Yumiya doesn't care about such trivial matters.

Of course Alice is willing to explain, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't.

"Come with me, you two."

John Pluto Smith led the way.

"Go, Alice."


Hagiya and Alice followed closely.


Walking into the temple, what came into sight was a staircase leading to the ground.

"The person who has the ability to travel through time and space is not only Mrs. Isiah..."

Stepping up the stairs, John Pluto Smith talks about time travel.

This topic was not randomly found by John Pluto Smith in order to liven up the atmosphere, but to attract new ideas.

Next, we want to talk about related matters.

"The guardian of time, the transcendence among human beings..."

Yu Gong detailed the identity and origin of the Guardian of Time.

"Uh, you even understand the existence of the realm of life and immortality?"

John Pluto Smith was slightly surprised.

"That's right."

Yumiya's answer was ambiguous.

"Since that's the case, I won't say more."

Yu Gong understands it best, so don't waste your words.

John Pluto Smith didn't like mother-in-law and was long-winded.


After a while, the three of them finished the stairs.

The basement of the Plutarkos Pavilion is a dark, wide corridor.

The width of the corridor is about seven or eight meters, and it spreads to the end of the field of vision, with no edge in sight.

There are also several forks in the middle, like a complicated labyrinth.

The place where the corridor is located seems to be a weightless space, with an incalculable number of stone slabs floating.

The slate is not big, only four or fifty centimeters long on a side.

It is covered with dense ancient Latin script, with almost no blank space.

Looking around, all slates are like this, without exception.


Endless time, history, human behavior, hungry and gluttonous, thieves, deceived and plundered each other...

When Yu Gong's eyes swept across the slate, various images appeared one after another in his mind.

On the slate, "Void Memory" is recorded.

In a way, they are called treasures.


Following the flames like guiding spirits, the three of Hagiya passed through the corridor and came to a room.


Pushing open the metal door of the room, the scene inside was unobstructed.

In the room, there are also many slates that record the memory of "Void".

However, the slates were all on the ground and scattered everywhere.

At first glance, there seems to be no place to stay in the room.

In the center, there is a tripod easel.

An old man wearing an ancient Roman-style robe and holding a bronze pen is writing and drawing on a slate on an easel.

"The end of the year..."

While writing, the old man said something.


Without waiting for the old man's permission, John Pluto Smith broke into the room without permission.

"My lord, you are finally here."

The old man threw away the bronze pen in excitement.

Seeing John Pluto Smith, he seemed to have seen a savior.

PS: Some things have been delayed.

Chapter 301

"Someone is here, please."

John Pluto Smith raised his hand and pointed to Hagiya.

His meaning is very obvious.

The old man has something to say to Yu Gong.

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time, Lord Hagiya Margotloyd."

A strange light flashed in the eyes of the old man.

This is the most mysterious person in the world who can't find the past in "Void Memory"?

"I am the guardian of time, please give me more advice."

The old man, the status of the instant guardian is not ordinary.

However, in front of Yu Gong, he didn't dare to rely on the old to sell the old, or to care for the big.

Strictly speaking, the owner of the Plutarcos Pavilion is not the guardian of his time.

At best, he can only be considered a manager.

The Plutarchus Pavilion and the surrounding area are all John Pluto Smith's territory.

Therefore, the Guardian of Time and John Pluto Smith have a good relationship.

Through John Pluto Smith's retelling, he has a little understanding of Yu Gong's character.

Yu Gong is not an arrogant person, he is very reasonable.

Don't anger Yu Gong, he is very talkative.

"Let's get into the topic."

Yugiya implements his own style of simplicity and straight to the point.

"If it weren't for the most urgent situation, you don't need to ask someone to invite me."

"Lord Yugiya is really quick to talk."

Yumiya's style is very much in line with the Guardian of Time's appetite.

His work is busy and complicated.

Over time, he has developed a character that pays attention to efficiency.

The guardian of time hates people who are inappropriate and inappropriate.


With a long sigh, the Guardian of Time told the reason.

"I have done countless years of work to correct history, and this is the first time I have encountered such a thing."

"The **** of disobedience between existence and the past has come to the present."


Yu Gong guessed the identity of the inviter, but did not guess his purpose.

Anti-travel? It's so strange.

"Which **** of disobedience is it?"


The person who answered Hagiya was John Pluto Smith.

"is her?"

Yu Gong's heart agitated.

Altheo is the main character in the "son of the goddess" incident in the original book, the goddess of beasts familiar to the goddess of the earth.

The first appearance of the King of the Last was brought about by Arteo.

"No wonder there is a vision of the last king coming into the world. It turns out that Artio passed through, but..."

The mystery of the vision was solved, and a new mystery emerged.

How did Artio come to modern times when he lived 1,500 years ago?

and many more.

Yu Gong suddenly thought of some inconspicuous little thing that was about to be forgotten by him.

When they returned from ancient times to modern times, someone was watching in secret.

Could it be that the peeping was Artio?

"Lord Yu Gong, what did you think of?"

Seeing Yu Gong's eyes lit up, the Guardian of Time hurriedly asked.

At the same time, Alice and John Pluto Smith's attention also focused on Hagiya.

Sure enough, asking Yumiya to come forward was the most correct decision.

With just a few words, it pays off.

"Salbatre Doni..."

Hagiya told Alice and the three of her guesses.

"Hehehehe, Wang, I really deserve to be your kind."

After listening to Yu Gong's narration, the Guardian of Time has a clear connotation from John Pluto Smith.


John Pluto Smith wanted to retort and distanced himself from Salbatre Doni.

However, I couldn't find the right words.

Everyone is a godslayer, and John Pluto Smith knows his ability to cause trouble, and he is definitely not inferior to Sarbatre Doni.

What qualifications do you have to mock him, yin and yang anger him?

"I probably understand your purpose."

Yu Gong knew that.

The guardian of time, please go out on your own, nothing more than to kill Artio and stabilize history.

"I'm bothering Yugiya-sama, I..."

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