"Tell me so much, I don't believe you're just wasting your time, what do you want me to do"

"And now, it is estimated that the guards will be here soon."

Although Shirai Kuroko understood something a little bit, she still listened in a foggy way, but since the girl said so many things to herself, Shirai Kuroko naturally guessed that she was going to bring her into the gang, so she naturally asked first. this problem.

The topic was brought back to the main topic from gossip, the red-haired two-ponytail girl was stunned at first, and then quickly showed a smile.

"Oops, it's already exposed, ha, but..."

Before the red-haired twin-tailed girl could finish speaking, the sudden change made the two girls stunned at the same time.

"Bid, Shirai, what are you two doing?"

Another exit of the alley: ,Suddenly a figure flashed by.

"Mr. Chu Tian"

The two girls with the ability to move in space spoke at the same time as if they had agreed.

"What's going on here"

Chu Tian looked at the black suits that were stacked up by the Arhats, the men, they all exited the stage in a coma, looked at the red and swollen marks on their foreheads, there were only two girls left, Jiubiao and Heizi.

"Damn, I ran into him here..."

Jiubiao Danxi and Chutian have met before. She was not as crazy as she is now, but after some events, she has changed.

Gritting his teeth, although Chu Tian is the kind of man who doesn't take the Hanged Man in his eyes, but now, he is already in trouble with this city.

"Forget it today, I'll visit you later."

Yubiao Danxi gritted his teeth, pressed the silver-white suitcase with one hand, and then activated the teleport function.

"You are hurt"

As they got closer, Chu Tian noticed the wounds on Baijing Heizi's shoulder and abdomen, but the other party didn't want Chu Tian to see herself like this, she tried very hard to stand up, but her strength seemed to follow The wound on her abdomen was draining, and the arms that supported her body were shaking.

"It's okay, you know that guy"

Shirai Kuroko gave up her plan to stand up, she was going to rest for a while, and simply wiped her hands on her clothes, and then held back her flank with pain.

"We'll talk about this later, let me see your injury first, don't move."

Shirai Kuroko's whole body was tense and tense, and her pretty face was as red as a ripe apple. She really wanted to punch Chutian, the stinky stone who took advantage of her, but now she has the strength to raise her hand. are gone.

"What do you care about little girl, don't blush, I have no interest in you at all."

After Chutian's simple treatment, Baijing Heizi finally had some mobility, but regarding this matter, Baijing Heizi couldn't let Chutian get involved.

"The next step is the work of the ethics committee. You guys should hurry and take refuge. By the way, don't stay here any longer..."

Shirai Kuroko knew that she couldn't return to the dormitory in a normal way with her current appearance, so she resisted the pain and anxiety, and she reluctantly activated 'teleportation'.

At the moment when the ability was activated, Kuroko Shirai felt that her abdomen was rolling, and she had a very strong desire to vomit... "Fortunately, my elder sister didn't come back..."

Kuroko Shirai threw the blood-stained uniform into the washing machine, and then took out the underwear he just bought at the mall this afternoon.

"Jie Biao Danxi, what plan does that guy have..."

Although Baijing Heizi knew that Chutian was powerful, she also knew that Chutian knew the girl, but she didn't want to trouble Chutian with these things.

Otherwise, the Discipline Committee will lose face.

After reporting the information and resting for a while in the dormitory, Kuroko Shirai fell into a deep sleep.

It was the ringtone of her cell phone that woke her up.

"Hello, Shirai-san, how's your current situation? Have you... take care of your wounds?"

Uiharu didn't seem to know at all that Kuroko Shirai suffered multiple injuries.

"It's not a big problem, although that guy Chutian doesn't look very reliable, his treatment is quite effective.

By the way, about the name 'Jiebiao Danxi', how many did you find out in early spring..."

The news that Shirai Kuroko got from Chutian was only the name 'Jiebiao Danxi'.

"Could it be that Shirai-san will continue to fight, street fights are not popular with unlady girls these days?"

Although he knew it was useless, Uiharu Shiri couldn't help but persuade after hearing Kuroko Shirai's insistent tone.

"Don't worry about these things, and tell me the correct information about 'Jiebiao Danxi' that you found!"

Shirai Kuroko touched the piercing hole in her abdomen. This location is the location of the kidneys. Once the kidneys are injured, a person will be unable to exert their strength.

"Jie Biao Danxi, a second-year student of the Misty Hills Women's College, a person with the ability of space movement, the official name is 'coordinate movement', you can move items directly from the point to the point without removing it.

Chapter 677 Attack the Kidney

"Sure enough, it's pretty much what I thought."

After all, Kuroko Shirai is also an ability person of the space movement system. When the same type of ability is activated, she already roughly understands the ability of Yubiao Danxi, and the words of Uiharu Shiri officially confirmed Shirai's conjecture.

"But at that time, she moved ten 10 men at a time as shields. According to the average weight of each man is [-] kilograms, it should be [-] kilograms!"

You know, the same as 14.

Apart from herself, Shirai Kuroko can only move 15 kilograms. Compared with [-] kilograms, the two are not the same heavyweight! "Indeed, if the skills are used properly, her ability may not be the same. I'll lose to [-]..."

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