Liliana asked in surprise,

What is it that Erica is so happy to laugh at?

"I, haha, Lily, let me tell you, hahahaha..."

Erica laughed out of breath.


Liliana's head is full of black lines.

What is Erica saying? She didn't understand at all.

"Let me tell you..."

There's no way, now Erica can't speak clearly, so Hagiya can do it for her.

What is Erica laughing at?

She wasn't laughing at Yuri Wanligu, who else could she be?

"It turned out to be so."

Liliana didn't find it funny.

"Erica, have you forgotten? What was the difference between us and Yuri Banligu?"

"She's exaggerating a little bit."

Erica admitted that she was a little scared of Hanamiya when she first saw him four years ago.

However, he can't compare to Banligu Yuri.

Erica is very doubtful that if Yuri Banligu faces Hagiya alone, she would dare to say more than ten words to Hagiya.

"Then you can't laugh at others."

Liliana was very dissatisfied with Erica's behavior.

"I didn't laugh at Yuri Banligu, I just thought it was very interesting."

Erica is telling the truth, not defending herself.

As a member of the Feather Palace Crystal Palace, Erica understands his character.

If you mock others for no reason, Yu Gong will be angry.

Because this is the embodiment of arrogance.

Arrogance is one of the original sins that degenerates people. Hagiya doesn't want his woman to be arrogant.

"Ha ha."

Yumiya did not comment.

Yuri Banligu is also Yumiya's target.

Because the time is not ripe now, Yu Gong did not stretch out the "magic claws".

there will be chances in the future.


Outside Yu Gong's house.


Walking out of the door, Wanli Gu Yuli seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"As for what? Yuri."

Saye Gongxin couldn't help laughing and crying.

"Miss Xin, the official history compilation committee..."

Wanli Gu Yuli talked about him from left to right, and did not respond positively to Saye Gongxin.

Sayaka Gongxin is right.

The so-called terrifying, terrifying, and demon king image of Yu Palace are all his own imagination.

Without changing the subject, Wanli Guyou ideally has no way to resolve the embarrassment.


Yuri Banrigani's method of changing the subject was simply rigid.

Considering that Yuri Wanligu's face is too thin, Saya Gongxin chose to pretend to be confused.


The next morning.

After Yumiya, Bianca, Chiyuan and the others made their confession, they headed straight for Europe.

Since I was alone, I took the trouble-free approach.

Abandon the means of transportation and fly directly from the ancient country to the UK.

Although I was a little tired, it was convenient and time-saving.


Greenwich, Alice's mansion.

"Lord Yumiya, your movements are so fast."

Alice was quite surprised when Hagiya fell from the sky.

"I never like to procrastinate."

Yu Gong found a place to sit at random.

"Tell me, why did you make a special trip for me to come to the UK?"

"We'll talk about the **** of disobedience and artifacts later."

Seeing Yu Gong's mention of business affairs, Ai (good Lee's) Liz stopped laughing and started to work.

"I want to take you to Xingyou Realm first to meet two people."

"Xingyou Realm?"

The Xingyou Realm in Alice's mouth is the realm of life and immortality.

Due to differences in culture, language, etc., the realm of life and immortality is in different places and has different names.

For example, Netherworld, Netherworld, Fairy Realm, Spirit World, etc.

"In Xingyou Realm, someone will explain the situation to you."

If possible, Alice prefers to take a break by phone and letter delivery.

Or, tell it in the mansion.

The situation is really too complicated, and Alice doesn't know the details.

"In that case, it's not too late, let's go."

Yu Gong had a few guesses, but he didn't know whether it was correct or not.



Chapter 300

Go to Hagiya and Alice in the realm of life and immortality, and the destination is an ancient Greek-style temple.

"It's him."

Although this is the first time I have visited, I am no stranger to this shrine, Yu Palace.

The source of spiritual vision - the storage place of "Void Memories", the Plutarkos Pavilion.

The owner of the Plutarcos Pavilion is an old man known as the "Keeper of Time".

"Lord Yumiya, did you guess that I would bring you to the Plutarcos Pavilion?"

After arriving at the realm of life and immortality, Alice has been observing Hagiya.

From the beginning to the end, Yu Gong's performance was very calm.

Don't say she was surprised, she didn't even have the slightest change in her expression.

"As early as when I traveled to ancient times, I expected to meet him."

The task of the caretaker of time is to preserve history.

When someone crosses time and space due to various factors, history changes.

The Keeper of Time will take action to correct the offset history and bring it back to its original track.

"Lord Yumiya, I often come up with an idea."

Alice suddenly stopped and stared at Hagiya.

350 "Oh, talk about it?"

Alice's thoughts must have something to do with her, Hanamiya is quite curious.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

With a serious expression, what Cute Liz said was full of jokes.


With Alice being so serious, Hagiya thought she would have a high point, but she didn't expect...

Yu Gong's mood was a little complicated, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.


The seriousness that Alice forced to pretend disappeared instantly and was replaced by a happy smile.

She did it on purpose, just to appreciate Yu Gong's current expression.

And Hanamiya's reaction was exactly what Alice expected.

Of course, the other party is Hanamiya, and Alice is so courageous.

As another godslayer, she wouldn't dare to joke, let alone make a joke.

"Is it a human or a ghost?"

A kind little joke, Yumiya doesn't care.

He is not a rigid old man, a king with high self-esteem, and he hopes to get along with others as a friend.

The premise is that that person deserves to do so.

"I'm half-human, half-ghost, do you believe it?"

"Huh? Mimiya-sama..."


During a pleasant chat, Hagiya and Alice arrived at the Plutarcos Pavilion.

It seems that they passed the breath in advance. When they arrived at the Plutarcos Pavilion, someone was waiting.

Hagiya's "acquaintance", John Pluto Smith.

"You came so fast."

John Pluto Smith's tone, as always, has the pompous taste of a Hollywood actor.

"Halfway, I informed Mr. Smith with witchcraft."

To avoid Yumiya's doubts, Alice took the initiative to explain.


Yu Gong replied, expressing that he understood.

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