・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Yu Gong is willing to help, and the Guardian of Time is grateful.

"The last king, I will also solve it together."

Before the Guardian of Time had finished speaking, Yu Gong interrupted him.


Alice, the guardian of time, John Pluto Smith's complexion changed.

Their expressions were even more serious than when they learned that Artio had come from ancient times to the present.

"Uh, Yu Gong-sama, how much do you know about the King of the End?"

The Guardian of Time asked tentatively.

"You know, I know."

Yu Gong's answer is extremely ambiguous, and it is easy to make people think.

"Then you should know the strength and difficulty of the King of the End."


The Guardian of Time wanted to take the opportunity to find out something.

The last king is difficult to deal with, Yu Gong said that he can deal with the last king, what is his reliance?

"It's nothing for you to worry about."

Hagiya patted Alice on the shoulder lightly.

"It's not too long before the arrival of the last king."

"You can deal with him in your own way, but there is one thing I want to make clear,"

"Those who hinder me are my enemies,"


Alice understands and bids farewell.

After the conversation was over, it was time for them to leave.


The voice fell, and Alice and Hagiya disappeared.

The way of moving between the realm of life and immortality is different from the world of the living, and it is moved in a way similar to the conception.

In this regard, Alice is an expert.


John Pluto Smith and the Guardian of Time looked at each other silently.

They saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

I, have something to say.


England, Greenwich.

"Lord Yumiya, what are your plans next?"

Judging from Hagiya's character, Alice thought he would go to Arteo.

"Ha ha?"

A vague smile appeared on Yu Gong's face.

"Looking for it? No need." Dead.

Chapter 302

"No need? You, eh?"

Alice was about to ask a question.

Halfway through speaking, she suddenly trembled.

Alice felt a huge spell, and the location was in Greenwich.

That magic power is vast and huge, and it is definitely not something that humans can possess.

Only the **** of disobedience, the magic power of the god-killer, can reach this level.

"Lord Yumiya, they..."

No wonder Yu Gong said that he didn't need to look for it. It turned out that the God of Disobedience took the initiative to send it to the door.


Yumiya nodded in response.

Alice already understands, and he doesn't need to say more.

"Let's go, let's go and see what's going on."



"You guys are really persevering. If you don't hesitate to cross the ocean, you will take your concubine's life."

"It seems that the concubine has indeed pierced your sore spot."

The silver-haired girl held a sickle and smiled charmingly.

Even though she was being chased, she was still relaxed and leisurely, as if she didn't care about the chaser at all.

"Lord Athena."

The one who hunted down the silver-haired girl was Guinevere, Arteo.

"Although I don't want to, I have to admit that what you said is right."

"We must not let you and him be relieved, otherwise our situation will be very fierce and it will be difficult."

There are two reasons for Guinevere and Aldeo to hunt down the girl.

The first reason is that the two sides are enemies, and the actions of the girls will jeopardize their safety and plans.

The second reason is the identity of a girl.

Athena in ancient Greek mythology of the girl, one of the goddesses with the attributes of the mother goddess.

Guinevere doesn't want to let go of any Earth Goddess if she has the chance.

"Listening to you, concubine is more interested in him."

Athena smiled more and more happily.

Ignore the cold light in her eyes, as well as the powerful magic and murderous aura emanating from her body.

Athena is a beautiful, lovely little sister.

Whether it's a man or a woman, seeing him doesn't feel bad.

"Lord Athena, if you say that, it's even more impossible for us to let you go."

Guinevere and Athena go head-to-head.

"Haha, hahahaha."

Athena waved her scythe and pointed at Guinevere.

"Don't let the concubine go? You said the opposite, it's the concubine that won't let you go."

"Lord Athena, if your strength is at its peak, we will definitely not dare to provoke you."

"You are not our opponent now."

Although the strength is far from that of Athena, Guinevere's eyes are incomparably old-fashioned.

With just one glance, she could see Athena's current situation.

"Concubine is very curious about your confidence? That military **** who, like Concubine, can't use all his strength?"

Being caught by Guinevere's weakness, Athena was not disturbed at all.

My own state is not good, and Guinevere and the others are not much better.


Guinevere was silent, she couldn't refute Athena's words.

"Okay, it's useless to talk too much."

Athena's eyes gradually became sharp.

She is not a person who likes nonsense. Talking so much with Guinevere is against her style.

"Call the military **** who guards you to come out."

"How to do?"

Guinevere did not call her guardian, the knight of the lake, as Athena had said.

Instead, they are thinking about how to do the best for themselves under the current situation.

"Yo, it's so lively, what are you doing, can you tell me about it?"

The atmosphere became more tense, and the smell of gunpowder became more intense.

Just when the two sides were about to start fighting, there was a sound that should not have appeared at the scene.


"not good."

Hearing the voice, Athena and Guinevere reacted very differently.

Athena's actions are the same as the vast majority of people face similar situations.

Just be on guard, and give some attention to the direction of the sound.

On the other hand, Guinevere's reaction was extraordinary.

His face was pale, his limbs were trembling, and cold sweat kept oozing from his forehead.

Obviously, she was in fear.


"Hurry up, Lord Artio."

Aware of Guinevere's anomaly, the strange Altheo didn't have time to ask, Guinevere activated the witchcraft and took her into the sky.

"What are you running for?"

The air shook violently.

In front of Guinevere and Aldeo, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Old friends meet again without even saying hello?"

"Ahaha, Lord Yu Gong, what are you doing?"

Looking at the person standing in front of her and Aldeo, Guinevere forced a smile.

old friend?

Who and Yu Gong are old friends, Guinevere can't wait to never meet Yu Gong.



"Miko, his name is Hagiya Margot Royd?"

Athena slowly approached Alice and asked.

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