The nun tilted her head and said in an unusually flat tone.

Unexpectedly, after she revealed her current crisis situation, the two yellow-skinned youths in front of her glanced at each other, but there was no reaction.

After all, they have seen too many things like this.

"Well, since that's the case, then we can't help but let you go, no matter what...

Before sending you to Academy City, can you find a companion with me?"

Chu Tian looked at the nun's expression that showed a sullen expression, closed his eyes, opened his eyes, and spoke with determination.


The nun showed a stunned expression, looking silly and rather cute.

"How do you say it, if you are being chased and killed, it is the safest to be with us."

With the effort of speaking, Chu Tian had already seen the number of the upcoming bus with his superb eyesight. Referring to the bus number plate next to him, it should be the bus heading for Bo Ming seat.

The abandoned theater that Stile Magnus had chosen as the connection point was only three kilometers away from Academy City. Although it seemed a little strange to him, Kamijou Touma had no choice but to follow.

Bo Ming Block was still there three 3 weeks ago: open, although the interior was not cleaned and covered with dust, the whole building does not look damaged at all, as long as it is cleaned and reassembled, it can be reopened at any time...because Due to the removal of the tables and chairs and other equipment inside the class, the entire hall looks extremely empty, and it looks like a small gymnasium.


Because there is no lighting equipment, the light source that illuminates here is only from the five open doors, the red setting sun penetrates through the door, bringing the only light to this space.

With long silver hair, blue eyes, and wearing a gorgeous white monastic uniform, Index stood on the empty stage. She puffed up her cheeks and looked at Stiyl with a displeased expression.

"Despicable guy."

The hostile look in Index's eyes made Stiles look, but he resisted it. The flame at the front of the cigarette became even more crimson in the dim space, and a wisp of white smoke seemed to surround Stiyl. Er's head, it seems that this guy is not in a good mood! "Hoo, I don't need to refute this matter!"

Steele grabbed the end of the cigarette with his thumb and forefinger.

, spit out a thick puff of smoke, threw it on the ground, and then stepped on it with one foot.

"The situation has already been told to you. I believe that with your memory, it is completely meaningless to repeat the same words again."

"Official decree of the Anglican Church to seek and protect Orsola Aquinas..."

The reason for the incident is actually very simple. The precious magic book "The Book of Law", which was originally hidden in the depths of the British Museum and no one could understand, was found to be a way to interpret it. The one who found the way was a Roman Orthodox nun, that Ossona Aquinas that Steele just mentioned.

However, when the Book of Law came to Japan with Orsola, it was taken away by the native Japanese cross religion Amakusa.

And the original leader of the Japanese Amakusa style was Kanzaki Huochi, who may stand on the opposite side of the church for his former companions.

In order not to break out into a bigger conflict with the Roman Orthodox Church, the Supreme Bishop hopes that Stiyl and Index can resolve this matter... "So you want to involve people from the superpower side."

Index still glared at Stier angrily, the girl's dissatisfaction made Stiyl turn her head and try not to look into her eyes as much as possible.

"Actually, I don't want to involve Fantasy Killer either, but it's an order from above."

Steele took out a cigarette again from somewhere and held it to his mouth, and then with a 'click', a silver lighter burst into flames, igniting the mouthpiece of the cigarette.

"If you submit a request for assistance directly to Academy City, it will be seen by others as 'the science camp interferes with the internal problem of the magic camp', and it is not in Academy City now, so I can only give him a reason to deceive him. come over......"

"Is it a reason to kidnap me?"

"Of course, the reason why Kamijou Touma left Academy City has nothing to do with the Book of Law and Orsola, he went out to save you who was kidnapped, but in the process of saving you I happened to meet someone like Amakusa, so in order to protect you, Kamijou Touma had to stand up and fight."

Every magician is a very smart guy, and the kidnapping of 'Index' is... an excuse that Stiyl gave to Kamijou Touma... "So it is, but I still Can not accept."

Index nodded, but she did not agree with Stiles Magnus' approach.

That's right, obviously there's no need... going around in circles, just say to that guy 'please use your right hand of your god to help us' and let Touma come to help, no matter what...

What a dangerous place, as long as he is still alive, he will definitely come here, this is what bad people do.

"Now that we know the specific requirements of the mission, what should we do next? Are you going to enter the Amakusa-style base camp?"

"No, things have changed."

Steele spoke in annoyance.

"Target person, Orsola has escaped..."


Orsola Aquina has the code for reading the "Book of Law". Once the magic book is successfully interpreted, the 'angel spell' recorded in it will probably overturn the balance of power in the past cross religion. Those who have power are absolutely Unwilling to submit to others, Amakusa wanted to use the Book of Law to increase his strength, and the Roman Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, who had already divided the cake to achieve a balance of power, naturally did not want to have a difficult opponent again.

Stiyl and Index walked out of the Bo Mingza Theater Hall and followed the exit: they came to the front hall that used to be the ticket office.

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Chapter 666 Little Nun

But suddenly, a nun in a dark monastic uniform broke into the sight of the two.

"Sister Agnes"

Ignoring Steele's question, Sister Agnes just took a few steps forward with a dark face, holding an unattractive iron scepter in her hand. Due to its history, the scepter is a tool used by clergy to perform magic faster, and in close combat, it can be used as a hammer when copied.


Sister Agnes took a step forward, dragged her palm, and a white ball of light appeared in her hand, illuminating the dim front room.

Swish several red cards were caught in Stile's hand, and then threw them out instantly.

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