There was no makeup on the woman's face, and she was wearing faded old jeans and a shirt that had been worn out after countless washings. Although the clothes were worn out, her whole person looked very clean.

Her name is Yoshikawa Kikyo, one of the core researchers of the Absolute Ability Project.

"What are you doing here? Didn't the city high-level expressly stipulate that all files related to the experimental plan of the absolute ability person will be destroyed and permanently frozen?"

"Or, you're a hard-working guy who thinks these materials look easy and fun"

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Chapter 694 You now have two choices

Accelerator looked at one of the women who constructed his own nightmare, and sarcastically mocked Yoshikawa Kikyo in an unpleasant tone.

"The boring data is naturally not interesting. If you can, I would like to ask you for help."

"After all, as the number one in Academy City, your calculation and processing abilities are quite reliable."

Fangchuan Kikyo put down the information in her hand, as if this copy was what she needed, the white printing paper was neatly placed in a stack of half-fingered beside her right hand.

"But I don't want to help you."

Accelerator's right finger pointed at his chin and looked around. On the floor of the room, a lot of physical materials such as file folders, CDs, and data reports were scattered on the floor. Because the environment was too dark, Accelerator had no choice but to do so. He squatted down and rummaged through the rubbish that seemed to be ravaged by a typhoon to find what he needed.

But obviously, he failed, and if it was just a variety of data, he couldn't tell what was what.

"Hey, do you know where the sisters' individual adjustment instructions are?"


Fangchuan Kikyo frowned suspiciously, and a puzzled look appeared on her pretty face without makeup.

"Don't look at me like this, frankly speaking, I need a manual for my sisters' physical adjustment, both physical and mental... well, there are two kinds of individual training devices and learning devices. You must have equipment for adjustment, don’t ask me why, just treat it as a liquidated damages after the experiment is frozen!”

Hearing Accelerator's words, Yoshikawa Kikyo's face became even more surprised.

"Etc., etc......"

Yoshikawa Kikyo stretched out his hand to stop Accelerator's words that he wanted to continue, and said to himself, "How did you know about this?"

"What's up."

Accelerator's heart suddenly throbbed, and from the moment he just came in, there was a vague feeling in his heart: an ominous premonition.

Of course, this hunch is not directed at him, after all, with absolute protection, even if it is attacked by a nuclear bomb, it will be fine, but that little girl can't do that.

"Why, isn't that what you're talking about?"

While speaking, Yoshikawa Kikyo lifted the stack of information papers on his right and shook it, Accelerator quickly stretched out his hand, and in an instant he grabbed the large stack of documents in the hands of Yoshikawa Kikyo.

The data presented above is the calculation script of the learning device, that is, the formatted personality data directly implanted in the brains of the Misaka sisters.

To put it bluntly, it is like copying the data to the disk through the computer, the sisters are the disk, and this calculation script is the 'heart design' necessary for designing the program.

"what are you doing with this"

Accelerator repeatedly scrutinized Zizhong's personality information, and he made a red pen to mark each one with a cross, and made changes.

"Me? I'm picking out errors in this right now. If it's a normal error, there won't be so many. This is actually a background loophole so that a 'virus' can be implanted."

"Who did the virus, who is going to hurt that child."

Fangchuan Kikyo did not directly answer Accelerator's question, she asked back: "Since you call 'her' 'that child', then you should have met, so I wonder if Accelerator still remembers that you were in the experiment How many battles are needed"

"The whole field."

"That guy's number is 200, also known as the last work, she is not actually a consumable used in the experiment, you should know this."

"Yes, I knew a long time ago that there is a command tower at the upper end of the Misaka network, ah, as for how I know, there is no need to mention more, then what does the child have to do with the virus?"

"Yes, we created [-] superpowers.

But Accelerator, have you ever thought, if they really rebel, what should we do with less than thirty staff 30, for the rebellion of the army of superpowers, those of us...... ... an incompetent researcher can't handle it."

"Talk about the point."

Accelerator didn't like long-winded nonsense. He knew that Misaka, who was still asleep in the car outside, might be uncomfortable, and he had to bring the device back.

"Because there is no way to deal with it, so we added a 'fuse' to the Misaka network. If the sisters really rebel, they just need to cut the fuse to stop their action, but..."

"but what"

"The virus inside this document... Although I haven't finished analyzing it yet, I guess the symptoms that may occur based on the tendency of the description, it should attack humans indiscriminately!"

Yoshikawa Kikyo pointed to the information held by Accelerator, paused for a moment, and then continued: "I have found out the countdown timetable for the virus to start.

August 0st at [-]:[-]:[-] a.m.

As long as the time is up, the virus will start autonomously, and then infect all the existing sisters through the Misaka network, making the sisters go out of control, and at that point, no one can stop them."

"That's a 13th-level super army with almost [-] powerful people!"

Accelerator stared at Yoshikawa Kikyo, and among all the researchers who carried out the plan, she was one of the most naive.


Accelerator walked around the empty room, and his teeth were about to be crushed.

"Tianjing, Yaxiong is the research director of the mass-produced superpower project that has already fallen into a bottleneck. His field of expertise is to write personality information in the learning device, so it is most likely that the personality virus is injected into the final work. It's him."

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