast majority of people's understanding of the disaster that suddenly descended on the Sky City is limited to infectious diseases.

"At one o'clock this morning, Changkong City suddenly lost contact with the outside world."

"The United Nations has issued a statement that it has confirmed the outbreak of the infectious disease BH in Changkong City..."

A big screen hanging outside a large trading venue in Changkong City is broadcasting relevant news.

When such a big event usually happens, most of the residents of Changkong City passing by will stop.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Either watching the fun, or learning about current affairs.

But now, only the dead are gathered under the big screen.

In the distance, a large warship appeared in the sky and quickly sailed towards Changkong City.

After entering the sky above Changkong City, the speed of the battleship was greatly reduced.

"Report the situation."

This battleship belongs to the extreme eastern branch of Destiny - St. Freya Academy, and it is called the Hyperion.

The captain of the Hyperion is an acquaintance of Yumiya, Himeko.

"Changkong City..."

After receiving Jizi's order, her adjutant pushed the eyes on the bridge of her nose and began to talk incessantly.

"Not a single survivor?"


Even though she was mentally prepared, Ji Zi was still surprised.

Changkong City is within the responsibility of the Destiny Extreme East Branch.

At the beginning of the collapse, St. Freya Academy was aware of it and negotiated a countermeasure.

Inside St. Freya Academy, the collapse that broke out in the sky city is defined as the third collapse.

Ji Zi came here to explore the truth.

"not have."

The adjutant turned his head away and continued to explain.

"According to detection, there is a network signal in the Changkong market."

"Even if the collapse broke out, the connection between this network signal and the outside world has not been interrupted."

"The location of the signal is..."


The place the adjutant mentioned seems to be Yumiya's home.

Sure enough, they were all right.

"Go, where the target network signal is located."

"Yes, Major Jizi."


Yumiya's house, Yumiya's room.


Mei quietly opened the door of the room, trying not to make a sound.

"Don't have time?"

Looking up, Mei found Yu Gong buried in front of the computer and seemed to be busy.

Mei bit her lower lip lightly, and after thinking for a moment, she withdrew her feet to enter the room.

"Come in, Mei."

Before the door was closed, Yu Gong's voice reached Mei's ears. Death.

Chapter 385


Mei put on an embarrassed expression.

"Hugong, am I disturbing you?"

"It's fine."

Yumiya patted the seat next to him and motioned for Mei to come and sit.

"What are you doing?"

Mei came to Yu Gong's side and sat down obediently.

"Thinking about how to use the long sky market can maximize its value."

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