However, the general blockade could not stop him from watching.

Vision silently crossed the encircling net, Guinevere earnestly investigated every point, every inch of the island.

"Huh? No breath of divine sword?"

After a few minutes, Guinevere frowned.

The legends related to the strange rock city are similar to the legend of the last king.

Based on this, she originally thought that the island herself had been searching for years, and she was thinking of the place where the last king slept.

However, the results of the investigation ruthlessly poured cold water on Guinevere.

Guinevere was sure that the island had a connection with the Last King.

However, the most important element is missing from the above - the Sword of Salvation.

Not to mention the Savior Sword, Guinevea didn't even sense the aura of the Savior Sword.

After the King of the End has defeated all the Demon Kings, he will fall into a state of sleep similar to suspended animation.

In this way, eliminate your fatigue and wait for the next time to wake up.

The last king in a sleeping state, the soul will be separated from the body.

His physical body will assimilate with the earth, transforming into the posture of the sword of salvation to store the energy.

It can be said that the Sword of Salvation is equivalent to the tombstone of the last king.

If Qiyan City was the sleeping place of the last king, how could there be no trace of the Divine Sword of Salvation, or even a breath?

"How to do?"

Guinevere lifted the witchcraft and retracted her vision.

Her reopened eyes were full of entanglements, hesitations and struggles.

Awaken the mission and worship of the Last King, and tell Guinevere that she should go to the island and see for herself.

After all, witchcraft is only an extension of vision, and its effect is limited.

And there are some things that cannot be seen with the eyes alone.

Maybe I overlooked something, and those things are the key.

On the other hand, the cautious nature is constantly warning Guinevere.

The situation is not right, don't act rashly.

"Meet up with Lord Arteo first and listen to her opinion."

The more she thought about it, the more upset Guinevere became, the more undecided she became.

In the end, she decided to go to Arteo to discuss.


A remote cafe in Kanagawa Prefecture.

"Master Artio..."



Guinevere and Arteo are both pretty and lovely girls.

There are only a few customers in the cafe, and they are looking at them intentionally or unintentionally.

The two parties ignored the gazes cast from all around and discussed themselves.

"Lord Artio, what do you think?"

After all, the conversation could not avoid the city of Strange Rock, and Guinevere handed over the decision to Artio.

"Let's go have a look together."

In all fairness, Guinevere's decision was conservative, but Artio did not take responsibility for her.

Be careful to make the Wannian ship.

In the vast majority of cases, there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

As for Guinevere, it is suspected that the island where the last king slept.

I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I don't know the specific situation, so Artio can't make a rash judgment.

"Nowadays, the island is under official neon surveillance."

"Maybe people in the neon magic world are also involved, how to avoid their eyes and ears?"

Guinevere doesn't care about Neon officials in District 357 and magicians in the magic world.

She was worried about Yu Gong.

One of the four major families of Yu Gong and Neon incantation, the next head of the Saya Palace family is very close.

This is not a secret in the world.

Sayaka Miyako is a senior member of the Official History Compilation Committee, whose management scope is the Tokyo area.

If she is not careful and is discovered by Sayaka Gongxin, she will definitely notify Yu Gong.

At that time, the trouble will be big.

"Do not worry."

Artio lowered his head and gently rubbed the white cloth bag lying across his legs.

"Even if we go to war with Hagiya Margot Royd, we don't need to be afraid."

"Master Artio, did you succeed?"

Guinevere's body trembled uncontrollably.

Her long-cherished wish for many years is getting closer and closer.


Tokyo Bay.

"Yuri, you don't have to be involved."

"Really, I'm really sorry, Miss Xin."

Sayaka Gongxin and Wanligu Yuri walked side by side on the beach.

Their expressions are quite subtle.

Saye Gongxin was smiling bitterly, while Wanli Gu Yuri looked embarrassed. .

Chapter 312

"I want to take a look, maybe it will come in handy?"

Wanli Gu Yuri knew that she was a bit willful, but she didn't mean to cause trouble.

Instead, I really want to do my best and contribute my little power.

"Lord Yugiya has already arranged it, we don't need to intervene at all."

Saye Gongxin smiled helplessly.

Either way.

Since Banligu Yuri insisted, then take her around Tokyo Bay, it won't take too long anyway.

Besides, Banrigani Yuri is a shrine maiden with extraordinary talent in spiritual vision.

Maybe as she said, she can come in handy.

"Lord Yumiya."

In Yuri Banligu's mind, the figure of Yugiya appeared.

Gentle and sunny, it is hard to imagine that he is a demon king-level existence.

"Uh, Miss Xin, can you tell me how you met Mr. Yu Gong?"

"Yuri, aren't you afraid of Yumiya-sama?"

Sayaka Gongxin was very surprised.

Mariya Yuri is a well-bred young lady, a standard neon woman.

As far as she knew, Banligu Yuri had almost no interaction with men in both daily life and school life.

She herself is also very bad at getting along with men.

It's probably the first time that Yuri Banligu has taken the initiative to ask about an unfamiliar man.

Furthermore, Saya Gongxin is very clear about Yuri Wanligu's fear of Yu Gong.

She actually paid attention to Yu Palace? It's really strange.

"After the last time we met, I, I am not so afraid of Yu Gong-sama."

"I always feel that Yumiya-sama is different from other demon kings."

Thinking of his performance that day, Wanli Gu Yuri felt ashamed and wished to find a crack in the ground to dig in.

I am too stupid.

"You're right, Yuri, Yumiya-sama is indeed different from the godslayer, the **** of disobedience."

Yuri Banligu was just interested.

Only by listening to Yugong's stories can we establish a correct image of Yugong and save troubles in the future.

"Speaking of my acquaintance with Mimiya-sama, it has to be pushed back to four years ago..."

Following the story, Saye Gongxin's thoughts drifted back to four years ago.

Wanli Gu Yuri quietly watched Saya Gongxin and listened quietly.


Ten minutes later, Saye Gongxin's narrative came to an end.

"Strictly speaking, Yu Gong-sama is definitely not a good person, but he is not a bad person either."

"Hamiya-sama's good side will only be shown to the people around you."

"To the enemy, he is the most terrifying nightmare."

At the end, Saye Gongxin made a conclusion.

"Xin, Miss Xin, you..."

There was nothing wrong with Saye Gongxin's behavior in these ten minutes.

But for some unknown reason, Yuri Banligu always felt that her tone and expression were slightly subtle just now.

Banligu Yuri couldn't describe the feeling, it was just weird.

"What's wrong? Yuri."

Yuri Wanligu's strange reaction shocked Sayaka Gongxin.

Could it be, what did she notice?

Sayae Gongxin remained calm and asked Yuri Wanligu in a normal tone.

In order to hide it better, she deliberately added some doubts.

"No, it's fine."

Saya Gongxin's acting skills are excellent, and she easily deceived Yuri Wanligu.

Banligu Yuri's strange feeling comes from intuition, and it has no basis at all.

So come fast, go fast.

"I'll call to transfer a boat, let's go to the island."

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