Hagiya purchased Eden Island in order to use the island as a base for the production of structures.

Now, planning and corrections are underway.

In order to make sure there are no problems, Yumiya will come to inspect every once in a while.

Today, he happened to be on the island.

"Yes, the work is going very smoothly."

After walking around the various construction sites, Yu Gong was very satisfied that everything was in order.

"Mr. Yumiya."

Just when Yu Gong was about to leave Eden Island and return to Changkong City, the general manager of the construction team found him.

"Is something wrong?"

Yu Gong asked suspiciously.

You actually found yourself directly. Could it be that a major accident happened?

"I just received news that a major hurricane broke out in New Zealand."

"The bad weather over there may affect us, you see...-..."

The general manager explained the situation.

"Great hurricane?"

New Zealand, hurricane.

Taking these two elements out separately, Yu Gong won't think much about it.

Combining the two together is a bit intriguing.

"I'm going to investigate the situation in New Zealand myself. You all suspend construction and wait for my news."

After thinking about it for a moment, Hanamiya felt that a safe plan was adopted.

Perhaps, New Zealand's big hurricane is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Okay, Mr. Yumiya."

Yugong is the gold lord, and the chief person in charge naturally takes his will.


At the same time, St. Freya Academy.

"Warning, warning, a strong Honkai reaction detected."

"Warning, warning..."

In the Honkai Energy testing room, an alarm suddenly sounded.

The digitized virtual globe in the middle began to flash an ominous red light, and windows with the words "Warning" popped up one after another.

"Huh? A strong Honkai effect?"

The sudden alarm caught the people in the Honkaikan testing room by surprise.

They didn't have time to be surprised and surprised, and immediately checked the problem.


"what happened?"

The door of the testing room was pushed open.

Then, Ji Zi's slender figure walked in.

At this time, she was wearing a military uniform, and the slim military uniform showed Jizi's perfect body curve.

It makes her mature, more **** and heroic, and has a unique flavor.

"It's Major Jizi."

Seeing Jizi, the staff in the testing room seemed to be reassured.

Their tension and pressure were relieved a lot.

"Major Jizi..."

The person closest to Jizi quickly told Jizi the situation in the most concise language.


Ji Zi's face was gloomy, and he was about to drip water.

A strong Honkai energy reaction was detected, located in Oceania?

"You stand by, I'll go to the principal of the school."



New Zealand, a small town by the sea.


Kacha Kacha.

At this moment, this peaceful town is being devastated by the storm.

High winds swept up the sea, tore streets and destroyed buildings.

The original beautiful scenery of the town no longer exists, and what remains is only a mess and dilapidation.

In the distance, a meteor came galloping and stopped above the town.

"Sure enough."

Yumiya's current position is at a height that is invisible to the naked eye.

Looking down from this height, he can get a panoramic view of the hellish town below.

As Hagiya expected, the disaster raging below was not a hurricane at all.

Instead, collapse.

There are very few people who are lucky, there are many people moving stiffly near the buildings that are not completely damaged.

No, it is more appropriate to call them "dead men" who are infected with Honkai.

"It should be the desire for gems."

After a long while of rough observation, Yu Gong found a place where there were fewer dead people and landed.

"Right now, Wendy, who acts as a vessel for the desire gem, should not be in the Oceania branch of Destiny."

"In other words, the desire for gems is out of control?"


Yu Gong summoned the Savior Demon King, and while cleaning up the dead, he followed the path to other places.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・


Another location in the town.

A refreshing and beautiful girl with her white hair tied into two long ponytails is fighting a group of dead soldiers.

Her movements are extremely flexible, like a butterfly traversing the flowers, wandering among the dead.

Although they have an absolute numerical advantage, the one who has the advantage is a girl.

She has excellent spear skills and is good at close-quarters fighting skills.

Combining the two, the girl directly transformed into a killing machine, efficiently harvesting the lives of the dead around her.


After a while, all the dead fell at the girl's feet.

She adjusted her breathing rhythm to make her slightly rapid breathing steady.


"The wind is getting weaker a lot, it will probably stop soon, I..."

Huh, huh.

The girl put away her gun and planned to check the situation in other places.

At this moment, she heard a strange sound.


The girl turned her head and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

The sound was like air being torn apart, very subtle.

If it wasn't for the girl who wasn't half human, it wouldn't be possible to hear it.

"If there is a situation, go over there first."

The girl's determination is very strong, and she made a decision immediately.


As it got closer to the target location, the strange sound became clearer and clearer.

Judging that the source of the sound was very close, the girl consciously hid her figure.

After a few more streets, she saw something that made a sound.

Ahead, a young man is fighting the dead.

Those weird sounds were made when the floating cannons floating around him emitted pitch-black light.

"It's amazing, it's a massacre."

The girl hid behind the broken walls and watched the one-sided battle not far away.

The jet-black rays were unstoppable, and all the dead men on their path were easily penetrated, and then fell to the ground.

In terms of the speed of killing soldiers, she can't compare with the youth at all.

The most important thing is that the young people don't have to move their hands. Death.

Chapter 340

The girl has a cheerful and sunny personality, and has always been very confident in her own strength.

But seeing the young man today, she deeply understood the truth that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside of heaven.


In just a moment, the young man has cleaned up the surrounding dead men.

"Look elsewhere."

After watching the play, the girl was about to leave.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the youth is a very dangerous person.

If it is not necessary, it is better not to contact him rashly.

"Have you been hiding for so long and still refuse to come out?"

Just as the girl cautiously retreated, the young man's eyes suddenly swept to the hiding place.


When the girl confirmed her own building, she didn't make any sound, but she was still discovered?

The perception ability of young people is a bit terrifying.


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