"A long time ago, some people moved the remains of the Last King to other places."

"I see."

Guinevere had a bitter smile on her face.



The white light and shadow crossed the sky and shot straight towards the island.

Immediately after that, a strong wind appeared.

"Two war gods?"

He glanced at the light and shadow and the hurricane lightly, but Yu Gong stopped paying attention.

The real body of Lightning is undoubtedly Lancelot.

At this moment, Lancelot's breath and power are far better than when he was in England.

To help Guinevere, the knight has abandoned the identity of the guardian and has become the **** of disobedience.

Gale's body is also a pure white **** of war.

However, his image is completely different from that of Lancelot.

Yu Gong recognizes the white war god, he is the right-hand man of the last king - the king of wind.

"Unfortunately, they couldn't stop me."

"So we prepared a new hole card."

Artio raised his hands high, his palms aimed at the sky.


Sparks and white lightning flashed from her hands.

The white electric light converged on the top of Artio's head, hovering in mid-air.

"In order to cut through the darkness of the end times and kill all the god-killing demon kings..."

After chanting the first half of the sacred word, Artio lowered his arm.

She took off the cloth bag behind her back, and then untied the cloth belt.

As circle after circle of tape fell to the ground, what was wrapped in it was exposed to the sun.

It was a long sword with a sheath about one meter long.


The long sword is unsheathed.

The thick blade is rusted and extremely worn.

Those who do not know the inside story will never associate it with the **** of disobedience.

But the fact is that the origin of the long sword is quite extraordinary, and it is more advanced than the divine tool of the **** of disobedience.

This is the weapon used by the last king, the sword of salvation. .

Chapter 314

"The concubine is the goddess of the earth..."

Artio inserted the Divine Sword of Salvation into the ground in front of him, then slit his wrist.

Bright red blood spurted out and splattered on the ground.

The blood flowed to the sword of salvation that stood upright and on the ground, and was absorbed by it.

"The holy king who appears last in the world will immediately come to the world."

When Artio finished singing the last sentence, a young boy appeared out of thin air.

She has pale hair and a straight face.

The long bangs cover his face, making it difficult to see his expression.

The boy's attire is very simple.

A blue trench coat, trousers, and a white coat that resembles a cape.

"Really, is it him?"

Guinevere's petite body trembled slightly, showing her excitement.

At this moment, she felt that all her efforts and efforts were worth it.

Beside him, Lancelot and the King of Wind stopped paying attention to Yu Gong and focused on the boy.

"The King of the End, my concubine has only one wish, to annihilate our enemies and contemporary godslayers."

Artio made his request.


The King of the End pulled out the divine sword of salvation stuck on the ground as a response to the summoner.

In an instant, all the rust on the divine sword faded away, revealing a dazzling white-gold light.

Returning to the hands of the true master, the Divine Sword of Salvation was resurrected, revealing its true posture.

"Should I call you the last king, or Mora?"

The last king, the full name of the last king of the world.

His identity is the protagonist of the Indian epic "Ramayana", the hero Rama.

"Huh? You know my name."

When he heard his name from outsiders, Rama was a little surprised.

Rama could neither perceive the breath of the god-killer nor the breath of the godless god.

Obviously, Hanamiya is human.

How could human beings know his name?

Don't mention the name "Rama", Rao is the most elite group of people in the human magic world, and they don't even know the existence of the last king.

"It's nothing surprising, your name is indeed kept very tightly."

"But it's not impossible to find out."

Yumiya responded indifferently.

At the same time as the conversation, neither Hannomiya nor Rama were idle.

Rama held up the divine sword of salvation and pointed the tip of the sword to the sky.


A white gold appeared in the sky, like a light sphere of the sun.

On the other hand, Yumiya is completely opposite to Rama.

An ominous pitch-black light condensed a circle of black floating cannons around him.

The next second, the white-gold "sun" fell.

At the same time, the floating cannon shot out jet-black rays.


The "sun" and the barrage met in mid-air, causing a loud noise.

The "sun" burst out with hundreds of lightning bolts, trying to overwhelm the barrage.

The bullet screen was as motionless as a mountain, slowly and firmly eroding white.


Guinevere and the others closed their eyes unconsciously, and raised their hands to block the light.

If the light is too bright, if you don't take some protective measures, most of your eyes will be temporarily blinded.

One second, two seconds, five seconds...

Until the past ten seconds, Shiro and Limulus Kurenuma Moxin's private residence./

The remaining strengths of both sides were exhausted in no particular order, almost at the same time.

"A tie?"

Guinevere and the others looked at each other.

Although Rama was not in his prime, the blow he just made was enough to easily suppress one, or even several godslayers.

In the end, they were only on par with Yugiya?

"Are you really human?"

The result of the confrontation also exceeded Rama's expectations.

"It's like a fake replacement."

The floating cannons scattered around flew to one place, forming a cannon similar in shape to a crown.

The muzzle of the flickering black light was facing Luo Hao, Guinevere and the others.

"I, who am not a godslayer, have no enmity or enmity with you."

"Unfortunately, if you are resurrected, it will cause great trouble to the whole world."

"In order to cut off the trouble from the source, I had to bury you and your ancestors, the war gods together."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

The moment Yu Gong's voice fell, the black light from the muzzle of the floating gun suddenly became brighter.

The dots of light suddenly expanded to cover the entire muzzle.


Lancelot and the King of Wind stepped forward in unison.

Previously, they were spectators and did not participate in the battle between Rama and Yumiya because they were dueling.

Intervening in a heads-up fight is no more than looking down on Rama, feeling that he is not Yu Gong's opponent.

At this time, things were different.

Anyone with discerning eyes could see that Yu Gong's next attack was no trivial matter.

Now is not the time to take care of face, demeanor and other trivial details, getting through this disaster is the key.


"You two, back off."

Rama shook his head and declined the kindness of Lancelot and the King of Wind.


Lancelot hesitated.

If Rama was in his prime, such an attack should not threaten him.

At this moment, he has just been resurrected, and the stored earth essence is seriously insufficient. How much strength can he exert?

"I still have the power to strike, so I will use this strike to divide the outcome with him."

Rama stared at the muzzle of the floating gun, whose black light was getting brighter and brighter.

No one knows his own situation better than Rama.

Not to mention that he still has spare strength, even if his strength is exhausted, he must stand up.

Guinevere and the others were hostile to Yumiya in order to wake him up.

Maybe they made a lot of mistakes in the process and caused a lot of trouble to others, but it doesn't matter.

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