"Is it possible that this guy also wants to interfere in the internal affairs of our cross religion?"

When Stier saw Chu Tian, ​​his brows became a bunch of twists.

Kamijou Touma was a student of the Academy City and belonged to the science side. He couldn't get into the cross religion, but if Chutian made a move, the nature would be different.

You must know that although he did not reveal his identity, Chutian's characteristics of the Celestial Dynasty are more obvious: when he eats ramen, he asks to add millet and spicy, and when he is in the car, he subconsciously sits on the right side - in the island country, the right side is the driver's seat.

All the signs are on the surface, Chutian is from the Celestial Dynasty.

The relationship between Celestial Taoism and Japanese Shintoism is similar to the relationship between Romanism and Eastern Orthodoxy. They both extend from one main vein. Although there are differences, it is also good to wear a pair of pants when facing other sects.

Even if Chutian doesn't think so, but if Chutian really does it, then the Holy See will automatically regard Chutian as a Taoist sent by the Tian Dynasty to do things, then the fun will be big... "Let's go. , look at that Steele...what the hell is the Country Killer Matt doing!"

Chu Tian shrugged his shoulders and pointed to the open glass door.

"You really have no shame! Master Chu Tian."

As soon as he finished speaking, three people walked out from the open glass door. The one who just opened his mouth was... Stier, who was standing in the middle. While this guy was sarcastic at Chu Tian, ​​on the other hand, he was like He blinked at Chu Tian as if he was having a cramp.

As if to imply that he should withdraw first.

"What's the matter, you got bugs in your eyes"

Chu Tian's words immediately made Stier's movements froze in place, he looked at Chu Tian speechlessly, "Oh my God, this is so intentional, he hinted that it was so obvious that he didn't "Introduce myself, I, Holy See of the Holy See." Peter.


The commander of Sister Agnes' unit, my name is Agnes Santis!"

Janice took the school uniform off and turned it into a super short miniskirt.

"Okay, I didn't expect there to be a nun who is younger than Intik, you should be able to push it easily, right?"

"Hey, now is not the time to say that!"

Stier continued to wink as he looked at Chu Tian who was not at all flustered.

He didn't believe that he had made it so obvious that Chu Tian was too embarrassed to stay here and not leave.

"Hey, I am kind enough to come here to see if I can help. Is it a little bad for you to drive people like this?"

Chu Tian understood what Stier meant, he was afraid that he would do a favor by himself, and he would kill all the nuns in a religious order.

"Heh... Then I really want to thank you, but the task has basically been completed, so I won't bother you, just leave the nun in front of you to us for protection... ."


Chu Tian hadn't spoken yet, but Kamijou Touma's eyes widened, looking at Steele impatiently blowing smoke rings in disbelief.

"Hey, you used kidnapping as an excuse to kidnap me from my house, and you forced me to leave Academy City with an exit permit of unknown origin. I was already tired enough, and even ran a three-kilometer distance. As a result, you are now tell me it's alright"

"Then what should I do, didn't I thank you all?"

"Could it be that you still have to wait like children for me to invite you to eat shaved ice and send them back..."

Kamijou Touma was like an eggplant beaten by frost, looking down at Chutian, who showed dissatisfaction, but the other side looked at the two girls in black nun clothes and asked, "Tell you Aren't you being hunted down? You're all together just by looking at the costumes... Just go and meet up with your companions, why are you thinking about going to Academy City?"

Chu Tian's words made Orsola tremble a bit, and she kept trembling as if she saw something fearful and tried to restrain her body but failed to restrain her.

There is a situation.

Yanice smiled and stretched out her hands: "Orsola, come here, with us, those... hateful Amakusa-style will not take you away again..."

Chu Tian frowned slightly. As a magician, Chu Tian's ability to observe details is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people. Chu Tian can detect that Osola's heartbeat is gradually increasing, and the pores on his face are enlarged... .. the conclusion is that..., she is nervous, the two nuns should be hiding something from them.

"Why can't Orsola come over?"

Facing the hands that were obviously seducing, Chu Tian stopped the nun beside him with one hand.

"The Book of the Law is a collection of [-] magic books.


The forbidden book that Index cannot decipher, according to the catalogue of forbidden books, it is impossible to decipher this book with the current linguistic knowledge, so she can only swallow the code article of the Book of Law that has not been deciphered. Back: Get into your head, the most important concept in the Book of Law: Do what you want, that is your law."

All of a sudden, Chu Tian's mouth began to pop out professional terms.

Stiyl and Kamijou Touma were a little stunned, not knowing what he meant by this, but the expressions of the remaining three nuns 3 changed drastically.

"The content in the Book of Law is quite precious, as long as it can be successfully interpreted, it can gain extremely powerful power.

It is said that the spells recorded in the Book of Law are too powerful, and once they are used, the world will face doomsday.

There is even a saying that people who have read this book can even use angelic spells that surpass the limits of human beings.

It is said that every time Crowley was in a dilemma that he could not decide, he would use the Book of Laws to perform book divination, and decide what to do based on the content of the divination.

In other words, this is a magic book that can determine the direction of the strongest magician in the world, and it is equivalent to mastering the history of modern Western magic."

"You, what are you..."

Yanice was a little anxious, and a twisted expression appeared on her calm and lovely face.

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Chapter 668 Cult Civil War

But Chutian ignored the other party's question and continued: "Actually, the Roman Orthodox Church doesn't want to acquire such a powerful weapon as the Book of Law at all, what they want is a weapon that conquers the world, not one that destroys the world. arms.

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