At the end of school, the school bell rang on time.


Kiana, who was lying on the desk, sat up straight and yawned lazily.

"It's finally over, it's been a long time."

"Kiana, can you be serious?"

"Aren't you afraid of not meeting the academic standards and being expelled from the school?"

In front of the desk adjacent to Kiana, the girl who was packing up her books couldn't help frowning and teaching her a serious lesson.

The girl who spoke was a standard black long straight beautiful girl.

The girl's appearance is extremely outstanding, and she is on an equal footing with Kiana.

Her figure is perfect, and she can't pick out the slightest flaw.

But the difference from Kiana is that her beauty is a mature beauty that transcends age.

In this mature beauty, there is an unapproachable coldness.

PS: Lilies are impossible to exist, everyone who understands them understands, it's a waste of resources.

Chapter 344

The girl is the daughter of the ME club's president, Raiden Ryoma, Raiden Mei.

Because of her outstanding appearance and prominent family background, she has become a well-deserved figure in Chiba Academy.

The good people gave her a name, Queen of Thunder.

I don't know if it's because of the compatibility of personalities, or because of the great will of the universe.

Kiana and Raiden Mei hit it off at first sight, and they established a good relationship in just two days.

"Huh? It's just schoolwork, how could it be difficult for Miss Ben."

Kiana was full of confidence and didn't take Mei's words to heart at all.

She shook her head gently, threw the last bit of tiredness out of her mind, and packed up her things.

They are also superb girls, Kiana and Mei are two extremes.

Mei's movement of packing things is very elegant, showing her good tutoring and literacy.

Kiana was in a mess, making people wonder if she knew what she put in her schoolbag.

"I'll help you."

Mei can't stand it anymore, so she decides to help Kiana.

She put down her schoolbag and turned around to grab Kiana's.

"Hey, thank you."

Kiana touched her head embarrassedly.

Fortunately, there was Mei to help her, otherwise it would have taken her several times more time to adapt to the campus life of a high school student.

"you are welcome."

Mei opened her schoolbag to check what was inside.

The chaos in the schoolbag made her speechless to the extreme.

"Really, it's too messy, eh?"

Mei Yi took out the useless or temporarily unavailable items one by one to make room.

When she turned to a mezzanine, her hand suddenly stopped.

Kiana's schoolbag can only be described as "chaotic", with the exception of this mezzanine.

In the mezzanine, there is a card squarely placed.

"Kiana, can I look at the card in the mezzanine?"

The huge difference inside and outside the mezzanine proves that Kiana is very interested in this card.

Mei was quite curious about what was recorded on the card, so that Kiana, who was "off the beaten track", was so careful.


Kiana glanced at the schoolbag, then looked away.

"This business card, it's ok, you can look at it as you like."

"Is it a business card?"

With Kiana's permission, Raiden Mei took out the card in the mezzanine.

When she saw the contents of the card clearly, her lips parted slightly, looking overly surprised.

The business card of Yugiya Margot Royd, the founder of Eden Technology Group? And is it private?

"Kiana, do you know Hagiya Margot Royd?"

"Hamiya Margot Royd?"

Mei and Kiana didn't notice that their conversation attracted someone who was about to leave the classroom.

Hearing Yu Gong's name, she immediately changed direction and slowly approached the two of them.

"I know."

Intuition told Kiana that Mei's surprise came from Yumiya's business card.

"What's the matter, Mei, is there something wrong with the business card?"

"No problem, this kind of personal business card..."

Mei shook her head and explained the function of business cards to Kiana.

In short, the business card Hanamiya gave to Kiana is equivalent to a certificate.

Holders of business cards can get the highest courtesy when they go to any place related to Eden Technology Group.

Mei's father, Thunderbolt Ryoma, also has a similar business card.

But given the quantity, one can count it with one hand.


Kiana was also speechless in surprise.

I thought Yu Gong's small gift was really a small gift, but I didn't expect it to be a big gift.

"Are you on good terms with Hagiya Margot Royd?"

Eden Technology Group, Mei has heard a little about it.

It is an extraordinary star enterprise with unlimited potential that is currently developing rapidly in Changkong City.

Several well-known economists agree that Eden Technology Group will become a multinational giant within a few months.

Therefore, the value of the business card in Kiana's hand is immeasurable.

"Our relationship, er, how do you say it?"

The experience in a small town in New Zealand came to Kiana's mind unconsciously.

Her face flushed and her speech became hesitant.

"Uh, are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

It's no wonder Mei had such an idea, it's that Kiana's performance is indeed easy to confuse people.

"Male, boyfriend and girlfriend, we..."

".~ Oops, I heard something amazing."

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Kiana instantly exploded.

Before she could explain, a mature female voice sounded in her ears.

Mei and Kiana stopped talking and looked at the person who spoke up.

"Mr. Jizi."

"Who found a boyfriend? Mei, you, or Kiana?"

Since entering Chiba Academy, Himeko has been waiting for an opportunity to approach Kiana.

Finally, now she has waited for a good opportunity.

"It's not me, it's Kiana."

Mei did not hesitate to "bet" Kiana.

She was fortunate that all her classmates were gone at this time, and there were only three of them in the classroom.

Otherwise, she can't imagine how outrageous rumors will appear in Chiba Academy tomorrow.

"It's not me either."

Kiana didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Why do you have an extra boyfriend for no reason?

Although Yu Gong (Hao Zhao Zhao) is quite good in all aspects, but the two have only met once,

"Oh, let's talk while walking, the teacher is very curious about the topic you talked about earlier."

A strange light flashed in Ji Zi's eyes, which was difficult to detect.

She has a strong hunch that she will gain a lot today.


The gate of Chiba Academy.

"It turned out to be so scary."

Along the way, Jizi learned the details from Kiana and Mei.

"He seems to be very good to you, take the opportunity, Kiana."

"Ah ha ha."

Kiana didn't know how to respond, so she could only laugh.

"See you tomorrow, Teacher Jizi."


Afterwards, the three said goodbye.

"See you tomorrow?"

Jizi opened her bag and took out the same thin thing. .

Chapter 345

It was an invitation letter, exactly the same as the one in Yu Gong's hand.

"You don't have to wait until tomorrow, Mei."

Looking at the distant backs of Kiana and Mei, Ji Zi's gentle smile gradually became unclear.


Time passed bit by bit.

In the evening, Changkong Hotel.

Hagiya and Bianca came to the top floor of the hotel as scheduled to attend the banquet held by Raiden Ryoma.

The beginning of the banquet was the host's speech of the nature of the scene.

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