Saye Gongxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she was beating drums in her heart earlier.

Although Banligu Yuri is simple, her intuition is exceptionally sharp. Sayae Gongxin is really worried that she will break the casserole and ask to the end.

Fortunately, things went in the direction she hoped.

Sayaka Gongxin immediately changed the topic, so as not to cause new complications.


Banligu Yuri throws distracting thoughts out of his mind.

Now what they should do is the right thing.


Just when Yuri Banligu turned her gaze to Qiyan City, her brain exploded.

A strange and terrifying scene appeared in her mind.

White thunder, dark rays.

The island is in white with the tomb of the locust and locust.

"This this?"

The scene like the end of the world deeply shocked Yuri Banligu.

The unspeakable terror grew, silently swallowing her bit by bit.

"...~ Yuri, eh?"

Shaye Gongxin, who took out her mobile phone, occasionally turned her eyes to Wanli Gu Yuli, and was suddenly shocked.

Wanli Gu Yuri's face was pale and his face was covered in cold sweat.

"Yuri? Yuri?"

Sayae Gongxin hurriedly grabbed Yuri Wanligu's shoulders and shook violently.

In the blink of an eye, Yuri Banligu became like this.

Looking at Yuri Banligu's appearance, it was obvious that he was in extreme fear.

Could it be that her spiritual vision was activated, and she spied some scenes?

"Huh, huh."

Saya Gongxin's call brought Yuri Wanligu back to the real world.

"Okay, so scary,"

"Yuri, have you obtained the apocalypse of Spirit Vision?"

Saye Gongxin asked suspiciously.

"Bai He..."

Wanli Gu Yuri's voice trembled uncontrollably, and slowly described the sight of the spirit vision.

(Good King's) "Let's go to Yugiya-sama."

Insufficient information, Saya Gongxin doesn't know the specific meaning of what it represents.

But it would never be wrong to inform Yu Gong as soon as possible.


Saya Gongxin's decision, Wanli Gu Yuri agreed.


Tokyo, Hanamiya's home.


After listening to Saya Gongxin and Banligu Yuri's words, Hagiya fell into thought.

There is no doubt that the plan to wait and see succeeded.

Guinevere and Altheo landed on the island, along with the Last King.

"The time has come, let's start planning."

"Yes, Yumiya-sama."

Saye Gongxin took out her mobile phone, dialed the phone number of her subordinates, and issued a series of instructions in an orderly manner.

PS: Sorry, some things took time.

Chapter 313

The last step in the plan is to evacuate.

If Hagiya and Guinevere and the others go to war, the official history compilation committee will evacuate the nearby residents before the war.

The faster the speed, the better, so as not to involve innocent people and cause unnecessary casualties.

"Well done, Wanligu."

Yugiya praised Banligu Yuri.

Shaye Gongxin has arranged for someone to monitor Qiyan City. Once Guinevere and the others are found, they will notify Yu Palace as soon as possible.

It's not impossible to do this, but after all, it's half a beat slower.

Wanligu Yuri predicted their arrival in advance through his spiritual vision.

This undoubtedly bought a lot of time for Yu Gong to set up, allowing him to be in an absolute dominant position.

"Thank you, Yu Gong-sama, for your compliment."

Yuri Banligu responded politely.

She didn't dare to take credit.

The so-called self-made, it is estimated that at most, it will make Yu Gong more convenient.

Without her spirit vision assistance, Yu Gong agreed to be able to do things very beautifully.


Tokyo Bay.

"360 Lord Aldeo, how is it?"

Guinevere asked Arteo next to her.

"It is indeed related to the King of the End. Let's land on the island."

Think for a moment, Artio said.


Guinevere did not refuse.

After hesitating to the end, I finally wanted to go to the island.

Rather than wasting time in swaying left and right, it's better to just do it.


Qiyan City.


Two streamers galloped from the direction of Tokyo Bay and landed in the center of the island.

Then, it turned into Guinevere and Arteo.

"Investigate separately."


Artio and Guinevere went back to back, going in different directions.

The area of ​​the island is not large. If the two of them divide the labor, it will take a long time to conduct a blanket survey.

Time passed minute by minute.

About twenty minutes later, Artio and Guinevere returned to the starting point almost in no particular order.

"Have you found it, Lord Artio."

"Are there any gains on your side?"

The two spoke at the same time, and the next second were silent at the same time.

Arteo and Guinevere also understood without the other party's special explanation.

None of them gained anything.

"How to do."

Guinevere couldn't make up her mind and chose to ask Artio for help.

"Let's go back first, maybe..."

From the moment he landed on the island, a faint unease swirled in Arteo's heart.

The longer you stayed on the island, the stronger the unease.

The tranquility of the island is all an illusion.

Tear off the camouflage on the surface, what hides below is the shadow of death.

Following his instinct and intuition, Artio planned to leave as soon as possible.

"It's all here, why rush to leave?"

However, before Artio could finish her words, a sudden voice interrupted her.


This voice, the current Artio and Guinevere didn't want to hear it at all.

The two turned their heads subconsciously, and turned their eyes to the place where the voice came from.

Not far away, a boulder came into their sight.

Just now, there was nothing near the boulder.

At this moment, there is one more person above - Yu Gong.

"This island is a trap you set up to lure us into taking the bait."

The faint unease in my heart has become a reality, and it is the worst case.

Fortunately, his own side came prepared, so Artio's reaction was rather dull.

(beff) "Impossible."

Guinevere's emotions were very excited and had a tendency to explode.

She is not stupid, and she also has the same cause and effect.

The dream was broken, replaced by despair.

Even if this was the fact in front of her eyes, Guinevere still couldn't accept it.

"Qiyan City must have something to do with the King of the End. You can't fool me."

"you're right."

It's a little pity.

Yumiya couldn't bear the incomprehension of Guinevere's death, and took the time to explain.

"You are right, the island under our feet is indeed the sleeping place of the last king."

"More precisely, it was."

"But in order not to let the ancestors find the last king, help him resurrect."

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