From the air of Uiharu Shiri, who said something that was very demoralizing, perhaps realizing that it was inappropriate to do so, Uiharu Shiri hurriedly browsed all the information about the coordinate movement that she had found, trying to sum up the shortcomings of her ability.

"Don't worry, Shirai-san, if they are all spatial mobility students, compared to her, Shirai-san has a slightly bigger advantage!"


Shirai Kuroko buttoned up his clothes, picked up the phone from the table, and listened intently.

"Because Shirai-san's ability is to transmit what he touches to another place, the activation of his ability is to use himself as a reference point, and perform an absolute position transfer movement on the eleven-dimensional level."

"As for Yubiao Danxi, her ability is to teleport distant objects to another place. Although it seems to be a lot more arbitrary, because she has to calculate the position before moving, it takes a relatively long time. longer..."

"early spring you mean"

Bai Jing bit her lip and thought about it in her head, she probably already understood what Uiharu meant.

The meaning is very clear. It is expressed in simple words. Although Shirai Kuroko's skills are small, its reading speed is faster than that of Yubiao Danxi! Uiharu Shiri didn't take Shirai Kuroko's words, she was wide-eyed. Eyes, watching the countless papers and analysis reports on coordinate movement like a waterfall.

"She can't move the same type of ability person. In other words, Shirai-san is the same as her as a 'space movement' ability person. She can't directly control Shirai-san's body. Of course, according to this information, this way The situation is not limited to only one person who is tied to the mark, and all the space movement system ability people are unable to move the same type of ability people..."

"Because Shirai-san doesn't need to calculate the coordinates before the transfer, the speed at which Shirai-san can activate her ability must exceed her 'coordinate movement'..."

"There is one more piece of information I think I can tell you."

Uiharu Shiri, who wears a wreath on his head, controls the computer, and the picture on the screen flashes quickly.

"Jie Biao Danxi was seriously injured when he lost control of his strength in a class two years ago..."

"I probably have some idea of ​​why the chaos was created."

She patted her cheek, she couldn't rest now, because there was no spare metal arrows, Shirai Kuroko put the metal arrows she brought back into the belt of her thighs one by one.

"Student Shirai, in fact, I have already found the position to end Biao Danxi, but the number of the other party is large, I don't recommend it... But even if you say that, you should try your best to find them... .If you want to pass the shortest time without being discovered, there is only one way..."

In the seventh school district, a building in the northwest corner of the school garden has been erected with scaffolding to prepare for reconstruction work. Next to this building, a small bus is parked.

Ended up with Dan Xi, this high school girl with red double ponytails in special clothes still put the silver-white box under her body and sat on it with her legs crossed.

Apart from Biao Biao Danxi, there were about thirty people at the scene, more than ten of them were obviously adults from the outside world, and they were holding black pistols. The 'capable ones' who feel lost.

"someone is coming!"

Yubiao Danxi raised her eyes instantly, and she saw a man with short black hair who was running towards her and others. That's right, not flying or riding a car, but walking leisurely on her own way.

Chu Tian, ​​who was wearing simple casual clothes and colorful beach pants, just stood in front of Jiebiao Danxi. He had the right to not see the [-] or so people who surrounded him.


A black suit from the outside world, the man was about to ask questions, but was pulled by the red-haired double ponytail girl sitting on the silver box.

"Chu Tianjun, are you coming to stop me?"


Chu Tian slowly turned his head, he clearly came out to buy dinner! Why are there so many people here! "In my day, when I go out to buy a meal, I can encounter 9 major events"

"Sister, don't be like this, hurry up and put away your unrealistic dreams, make a change, and be a new person, okay?"

Jiubiao sneered, she was like a seven- or eight-year-old child, constantly touching the ground with her toes, going back and forth with the silver suitcase as if it were a small car.

"Since you are an unimportant purpose, then don't stop me!"

Kyubiao's eyes can be changed to: extremely sharp, in an instant, Chu Tian noticed something above his forehead, Chu Tian instinctively raised his head quickly, and grabbed... a piece of dismantled building Liang.

"This time is a warning, the next time, it will be in your body!"

"What are you going to keep in me, believe it or not, I'll turn this around"

If it wasn't necessary, Chu Tian was unwilling to work with her, just as she said, if she really transferred something directly into her body, then it wouldn't be a big deal.

"Then try it."

It could be seen that Jiebiao Danxi didn't really want to kill Chu Tian, ​​she pulled out a few strands of hair from her head and wanted to use them to teach Chutian a lesson first, Jiebiao Danxi looked at the position in her hand. The red hair, and then set the point to Chutian's lower abdomen, which is the position of the kidneys.

Kidneys are the source of strength. Once injured here, no matter how much strength you have, you won't be able to use it..."Transfer!"

The red strand of hair disappeared instantly.

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Chapter 678 Anything can be the reason for your rebellion

If you want to avoid instant movement, the best way is to quickly change your position with super fast speed, so that the opponent cannot determine his target point. If ordinary people face the knot, they may take... .Such a method, but now... The Platinum Star went directly into Chutian's body and pulled out the strands of hair, and then the Crazy Diamond repaired it instantly.

It can be said that as long as there is the ability of Crazy Diamond level, Chutian is impossible to be injured.

"What's going on, no injuries... You are actually a multi-ability person"

The fairly pretty face of Kyubiao Danxi suddenly seemed to be choking on food, and became: very ugly, yes, in this city of science, every student has to learn the ability development course In fact, each person's position is unique, so it is absolutely impossible to have multiple abilities, even if it is a general ability that seems to have many uses, it is only one kind of psychic power in the final analysis.

Although researchers with multiple abilities suggested that there might be such a possibility in this city, there were no truly multiple abilities that could be found.

"It turns out that, no wonder that guy is so afraid of you, the legendary multi-ability person!"

Biao Biao Danxi stood up from the silver suitcase, she gave up the act of deterring Chu Tian to withdraw, she was ready to go all out! With a gesture, twenty or thirty people were either in black suits or looked like People like children surrounded Chutian in the middle. Although they didn't rashly attack under the order of Bidding, they still aimed at Chutian's heart and forehead with the black hole muzzle.


The pitch-black gun body vibrated violently, and then spewed out a red tongue of flame. A copper-colored bullet pierced through the air in a spiral shape and flew towards Chutian's heart.

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