The girl was helpless and walked out from behind the broken walls.

Since the young man discovered him, it would be meaningless to keep hiding.

"Huh? Is it her?"

The youth, that is, Yu Gong's eyes, flashed a ray of surprise.

The girl's image is so recognizable that he recognized it at a glance.

The protagonist of Honkai Impact 3RD, Kiana Kaslana.

What an unexpected surprise 373, this trip to New Zealand is not in vain.

"What do you want, let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you."

Kiana took out her dual spears and assumed a fighting stance.

"Have I said what I'm going to do to you? Where did you come from?"

Yu Gong asked with a light smile.

Kiana's reaction made him feel very interesting.


Kiana's expression froze immediately, the fierce aura she finally created was completely destroyed.

Yu Gong found that someone was watching him secretly. Shouldn't the next development be furious and then act?

Why is the situation different from what you thought?


For a while, Kiana didn't know how to respond to Yumiya.

"If it was you, would you let people who peeped at you leave for nothing?"

"I'm not crazy. As long as you're not an enemy, I won't do anything to you."

Yugiya never planned to stand on the opposite side of Kiana, so he took the initiative to express his attitude.


Kiana put the gun away again.

Yu Gong's words made sense, but she was too nervous.

After confirming that Yugiya was no threat to him, Kiana regained her normal vitality.

"Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Kiana Kaslana."

"Hamiya Margot Royd."

Yumiya took advantage of the situation and reported his name.

He knew Kiana, but it was better to pretend he didn't.

Although Kiana is rambunctious, she was dubbed Paramecium by the players of Honkai 3RD.

But her intuition is surprisingly sharp, and she can accurately distinguish whether people close to her have good intentions or malicious intentions.

This is also the way that Kiana has been alone in the world for many years, and she is still safe and sound.

Therefore, it is necessary to do less superfluous things, so as to avoid unnecessary branches.

"I'm going to another location to investigate, I suggest you go home quickly."

"This town is very dangerous now, and it's not the place for a little girl to stay."

"Huh? Little girl?"

Kiana raised her eyebrows and grimaced.

She followed closely behind Yu Gong, who was walking forward on her own, with a posture that she would go wherever Yu Gong went.

"I admit that you are very powerful, but Miss Ben is not bad. Don't underestimate me."

"I don't care if you want to be brave."

Kiana, who was in the back, couldn't see the faint smile on Hagiya's face.

It was rare to meet, and they separated after seeing each other in a hurry. No (beff) was what he hoped.

Yumiya knew Qiana's unwillingness to admit defeat, and understood how to keep her.

Sure enough, with a simple trick, Kiana obediently followed.

"I'll make it clear in advance, don't expect me to protect you in case of danger."

"Who wants your protection? You're not a few years older than me. You sound old-fashioned when you talk."


With Kiana's company, the formation of Yugiya became a lot more lively.

As the two walked, they chatted happily.

When encountering a dead man, Yu Gong took the initiative to deal with it, and the atmosphere was very happy.

It seems that they are not here to investigate the collapse, nor are they in a town that is in a mess, and it is almost impossible to find a good place.

It's a young couple playing in the amusement park.

Unconsciously, the sun in the sky rose overhead.

Yumiya and Kiana spent nearly an hour in the town, leaving footprints almost all over the town.

The town center.

"These dead men should be the last batch."

Hagiya manipulated the Savior Demon King and aimed the muzzle at a few dead soldiers scattered not far away.

"Leave it to me."

Kiana was as fast as the wind and rushed out.

Along the way, the dead men they encountered were all cleaned up by Yu Gong.

Although Yu Gong's face was relaxed and comfortable, and she never showed any signs of fatigue, Kiana was still very embarrassed.

Without a little strength, she always felt sorry for her.

In addition, Kiana thinks it is necessary for her to show her strength, and Yu Gong of the province underestimates her.

"Wait, Kiana..."

Yu Gong hurriedly made a sound, trying to stop Kiana.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but Kiana's speed didn't decrease at all.

In the blink of an eye, she was already fighting with the dead.

"Haha, it's frizzy."

Yumiya shook his head helplessly, admiring Kiana's heroic fighting spirit.

Don't listen to Kiana if she doesn't listen, anyway, it's not her who suffers.

On the contrary, he took advantage of Kiana.

Bang bang bang.

Clap clap clap.

The sound of gunshots mingled with the sound of physical collisions rang out, and then stopped.

In less than a minute, the dead were all dead.

"Hehe, Miss Ben's strength is not bad, you..."

Kiana turned her head proudly, wanting to show off to Yumiya. .

Chapter 341

Halfway through, Kiana's voice stopped abruptly.

Because, Yu Gong was watching her with a very strange look.

If Kiana is not mistaken, the color in Yu Gong's eyes is amazing and satisfied.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Kiana looked herself up and down, but didn't find anything wrong.

"It's nothing, it's just that your courage exceeded my expectations."

Yu Gong was really speechless.

As expected of a paramecia, I know that I haven't found out what the problem is yet.

"Courageous? How many dead men..."

Kiana thought that Yumiya would make amazing remarks, but it turned out to be useless nonsense.

and many more.

Kiana's words stopped halfway through the second time.

She put away the gun, then looked at herself again.

The length of the cuffs is only about ten centimeters, and the lower end is a short T-shirt that exposes the waist.

Barely covering one-fifth to one-quarter of the girly-style short skirt.

Kiana's dress is cool and hot.

It not only fully shows the youthful vitality of a girl, but also does not lose the charm of women.

This light outfit can be said to be suitable for combat, or it can be said to be unsuitable for combat at all.

The good part is that it doesn't restrict movement.

The inappropriate place is that once the action is too large...

Thinking of her own fighting style, Kiana finally understood why Yu Gong's gaze was so strange.

Her pretty face, visible to the naked eye, turned from white to red.

"You, have you seen it all?"

"What do you think, Kiana?"

Kiana is good at spear fighting, which is unique to the Kaslana family, combining spear, physical, and swordsmanship.

The magnitude of the movement is huge, how could Yu Gong not be able to see it.

Not only did he see it, but he saw it very clearly.

"You, damn, don't remind me."

Kiana really wished there was a gap in front of her so she could get in.

She was used to being alone, and over time, she gradually ignored the problem of disappearance.

As a result, I was careless today and was taken advantage of by Yu Gong.

"Oh? I didn't remind you, are you sure?"

Hanamiya forcibly held back his smile and reminded Kiana.


With Yumiya's reminder, Kiana remembered it.

Yumiya did say something like "Wait", but he pretended not to hear it.

"But, but..."

Thinking back on the whole process, it was indeed his own fault, and Yu Gong could not be blamed.

However, it was her who suffered, and Yugiya who took advantage of it. Kiana thought she had the right to make trouble out of nowhere.

"You, eh?"

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