Evenly dispersed to six 66 directions.

Each card changed into a flame floating in mid-air, and together with Yanice's lighting magic, it completely lit up the dim front hall.

Now, I can finally see what Yanice looks like. This nun is undoubtedly a small person. She looks even more petite than Index, with dark red hair tied into small snake-like strips. Braids,..., the black monastic uniform completely covered her arms, but the skirt was short to the bottom of the thigh, almost all of it was exposed... Yanice's feet were wearing up to: thirty centimeters Cork sandals, but even so, her height was only about the same as Index.

In the spacious hall, the red-haired non-mainstream priest and two black and white nuns were surrounded by six groups of suspended flames, which added a little fireworks to the building... "What's the situation now?"

Steele was the first to speak, he glanced at the iron scepter that Agnes was holding, and then asked in Hebrew.

This is also the most commonly used internal communication language for Western magicians. There is even a divine script created on the basis of Hebrew for prayers in the Crusaders. However, that kind of script... the same as a password, is too complicated to say. , Unless you use divine magic, under normal circumstances, no magician with normal brains will take the initiative to seek abuse... "The situation is not good, although chaos occurred during the sneak attack on Amakusa, and it was defeated. they were gone, but Orsola was gone by the time we reacted..."


Stiyl glanced at Index, who said nothing, then turned his gaze back to Agnes again, and said.

"So, from the Amakusa style that took Osola away, as the world's largest cross sect, don't you have any countermeasures?"

"I understand what you're saying. What you're trying to say is 'The Church of Rome, which is known as the world's largest crucifix sect, is just sloppy', right?"

Janice didn't feel any embarrassment, she just preached the truth.

"Honestly speaking, we can't argue with this point. In terms of numbers or armed forces, we do have the upper hand, but as a native Japanese sect, this place belongs to them. Although it is very unwilling, I cannot accept it. Don't acknowledge their strength..."

"If the strength is very strong, this is annoying!"

Stiyl Magnus' voice was a little disappointed. If the gap between the strengths of the two sides was too great, then it would be completely effortless, just showing off your muscles in front of the enemy to win. This was also the fastest and most effective. A peaceful solution, but it seems that the Roman Orthodox Church does not have the crushing strength, so a tug of war seems inevitable.


Stiyl thought of a more important matter, he watched Yanice grab the iron-headed scepter's hand, and put forward his own opinion.

"Can you be sure that other sects in Japan will not interfere?"

Yes, the intervention of other sects is also something that has to be guarded against.

Japan's Amakusa style is just a branch of the Cross religion, and the really powerful sect in Japan is 'Shintoism'.

Although Steele doesn't know much about Japanese culture, he only needs to look at the large and small shrines and shrine traditions throughout Japan to understand the strength of Japanese Shintoism... So, if Yanice and the others If you want to make big news.

Then the first thing they have to face is the suppression of Shintoism... "The church has reached an agreement with Shintoism in Japan, as long as it does not cause large-scale influence and damage to Japan, then they will naturally not interfere in our crossroads. Teach internal divisions!"

Yanice naturally knew what Stiyl was worried about. The status of Shintoism in Japan was the same as the status of the Holy See in Italy, playing the role of a guardian.

The reason for the competition between the church and the Amakusa style is nothing but the infighting of the Crusaders. As long as it does not cause too much influence, Shintoism will turn a blind eye to the Roman Orthodox Church, the nominally number one religion in the world. eye.

"If that's the case, then prepare for battle. How much do you know about the spells that Amakusa is good at? I should prepare more defensive spells!"

Steele asked the red-haired nun Yanice, who had already fought against Amakusa, that although there was a former Amakusa leader like Kanzaki Huochi within the Puritan Church, Kanzaki was a saint after all and could not be used as a researcher. With the help of this kind of thing, you still have to ask Janice.

"To be honest, we actually don't know much about the Amakusa-style magic. Although the birth of the Amakusa-style originated from the Holy Square sect, they were greatly influenced by Japanese Shintoism and Celestial Taoism. The comparison has been completely different..."

Yanice didn't notice the Amakusa-style spell, which was actually what Stiyl expected. After all, they had only been dealing with Amakusa-style for a few days. It doesn't matter, the psychology of making money by asking.

"Index, what do you think?"

Stiyl shifted her gaze from Agnes to Index, and the red-haired priest asked her for her opinion.

"As Janice said, Amakusa-style is an imported product from foreign countries after all to the Japanese. When the Shinto religion in Japan is the dominant one, in order to maintain the Taoism, Amakusa-style can only be hidden from people's eyes and ears... ."

"They completely concealed the teachings of cross religion in Japanese Shinto, and transformed rituals and techniques into various greetings, eating and other daily behaviors, so that outsiders can hardly see it..."

Stiyl shook the cigarette with a little spark left, and said in an inaudible tone.

"So this is a group of experts who are good at exploiting idol theory.

Well, it seems that they should be good at long-range sniping rather than close combat, I hope they don't have that kind of... large-scale spells..."

"It's not like that, Amakusa has always been: learning Shintoism, and has been actively introducing sword culture at home and abroad..."

"Both civil and military, that's really troublesome enough!"

Stiyl himself is not good at close combat, and he also knows how difficult it is for those...

Chapter 667 The Book of Law

The two Puritans, Stiyl and Index, were chatting, and Yanice, who was excluded from the discussion circle, could only kick the floor with her toes unwillingly.

"Yanis, please take Orsola..."

The red-haired priest who turned around was just halfway through his words, and his movements froze in place.


The curious Yanice followed Stiyl's gaze and looked out, through the transparent glass door, she saw three figures.

I won't say anything else, but Index is all too familiar with... the spiky-haired and tall man walking at the forefront.

"Why even Mr. Chu Tian is here..."

What Yanice noticed was the only woman among the three. She gently poked the floor with the steel scepter in her hand, and slowly said the real name of the nun.

"Orsola Aquinas!"

And the red-haired priest Stiel not only noticed Osola, one of the mission objectives, but also noticed the tall young man following behind.

Of course, Chutian was still a little worse than Steele, who was nearly two meters tall.

"Damn, why did this guy follow me?"

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