"What? Mr. Yumiya's partner, you're not the only one?"

Mei's voice involuntarily raised a few degrees.

After speaking, she hurriedly covered her mouth and looked around in a panic.

"Yeah, everyone is a very good person, and they live happily together."

Mei was taken aback, but when she looked at Bianca, she was very calm,

They are not ordinary people, why should they follow the routine?

"This this......"

Yayi was speechless, not knowing what to say.

Yu Gong and his partners live together, are they still very happy?

No wonder she was speechless, Bianca's words were beyond her comprehension.

Aside from some strange thoughts, Mei really admires Yumiya.

This kind of thing is called a fantasy, how did he do it?

"It's almost time, let's go."

Counting the time, the conversation between Yumiya and Himeko is almost coming to an end,

Bianca stood up from the soft and comfortable sofa and picked up the food and drinks next to her.

"Uh, good."

Seeing this, Ya Yi hurriedly followed.

At this moment, Mei's mood is extremely complicated.

It is true that Bianca, Hagiya and the others have no right to care about their lives.

However, she always felt weird.

But from another angle, Kiana's resistance was much less.

But the question is, has Kiana accepted it?


"One, one?"

Yu Gong specially emphasized "one", and Ji Zi heard it quite clearly.

The amount of information contained in these two words was too large, and she couldn't help being stunned.

"That's right, one."

Taking advantage of Jizi's unpreparedness, Yugiya quickly squeezed her chin and moved forward like lightning.


Ji Zi's eyes widened suddenly, and her mind went blank.

After a few seconds, Hagiya let go of Himeko, who was in a daze.

"Beautiful and charming Miss Jizi, are you interested in joining?"

"Bold guy."

Ji 5.5 son slowly regained his senses.

Surprisingly, Ji Zi was not shy or angry, but instead smiled brightly.

"Knowing my origin, how dare you 'attack' me?"

"In return, I tell you a vital piece of information."

Different people use different methods.

The innocent girl Yayi is suitable for taking steady steps, but the mature Jizi is not.

A bold and aggressive approach will be more effective.

Although high returns come with high risks at the same time, Yu Gong is not afraid of Himeko's violence or other adverse consequences.

He has a means of remedy, a way.

It turns out that Yumiya made the right bet, and his remedial plan can be considered to be discarded. .

Chapter 348

"What information?"

Ji Zi turned back and checked the situation behind.

The guests in the banquet venue are still doing their own thing.

Although a few people noticed Yu Gong and Himeko, they were all normal attention.

No strange emotions such as playfulness, surprise, etc. were revealed.

Perhaps Hagiya deliberately adjusted the angle, so the actions of the two just now were not seen by others.

"If Teresa Apocalis cares about her students, don't let her participate in any experiments related to destiny."

Counting the time, Destiny's research centering on the desire for gems should have already been put on the agenda and will start soon.

The purpose of this experiment is to develop an armament that rivals the Herrscher by desiring the power of gems.

However, things backfired, and the final result was indeed the creation of Wendy the Herrscher of the Wind.

Hagiya didn't know if De Liza was deceived, so she recommended Wendy to participate in this experiment.

Now there is his reminder that Idrissa's character and mind should not do stupid things.


Ji Zi frowned slightly.

He didn't understand Yu Gong's words very well.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, repeat the original words to Theresa Apocalis, she will understand."

Ji Zi's doubts were all on his face, and Yu Gong could see it clearly.

He didn't explain, but chose to play dumb.

Some things cannot be explained.

"Can you make it clear?"

Ji Zi approached Yu Gong and boldly sat down beside him.

"You took advantage of me so much, can't you give me some preferential treatment?"

"If you want to seek answers, it is more appropriate to go to Theresa."

Dressed in a gorgeous evening dress, Jizi's beauty offensive is not too powerful.

Unfortunately, it's useless to Yumiya.

"Speaking of preferential treatment, I gave you preferential treatment, but you didn't notice it."


Ji Zi's curiosity was piqued.

Could it be that Yu Gong was hiding something from himself and secretly doing something small?

"The answer, you can also find it in St. Freya Academy."

Yu Gong was a little sold out.

"What I said, I want to rush back to St. Freya Academy immediately."

Ji Zi stretched out her body gracefully, then stood up.

Although she is not very satisfied, in general, she has gained a lot today.

The invisible pressure brought by Yu Gong disappeared, and Ji Zi felt the relief after a long absence, and returned to herself.

"I'm leaving, looking forward to our next meeting."

The task given by Theresa was completed, and this boring banquet had already lost its meaning to Jizi.

Continuing to stay, there is no other effect except to let the flies destroy their good mood.

"Each each other."

Yumiya is also looking forward to the next meeting with Himeko.


As if it was pre-arranged.

Not long after Ji Zi left, the figures of Mei and Bianca appeared in Yu Gong's eyes.

"Mr. Hagiya, what about Teacher Jizi?"

Seeing that Yugiya was the only one who returned, Mei couldn't help asking.

"Just left, maybe on the way home."

While enjoying the food and drinks that Bianca brought him, Hagiya replied to Mei.

"Uh, then I also bid farewell."

Yumiya was eating, and Mei felt that it was not appropriate for her to stay here.

"I want to ask Miss Yayi to help me with something, can I do it for you?"

Hagiya temporarily put down the cutlery, and then took out a small wooden box from his pocket.

"no problem."

Mei took the small wooden box and opened the lid curiously.

In the wooden box, two things are neatly placed.

A bracelet, a necklace.

The style of the bracelets and necklaces is very gorgeous, and the workmanship is quite exquisite.

Most importantly, they are colorless, transparent, and crystal clear.

Mei's gaze could even penetrate the bracelet and necklace to see the blurry scene below.

"so beautiful."

You are the jewel in the palm of Ryoma, the president of ME Club, and there are countless precious ornaments that Mei has been in contact with since childhood.

Rao is because she is "well-informed" and attracted by this pair of accessories.

"A small gift I prepared for Kiana."

Yumiya's explanation sounded in Mei's ear at the right time.

"The other one should be your thanks for helping Bianca and me just now."

"Ah, this."

Mei's hands trembled and she almost threw the wooden box out.

Shouldn't the bracelet and necklace belong to Kiana? How can one be your own?

Could it be that Yugiya gave Qiana something that should have belonged to her?

No, absolutely not.

"Mr. Yumiya, your gift is too precious, I..."

"The gadgets I made by myself are worthless, so please accept them with peace of mind."

The bracelets and accessories that Yugiya gave to Mei are not as simple as accessories, but have other uses.

He specially prepared it for Mei and Qiyana, and the timing is right now, just to send it out.

380 "Okay, thank you Mr. Yu Gong."

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