The source, hidden in the hidden corner of Chiba Academy, is a strange device that is not easy to detect.

"It seems to be a collapse furnace?"

Rita approached the collapse furnace and checked it carefully.


Mei bit her lip lightly, her face slightly pale.

I don't know since when, her headache started.

It was fine before, but as I got closer to the collapse furnace, the headache became more and more serious.

It is not accurate to say that the feeling is a headache.

All in all, extremely uncomfortable.

"Yi, your face looks so bad, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Noticing Mei's strangeness, Kiana asked with concern.

"It's okay, Kiana, I..."

Mei didn't want to delay Yu Gong's business, and didn't want other people to worry, so she planned to lie.

However, before her 397 words were finished, she fell straight backwards.


"Sister Yayi."

The unexpected situation made Kiana, Xier, and Bronya relax for a while, and became extremely nervous?

Mei fainted? what is the reason?

"Hey, can't you resist completely?"

Mei, who was leaning back, did not touch the ground, but lay in a warm embrace.

Before she fell to the ground, Yu Gong caught her.

"Mr. Hagiya, can you tell us what you know?"

Rita paused her inspection of the Honkai Furnace and stared at Hagiya.

Although she didn't show it, Rita always had a part of her attention to pay attention to him.

Rita noticed that no matter whether she saw the collapsed furnace or Mei's inexplicable end, Hagiya was not surprised.

Plus, Yumiya said, "Can't you resist completely?"

All of this fully proves that Yu Gong understands the details.

"Can the collapse furnace be forcibly destroyed?"

Tell them the details, of course there is no problem.

But before that, the source of the collapse must be dealt with first.

"Yes, but Honkai energy has been leaked to a large extent, and destroying the Honkai furnace is not very useful."

Rita answered. .

Chapter 382




The entire Honkaiju was covered with frost and shattered into countless tiny ice crystals.

Although Rita said it was of little use, Yumiya still took action and destroyed the Kokai furnace.

It's good to be useful, and talk is better than nothing.

"Is it better, Mei?"

"much better."

Mei was not in a coma, just a little uncomfortable.

After resting in Yu Gong's arms for a while, her headache eased a lot.

"Rita is right. I know the whole story, the reason, and even the mastermind behind this collapse."

Yu Gong looked around and found a flower bed not far away.

He picked up Yayi by the waist and walked like a flower bed.

Seeing this, Rita, Kiana and others followed closely.

"What do you want to know? Ask."

Coming to the flower bed, Yu Gong took the lead and sat down, then put Mei on his lap.


Mei shrank her body, looking very shy.

After all, in front of so many people.

But her head was uncomfortable, she had no choice but to be an ostrich.

"It's very comfortable, if..."

Yu Gong's embrace is very warm and gives people a sense of security.

Mei suddenly envied Kiana. When she was held in Yumiya's arms, she should feel the same as herself at the moment.


The four daughters of Rita tacitly ignored Mei and looked at each other silently.


Kiana and Rita knew nothing about the situation and couldn't find a suitable entry point.

Seeer and Bronya were even more confused. They didn't even understand the collapse, and they didn't even know where to ask.

"It's up to you to decide, Mr. Hagiya."

In the end, Rita spoke up as a representative, indicating that Yumiya was in charge.

"Then I'll be more detailed, collapse...〃〃."

In order for Seer and Bronya to understand, Hagiya first explained the collapse.

Honkai, the dead man, Cocolia's experiment, framing the thunder and lightning...


"Sister Yayi?"

The eyes of the girls focused on Mei in Yugiya's arms.

Surprised, puzzled, puzzled.

It turns out that the disaster at Chiba Academy was man-made, and the target was Mei?

"Why me, I'm just an ordinary person."

Mei raised her head and met Yugiya's eyes.

She has become the center of the incident, and she can't be shy anymore.

"Ordinary person? You are not an ordinary person, Miss Yayi."

Rita's wine red eyes flashed with a strange light.

"The concept of the dead man, Mr. Hanamiya has already explained it before."

"Don't say that ordinary people are close to the source of collapse, and if they are slightly eroded, they will become dead men."

It was only then that Rita realized that she had overlooked an important point.

Kiana is a member of the Kaslana family, so it is normal not to be infected by Honkai.

Ke Xier, what happened to Bronya?

This is the center of the Honkai explosion and the place with the highest concentration of Honkai energy.

In such an environment, are they actually safe and sound?

Not to mention becoming a dead man, he didn't even show the slightest bit of strangeness.


After Rita's reminder, Seele and Bronya also noticed.

They all looked at themselves, as if there was no strange feeling?

"When Honkai breaks out, the instantaneous power reaches a certain level, and there may be an existence called the Herrscher."

"The Lawyer..."

Yumiya continued to explain.

"Yi, you have a gem of conquest in your body, which is the core of the Herrscher."

"This is why Cocolia chose to cause the collapse of Chiba Academy."


Mei pursed her lips tightly, feeling depressed.

According to Yumiya, the Herrscher is the spokesman of the Honkai, the embodiment of disaster and destruction.

As a human, why did Cocolia make Herrschers?

"The reason, I have to ask Cocolia."

Of course Yumiya knew the reason, but it's hard to say because it's hard to explain.

"I'm sorry, Sister Mei."

Seeer and Bronya were very sad when their adoptive mother hurt Mei.

"No need to apologize, it has nothing to do with you."

The mistake was made by Cocolia, how could Mei take out her anger at them.

"Mr. Hagiya, since Cocolia successfully caused the collapse, wouldn't Miss Mei become a Herrscher?"

Rita asked her most concerned question.

The key to Mei Yi's lack of discipline must be Yu Gong.


Yumiya raised her hand and pointed to Mei's neck.

Following Yumiya's fingers, everyone's eyes turned to Mei's neck.

They saw that Mei wore a delicate necklace around her neck.

"This necklace is not just an ornament, its main function is to clear the mind and calm the mind."

"With it, Honkai cannot pollute Mei's will and turn her into a Herrscher."

"This necklace was given when you and Mei first met."

"At the beginning, you saw that there was a Herrscher core in Yayi's body? Did you expect someone to harm her?"

Kiana's face was full of incredulity.

Yu Gong's chess is too big.

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong smiled and nodded in recognition.

"Brother Yu Gong."

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