Thinking about how to get past this embarrassing topic, Yu Gong suddenly changed his face.

The floating cannons around him were pieced together to form a crown-shaped cannon.

The muzzle of the cannon was facing the direction where Kiana was.

"Huh? What do you want to do?"

Hagiya's actions frightened Kiana quite a bit.

She subconsciously took two steps back, a few drops of cold sweat appeared on her face.

It's too much to talk nonsense by himself after separation and ruin his reputation. Yu Gong intends to kill and silence him?

No way.

The two have been together for nearly an hour.

Kiana feels good to Yu Gong, she doesn't seem like a stingy person.

Could it be that everything before is an illusion, is Yu Gong pretending to deceive her?


Boom boom boom.

The jet-black ray passed over Kiana's head and flew behind her.

At the same time, the dilapidated building behind Kiana collapsed.

A monster with a predominantly white tone appeared on the ruins of the building.

The size of the monster is extremely huge. In terms of height, it is better than the nearby buildings.

"Sure enough, there are Honkai Beasts."

The pitch-black light entered from the monster's head, radiated from the back, and shot straight into the sky.

With such a huge size, the strength of the white monster must be extraordinary.

It's a pity that it didn't have time to show its strength in the future, and it died under the shelling of Yu Gong.


Elsewhere in town.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Who did it?"

On the road full of gravel and building wreckage, Ji Zi walked slowly.

She looked left and right as she walked, and occasionally glanced down at the corpses of the dead around her.

At this time, Ji Zi changed into a dress similar to tights, with a large sword on her back.

A majestic Valkyrie attire, as if entering a state of battle.

More than an hour ago, Jizi found Teresa as soon as she learned that New Zealand had a strong Houkai energy reaction.

After the two discussed it, Theresa decided to send Jizi to investigate on the spot.

It took about half an hour, and Himeko arrived in New Zealand on the special ship of St. Freya Academy.


The tragic situation at the location of the incident was exactly as Jizi expected.

To Jizi's surprise, it was the corpse of the dead man.

After investigating for more than half an hour, she discovered an astonishing fact.

The town is full of corpses of the dead, and the methods of death of the dead are the same as before.

His body was penetrated and he was killed on the spot.

Based on the limited information, Himeko made a simple judgment.

There are strong men in the town, and he is cleaning up the dead.

Knowing this, Ji Zi's mood has changed.

The motive and purpose of the mysterious powerhouse are unknown, and she cannot determine whether that person is an enemy or a friend.


After walking on a road without dead men, Ji Zi suddenly let out a light murmur.

The bodies of the dead appeared in front of them again. The way these dead soldiers died was different from the previous one.

She quickly walked to the corpse and squatted down to check.

Unlike the previous one-shot kill, there were multiple wounds on the body.

There are bruises, abrasions, gunshot wounds, etc. There are many types.

"Hangkai, multiple mysterious characters, the situation is getting more and more complicated, what exactly happened here?"

Ji Zi thought that there was only one unknown person, but it turned out that there were at least two.

The death of the dead man shows that the strength of the second person should not be comparable to that of the first person, but it is also worth noting.


At this moment, a pitch-black light streaks across the sky. Death.

Chapter 342


Ji Zi stood up quickly, her face uncertain.

As an A-rank Valkyrie, Himeko's strength is beyond doubt.

However, this dark light of unknown origin gave her a strong sense of crisis.

"Could it be, no, we have to take a look."

Ji Zi immediately thought of those dead men who were pierced through the body and died in one blow.

Without any hesitation, she went straight to the direction the black light came from.


"Kiana, you are safe now."

Yumiya waved his hand gracefully, and his movements were as capable as a conductor.

After receiving the order, the crown cannon was broken down into dozens of small floating cannons.

The next second, these floating cannons seemed to escape into the void and disappeared.

"It turns out that you found that big guy on March 7, so..."

Only then did Kiana understand that she blamed Yumiya.

"Did you think I was going to kill you?"

Yu Gong wanted to laugh a little.

"Ah ha ha."

Kiana let out a haha ​​and returned to Yugiya's side.

What Yu Gong said was true, she did have such an idea before, and even had an escape plan in her mind.

In all fairness, she wasn't sure at all.

"Your heart is not as hard as you say, thank you."

"No, it's just a little effort. I'm leaving, please do."

This time, Yu Gong really wants to leave New Zealand, not hard-to-get.

It's enough to leave a deep impression on Kiana.

In the future, they will meet in the sky city.

"Eh? If you don't investigate the Honkai explosion, and the reason for the sudden appearance of the giant Honkai beast just now?"

After investigating in the town for more than an hour, they found nothing, which made Kiana very discouraged.

She is so strong that she is unwilling to return empty-handed.

"The chariot-level Honkai Beast..."

Yumiya supplemented Kiana with knowledge about the generation and types of Honkai beasts.

"I probably know a thing or two about the reason for the collapse."

"My purpose here is not to investigate Honkai, but to find something."

"What's the reason? Is it something you're looking for?"

Kiana automatically ignored Yumiya's explanation and threw two questions in a row.

"You don't understand even though you said it. Your understanding of Honkai and related knowledge is too little."

What is Yumiya looking for? Of course looking for craving gems.

Unfortunately, Tianming's laboratory was hidden too deep, and he lacked special equipment, so he couldn't find it.

"All right."

Kiana resolutely gave up and continued to question.

She didn't want to listen to Yu Gong's long speeches, otherwise her head would definitely explode.

"Before leaving, let's give you a gadget as a greeting gift."

Yumiya held Kiana's hand, and then placed a thin card in the palm of her hand.

"If we have a predestined relationship, we'll see you again."

After doing all this, Yu Gong let go of Kiana, turned into a streamer and shot into the sky.

"Meeting ceremony?"

Kiana's pretty face flushed slightly.

It was the first time that the opposite **** held hands intimately.

Strangely, she didn't feel disgust or resistance, just shyness.


Trying to calm down the fluctuations in her heart, Kiana spread her palms and looked at the card Yu Gong gave her.

It was a business card with incomparably exquisite workmanship, and at a glance, you could tell that it was expensive to make.

"Hamiya Margot Royd, founder of Eden Technology Group."

"His strength is so strong, Eden Technology Group must be very powerful, I will check it later."

Kiana collected the business card solemnly and left immediately.


On the side, not far away.

Ji Zi hid behind a dilapidated building and silently looked at Kiana who was far away.

Very unfortunately, when she arrived at this place, Yu Gong just left.

Ji Zi, who came in a hurry, only saw Yu Gong's back and Kiana.

Jizi's first reaction was to contact Kiana and inquire about the news of Yugiya.

But after careful consideration for a moment, she gave up the idea.

Reckless contact will most likely backfire, secret investigation is the right way...

"Go back to the branch first and discuss with Theresa."


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