Accelerator pointed to the plate and said impatiently.

"The most important thing...that is to eat, Misaka Misaka replied without thinking."

"Then don't talk so much... wait..."

Accelerator suddenly noticed that the face of the little girl in front of him was unusual.

"What's the matter, listless, are you sleepy?"

"Um... Recently, no matter how much sleep I can't get rid of fatigue, Misaka Misaka is quite confused."

"After dinner, go back to sleep for a while."

..."Hello, this is your hot water."

The waitress brought the hot water bottle to Accelerator, so that the guests can receive meticulous care and make people feel like they are back at home. This is the purpose of the family restaurant.

"OK, thanks."

Accelerator took the tray, thanked him and sent the waiter away.

"Oh, Accelerator didn't expect that what I imagined was a little different.

"Where is the difference"

Accelerator turned over a glass and poured himself a glass of water.

"Well, Misaka originally thought you were the one who kicked open the door and fled leisurely after eating the Overlord's meal roughly.

Misaka Misaka said honestly while shaking."

"Why would I do this kind of thing"

"Is not it"

"Of course not, I'm not some bully or bandit."

Accelerator's dissatisfied retort said: "Does it mean that you have to have power... Do you have to trample on the law and morality for wrongdoing?"

"Uh... well, according to the information in Misaka's head, in this world..."

The voice came to an abrupt end, and Misaka suddenly lay on the table, looking helpless.

"Hey, what's wrong with you..."

Accelerator suddenly panicked.

"Misaka, Misaka's body is still in a state of incomplete development. It should not have left the incubator. There have been no problems in the past few days. Misaka thought there was no problem, Misaka..."

Before the words were finished, the little Loli stopped moving.


"Really, don't move here!"

Accelerator put down the spoon in his hand and stood up from his seat.

"Where are you going? Misaka Misaka asked."

"Don't worry, I'll take you to a place where life can be saved!"

Sparks and lightning all the way.

After the previous incident of the absolute ability person, Accelerator had contact with the researcher of the experiment, and the patio that I saw outside the restaurant just now, Yaxiong was still there at that time.

Carrying XiaoMisaka on his back, Accelerator came to the research institute specializing in the cultivation of materials in the 'Evolution Experiment of Absolute Ability'. There is a special petri dish here, which should be able to help XiaoMisaka recover.

But unexpectedly, the door of the institute seemed to have been corroded by something, leaving a large hole.

"How is this going"

Accelerator passed through this space that seemed to have just become a battlefield, and the smell of gunpowder smoke irritated his nostrils, and he instantly understood.

"The fight just happened here."

Accelerator grinned and said playfully, "However, it's none of my business."

Follow the passage and continue walking towards the destination.

Abandoned research institute, a material laboratory, a large amount of research materials were randomly abandoned on the ground.

A female researcher in her twenties was sitting cross-legged on the experimental bench, constantly rummaging for information, and throwing away useless materials from time to time.

The door of the 'Boom' laboratory opened with a loud roar, but even with such a loud noise, the girl in the researcher's white coat still did not lift her eyelids.

"Actually, there is no need for you... to destroy the gate. You have more than a month left in your authority."

The female researcher said without looking back.

Accelerator looked at the metal warning sign that was smashed by his own kick. In just a few days, a thin layer of dust had already been glued to it.

When the Absolute Ability Persons planned experiment, there used to be at most [-] or [-] researchers working in this small room at the same time, but now with the freeze of the experiment, the building is completely empty.

That... The young woman also seemed to understand this, so she did not sit on the chair, but looked at the information in her hand with the posture of Erlang's legs.

As for etiquette, it's totally unnecessary in such an abandoned place. …

It can be said that she is indeed a researcher, and she has strong observation skills. The woman drew the last mark with a red pen on the document paper in her hand, and then raised her head.

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