After the conversation was over, the banquet officially began.

This banquet is no different from other banquets, and the theme is still social.

The participants walked around while enjoying the banquet.

Those who are qualified to participate in the banquet held by Thunder and Lightning Ryoma are all leaders in various fields in Changkong City.

Whether it's making new friends or negotiating new business, it's all a gain.

"Father, are you looking for someone?"

Mei Yi is always by the side of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma.

I found out that my father is not as usual, communicating with friends and talking about business.

Instead, she glanced at the 380 banquet venue, as if she was looking for someone, she couldn't help asking curiously.


His eyes swept across the edge of the banquet venue, and Thunder Ryoma's gaze was fixed on a sofa in the corner.

According to common sense, the corners of any place are mostly cold and few people are there.

However, that place is an exception.

Many people gathered near the sofa and talked with each other.

At their center is not some dignified middle-aged, old man, but a young man and his beautiful blond companion.

"I found it, let's go, Mei."


"The future is terrifying."

In the group near the corner, Thunder and Lightning Ryoma blended into the crowd very naturally, and began to chat with Yumiya.

"Mr. Ryoma..."



Seeing the thunder and lightning coming, the people around looked for reasons to leave.

Everyone is a shrewd old fox, no one can't see that Thunderbolt Ryoma has something to say, and wants to talk to Yu Gong alone.

"It turned out to be Mr. Ryoma, do you have any advice?"

The Lord finally came.

Honestly, Hanamiya doesn't really want to deal with other people, because it's not necessary.

"Don't dare, Mr. Yu Gong is a distinguished guest, it would be rude not to say hello."

Thunderbolt Ryoma gestured to Mei with his eyes.

"This is the little girl, Raiden Yayi."

"Hello, Mr. Yumiya."

Mei greeted Yumiya politely.

After saying hello, she looked at Yu Palace curiously.

Although I heard that Yu Gong was a young man, Mei was still surprised when she saw it.

No matter how you look at it, Yu Gong's age will not exceed 20 years old, which is too young.


Yu Gong nodded slightly, as a response.

It was the first time he and Mei met, so it was not advisable to be too enthusiastic.

"Mr. Hagiya, many of those people just now have a cooperative relationship with your group."

Thunderbolt Ryoma took over at the right time.

Sitting in the corner, he was lukewarm towards the person who spoke to him.

Yu Gong's every move revealed that he didn't care about being at this banquet.

In that case, why did Yugiya come?

"The less useless social interaction, the better, save your heart and effort."

If it weren't for Raiden Ryoma being Mei's father, Yumiya would have the same attitude towards Raiden Ryoma.

"Aren't you afraid that they will feel ashamed and unite to boycott you?"

Raiden Ryoma's evaluation of Yu Gong in his heart couldn't help but raise a few points.

Yu Gong's words are undoubtedly very crazy.

Does his madness stem from youth or self-confidence?

"Double the number of people, maybe I'll give them one more look."

A few mere characters who can't be the hegemon in Changkong City, are they worth Yu Gong's heart?

There are some things that Yu Gong can't do by himself.

It is more convenient to leave it to others to do.

"It's really a hero out of a boy."

If Yu Gong's previous words were just madness, then the current words cannot be described as "crazy".

Thunderbolt Ryoma was ignorant on the surface, but his heart was filled with waves.

He is not an ordinary businessman. He knows that behind the seemingly peaceful and bright world, there is a completely opposite side.

The terrifying energy of people who walk on the other side of the world is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If Yumiya is one of them, he is indeed qualified to say such a thing.

"The world belongs to you young people. You and Mei Yi can communicate more."

"As an old man, it's better for me to go back to my own circle."

Thunderbolt Ryoma gave Mei an encouraging look, then left her and left alone.

"Eh, father."

Mei could never have imagined that things would develop in this direction.

By the time she reacted, the Thunderbolt Ryoma had already gone far.

"If you feel uncomfortable, go to Mr. Ryoma."

Yumiya is very happy to get along with Mei, but she won't force her.

"No, no, Mr. Yumiya."

Mei suppressed her nervousness and the urge to leave, and sat down opposite Hannomiya and Bianca.


To deal with girls, Hanamiya has his own experience.

He took the initiative to stir up the topic and guide the atmosphere in a joyful direction.

After a while, the estrangement and strangeness of the first meeting gradually disappeared, and the two chatted and laughed like friends.

After some conversation, Mei's impression of Yugiya changed greatly.

Yu Gong's personality is not arrogant, but rather gentle.

As for what he said earlier, perhaps Yugiya thought there was a gap in the levels of the two sides.

Think about yourself in Chiba Academy, isn't that the case?

"Mr. Yu Gong, who is this?"

While chatting happily, Mei suddenly realized that she didn't know Bianca yet.

"Her name is Bianca, and we are in a relationship."

Yumiya introduces Bianca to Mei.


It turned out that Yugiya was "a married man".

Thinking of Kiana, Mei felt a little distressed for her.

When it comes to Yumiya, Kiana's tone is slightly different from usual.

This difference probably won't be noticed by Kiana herself, but it can't be concealed from the meticulous Mei.

She must be sad to learn that Yu Gong has a partner. .

Chapter 346

"Uh, huh?"

Mei was thinking about Qiana when an unexpected figure entered her line of sight.

Her teacher, Jizi.

Just in time, Ji Zi's eyes turned around, and the two looked at each other.

"Hi, Mei."

Ji Zi decisively left the others and walked over to the place where the three of them were located.

"Mr. Jizi, you were also invited by your father?"

The appearance of Ji Zi made Mei a little surprised.

The teacher of Chiba Academy is obviously not qualified to participate in the banquet held by Raiden Ryoma.

"Don't underestimate me, I went to Chiba Academy to be a teacher purely out of hobby."

Ji Zi slowly shook the goblet in her hand, with a little self-satisfaction in her graceful posture.

"That's it."

In this way, Jizi's existence makes sense.

Mei guessed that Ji Zi's background should be good, so she acts more casually.

"Mr. Jizi, let me introduce you to..."

"The helm of Eden Technology Group, Mr. Hagiya Margot Royd."

"His name, I can hear it every day recently."

On the surface, Jizi came to greet her student Mei.

In fact, her real goal is Hanamiya.

Mei took the initiative to lead the topic to Yugiya, and she was meeting Himeko's heart.


Yumiya asked with interest.

First, Mei, and then Jizi.

I expected two important plot characters in a row. Although this trip to the Changkong Hotel was boring, it was worth it.

"Immeasurable Tajiko is currently working as a teacher at Chiba Academy in Changkong City."

Before the main topic began, Ji Zi introduced herself.

"There are too many parts related to Eden Technology Group, needless to say."

"This afternoon, one of my students also mentioned you."

"Appreciate further details."

Destiny's A-rank Valkyrie, went to Chiba Academy to be a teacher? Yumiya thought it was very interesting.

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