Since the reasoning didn't make sense, then he could only see the highs and lows under his hands, and Kuroko Shirai quickly started the battle, instantly grabbing several metal arrows in his hands.

These... Metal arrows that don't look sharp, but they belong to Kuroko Shirai's ultimate move.

However, Kuroko Shirai will prepare, and naturally she will not look at it with double ponytails, and her movements seem to be one step faster than Shirai.

The same slender and tender arms instantly stretched out from the hidden uniform jacket, and quickly took off the black jet-black flashlight from the belt.

The red-haired high school girl with two ponytails suddenly drew a circle in mid-air as if by magic. Then, he turned to look at Shirai and lifted the front of the flashlight.

A large group of figures appeared between Shirai Kuroko and the red-haired twintails.

"Despicable, actually taking hostages!"

Kuroko Shirai used the ability to cooperate with the suitcase to knock out the men who were stunned and bound their hands and disappeared in place in an instant. When they reappeared, they were already in front of the two of them, and now they were crowded and crowded like shields.

"Without touching objects, the ability to move much more mass than me!"

Kuroko Shirai herself is also a space capable person, but the ability she activates requires touch, and the moving mass is only [-] kilograms. It is unimaginable to move so many human bodies at one time... "I will not admit defeat! "

Without any hesitation, Kuroko Shirai fired all the metal arrows on his thighs, and the countless arrows folded and traversed the space without making a sound.

You must know that the so-called spatial movement is not moving in a straight line, but viewing the whole world as a piece of paper and moving point-to-point in a way similar to folding.

Therefore, even if there are hostages in the middle, it doesn't matter, the arrows that appear directly at the target location through the high-dimensional channel will directly penetrate the soft muscles from the body of the red-haired double ponytail and seriously injure it... "How could... ..."

Shirai Kuroko exclaimed in surprise.

The ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny! The men in black suits who were the hostages crashed to the ground, one on top of the other, like stacking hamburgers.

And the metal arrows that moved through space to the target location fell one by one on the hard ground.

As for that... high school girl with red hair and two ponytails, she has long since been in her original position.

The bottom of the white suitcase is equipped with rollers, and the red-haired girl with double ponytails is raising her legs in a very elegant posture, and her raised feet are slowly retracted.

"They're so old, and they like to play the children's trolley game."

Shirai Kuroko suddenly realized, because space movement is a point-to-point movement, so as long as the target position is pushed away a little, the attack will not be able to hit, as for those unlucky men in black suits, It's just a tool to interfere with Kuroko Shirai's vision.

"Practicality is the most important thing. If you don't even understand this, I really misread you, Miss Shirai Kuroko."

The girl sat on the suitcase with her legs crossed, the military flashlight in her hand pointed at the arrow that fell on the ground, and then suddenly hooked, as if lifting a fishing rod.

A metal arrow that was released by Kuroko Shirai, the red-haired two-ponytail girl caught between two fingers, and then threw it hard.

Without using the ability, he threw it hard like throwing a dart, but in this narrow alley, Kuroko Shirai was unavoidable.

A metal arrow slammed into Shirai Kuroko's flank from behind.


The injured part was on the side of the waist. After the metal arrow hit, Kuroko Shirai felt that his strength was instantly lost, and then his legs fell softly to the ground.

"My calculation is really accurate, so you won't have the strength to resist."

"Cough, so that's the case. The so-called coordinate movement is an ability that can be activated without physical contact!"

The method of Shirai Kuroko's use of teleportation to evade is correct, but the red-haired double ponytail is taking advantage of Shirai's ignorance of her own ability, and within one second after she activates her ability, she pauses to cast 'coordinates' on the arrows flying in the air Move' and let the arrow appear directly on Shirai's side... "What a pity, I thought Misaka Mikoto was not the kind of person... if she was pressed, she would involve her junior in her private affairs, but then again , When she stopped the experiment, it seemed that she did it with the strength of others!"


Shirai Kuroko suddenly felt that a new power emerged in her body. She, Shirai Kuroko, is a character who wants to have sex with her elder sister! Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

Chapter 676

The red-haired girl with two ponytails crossed her feet and poked her mouth with an exaggerated movement.

"Don't you know, Ha, being used without knowing it... As far as I know, 'Railgun' shouldn't be that kind of person!"

Shirai Kuroko glared at the self-satisfied girl with legs up, she whispered: "It's Kuroko's happiness to be able to be used by the elder sister, who are you?"

The mysterious silver-white suitcase from the twenty-third school district, and the enemy sitting on it.

"When! When! When!"

The girl seemed very happy to pick up the two metal arrows that Kuroko had dropped on the ground and struck each other, making a crisp sound.

"I think about how to explain it to you, um, I think the wreckage of the 'tree map designer', you should understand such a superficial explanation!"

The tree diagram designer, Kuroko Shirai was really surprised.

"Impossible, who can knock this thing down from outer space"

"Don't believe it? Look at this!"

Shirai Kuroko would not believe that her words were not beyond the girl's expectations. She took out a boxy object from her skirt pocket, bent her fingers slightly, and flicked it towards Shirai Kuroko, who was lying on the ground.

"This is the attached photo of the fall report in Academy City, and most people don't have the chance to see it!"

"I can't see clearly, borrow a flashlight to use it!"

Shirai Kuroko looked at the girl in front of him with a strange expression, and asked such a question weakly.

Click! The light is on, the light is dazzling, but after a little getting used to it, you can still see the dark universe and the blue earth from the photo, and of course, the artificial satellite that has broken into pieces.


"It's not impossible, because the designer of the tree map was broken, so there are so many people who want to compete for satellites, fragments..."

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