Most likely it was Theresa, or something assigned to him by the Destiny Headquarters.

"You also know my student, Mr. Hanamiya, Kiana Kaslana."

"She's about to fall into the troubles of an adolescent girl, but unfortunately..."

Jizi took the opportunity to observe Bianca, who was always silent and didn't look at her.

When ordinary people see Bianca for the first time, their first reaction is mostly to sigh at her beauty.

However, Jizi is different.

Ji Zi is a Valkyrie who has set foot on the battlefield and experienced life and death.

With the powerful perception honed in the battle, Jizi was keenly aware that Bianca had the same qualities as herself.

Ji Zi was sure that Bianca's true face was absolutely different from the elegance and gentleness she showed at the moment.

"Kiana? She's in Chiba Academy?"

Yu Gong pondered for a moment, and then showed a clear smile.

If Kiana came to Changkong City, then everything would make sense.

"Hey, what should I tell Kiana?"

Still an ordinary girl, Mei, who has not yet been exposed to the other side of the world, misunderstood Himeko's intentions.

She thought that what Jizi wanted to express was that with Bianca there, Kiana would have no chance.

"Bianca, I'm a little hungry. Get me some food and drinks."

Thinking about the joints, Jizi's intention is self-evident.

Yu Gong intends to give Ji Zi a chance to let her speak her mind.

"Miss Yayi, this is the first time I come to Changkong Hotel. I'm not familiar with this hotel. Can I ask for your help?"

Bianca understood what Yumiya conveyed to her through her eyes.

It's not him who wants to avoid the conversation between Yumiya and Himeko, but Mei.


After being named by Bianca, Mei, who was in a tangle, suddenly sobered up.

Do you need to lead the way yourself? Hands up.

"No one else is present, are you satisfied?"

When Bianca and Mei walked away, Yumiya directly cut to the theme.

"How did you see it?"

Have you revealed your flaws?

Ji Zi carefully recalled her words and deeds and found nothing wrong.

"Suppose you were in New Zealand three days ago."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Suppose you analyze that there are two other people in the town besides you, based on the death of the dead man."

"Suppose you met Kiana after I left."

"Finally, let's say you go to Chiba Academy to be a teacher, and you happen to teach Kiana's class, and even attend tonight's banquet."

"It's not a coincidence, but someone deliberately arranged it."

"Everything seems logical, without the slightest flaw."

Yumiya threw out several hypotheses one after another.

After he said each hypothesis, Ji Zi's smile disappeared.

When Yu Gong's voice fell, there was only seriousness and solemnity on her face.



Ji Zi couldn't find the words to describe the shock in her heart at this moment.

In the absence of the necessary evidence, he gradually began to peel off the cocoon and analyze the truth of the matter.

Yu Gong's brain and reasoning ability amaze her.

"You don't need to be surprised. All my inferences are based on the premise of knowing your identity."

"Otherwise, it's impossible for me to analyze it."

"Your performance is quite perfect."

Ji Zi's expression undoubtedly proved that Yu Gong's guess was correct.

Sure enough, he was targeted by some people.

This is what Yu Gong expected.

After all, he is too high-profile, and it is strange that he is not noticed.

"Can I ask about your identity, origin and purpose?"

too horrible.

Ji Zi has never felt such a strong sense of oppression on anyone.

Is Yu Gong really only eighteen or nine years old, not an old fox who has lived for countless years?


the other side.

"Miss Bianca, are we not going back?"

With Mei's enthusiastic assistance, the food and drinks that Yumiya asked for were easily available.

After that, the two should have gone back to find Yumiya and Himeko.

But Bianca dragged Mei and found a place to sit casually, which made her very puzzled.

"Haha, no hurry."

Bianca smiled meaningfully. Death.

Chapter 347

Going back now, there is a high probability that the conversation between Yumiya and Himeko is not over yet.

So, wait a little longer.

"Does it mean that Mr. Hagiya and Mr. Jizi have something to say, it is inconvenient for us to be present."

Mei is a beautiful girl with IQ and EQ online.

Bianca is obviously procrastinating on purpose, how can she not see it?

"You are very smart."

Bianca's sense of Mei is very good.

Beautiful and smart girls are always likable.

"All right."

Since that's the case, it really shouldn't be disturbed.

There is nothing left to do, now is a good time, Mei plans to ask Bianca for information about Yu Palace.

One is to satisfy his own curiosity, and the other is to think about Kiana.

"Miss Bianca, what kind of person is Mr. Ha Sanhayomiya?"


There was nostalgia in Bianca's eyes.

"I have to find a suitable word to describe Yu Gong, I think 'complex' is the best..."


"I'm sorry, I can only tell you that St. Freya Academy and I are not enemies."

"You can pass on my words to Theresa Apocalis."

Hagiya was talking about St. Freya Academy, not Destiny.

He believed that the headmaster of St. Frey Academy, who was known as the most lovely school in the world, would understand what he meant.

"I will."

Ji Zi smiled bitterly and wisely stopped talking.

Even the one who sent him knows that the two sides' understanding of each other is obviously not at the same level.

It is too difficult to find out useful information.

Maybe, if you are not careful, you will be inadvertently given important information by Yu Gong.

"We're done talking about business, let's talk about private matters."

After thinking for a moment, Jizi decided to change her strategy.

Perhaps having a good relationship with Yugiya will bring unexpected rewards.

"Personal affairs, are you referring to Kiana?"

Yumiya felt something was wrong.

Jizi's concern for Kiana is ridiculously high.

You know, it's not three years later, she and Kiana have only known each other for two days.

"I asked Qiyana why she came to Changkong City, but she didn't say it clearly."

"But my intuition tells me that it must have something to do with you."

If you want to get closer to Yumiya, Kiana is an excellent starting point.

Therefore, Jizi decided to hold on tight.

"How the relationship between Kiana and me develops is our business."

"It's you, Miss Jizi, should you consider finding a man?"

If Qiana came to Changkong City, she really had her own reasons, which was a good sign.

Yu Gong was thinking about whether to take the initiative or not.

Of course, Himeko was also one of Yu Gong's goals, and he wasn't going to let it go.


A mature, soft smile reappeared on Jizi's face.

"I do have such an idea, and I found a good candidate, but unfortunately he has a master."

The "candidate" that Ji Zi alluded to was, of course, Yu Gong.

Without the blond beauty, she was very happy to try to form a pair with Hanamiya.

"Haha, Miss Jizi."

Ji Zi was alluding to himself inside and out.

Yumiya is not a wooden man, he heard the overtones of Dewa Palace,

He took the initiative to approach Ji Zi's ear and spoke in a low voice.

"Bianca is one of my women."


the other side.

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