"Oh, Misaka Misaka is really disrespectful.

I have to say that Misaka Mikoto looked cute when she was a child, with a touch of blush on both sides, but her hesitant look made Accelerator look a little "Is there any problem, I feel like you've been looking at me."

"Well, Misaka actually wanted to ask if your hair color is natural."


Accelerator was confused, he didn't understand why Misaka's attention shifted to his hair when it was time to eat.

"Yeah, it looks white, like cream! Misaka Misaka firmly supports her opinion."

Misaka Little Loli pointed to the menu pattern on the desktop, which was an advertisement for cream pudding.

"Just tell me if you want to eat, and I'll order you a dessert later after dinner."

Accelerator curled his lips, expressing his helplessness towards the last act of being cautious, Accelerator himself doesn't like such sweet and greasy things, and all kinds of canned coffee are these girls. Favorite drink... "Thank you, Misaka Misaka looks at you with adoring eyes."

"However, Misaka Misaka still wants to know what's going on with your hair!"

Little Misaka stretched out a small finger with a little baby fat and pointed at the ends of Accelerator's hair hanging down to his forehead: "According to Misaka's information, the hair of ordinary people is not pure white, even if it is dyed. Discoloration occurs, and your eyes are not biologically normal, so Misaka Misaka naturally questioned."

Although Accelerator didn't really want to answer her question, but she was afraid that she might nag while eating at the restaurant, no matter what...

What, anyway... it's not time for the food to be served, Accelerator doesn't mind wasting a little time with her.

"Of course it wasn't born, I don't remember exactly, but I also had black hair when I was a kid."

Accelerator put his right arm on the table, supported his chin with his hand, and played with the tip of the white hair on his forehead with the other hand. Although she could completely ignore Misaka's problem, if she did this, she might have another chance. She would nag, so Accelerator decided to answer her question casually.

"I think it should be the side effect of the ability being activated for a long time. I haven't studied this carefully, but when my ability is developed, no matter what...

Whether it's the skin, the hair, or the eyes, it's like having some kind of disease, and all the pigments are starting to fade away."

"If you want to draw an analogy, have you ever seen a rabbit, that kind of... snow rabbit, the pigment in the hair and the eyes are gone, and the eyes show the color of the blood vessels at the bottom of the eyeball, so it's red."

"All the pigments on the body of the human body exist to protect the body from ultraviolet rays, and my ability is because it can reflect unnecessary ultraviolet rays, so I don't need pigments at all, so that's how it is."

Accelerator didn't expect that he would become so talkative, maybe he hadn't noticed, in fact, deep in his subconscious, what he was most afraid of was loneliness.

"Ah, so that's the truth...!!!, Misaka Misaka was surprised by this. Originally, Misaka Misaka already thought Accelerator was unreasonable."

"There's no reason to say"

Accelerator is on fire, how does it feel that in the eyes of Xiao Misaka, he is not a very good image.

"By the way, what's the matter with you, why did you run out alone, and you still have such a small body?"

To be able to communicate so smoothly with Misaka Mikoto's clone sister, this is really an experience that I have never had in the past. Accelerator still remembers the scene of fighting with those victims, and I feel a little guilty.

In order to confirm that you are the relevant personnel of this experiment, Misaka recommends to confirm the password first."

"Cut, what a boring setting."

Accelerator snorted in disdain and didn't ask any further questions.

Anyway... the task of sending her to the shelter will be over.

The waiter held the tray in front of Accelerator and Last Work, and set it up for each of the two girls.

"Hello, this is the family package you want, please take it slow."

"And a cream pudding, for her."

Chapter 693 Misaka Poison Hair

Accelerator is also really hungry, counting the time, since [-] o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, those... bad boys came to attack him again and again, until [-] o'clock in the morning, and then When I came across the last work, I didn't sleep much in the morning, so I guess I haven't eaten a meal for more than ten hours.

When Accelerator was eating, he was not as gentle as his appearance, and tasted the same small bites. For a hungry person, there is nothing like the happiness of quickly letting the food into the stomach, while eating, looking into the eyes Misaka couldn't stop staring at the milk pudding.

"Don't think about it, it's dessert after dinner, finish the main meal first!"

Accelerator tapped his chopsticks hard on the table, and stopped the eyes that looked at the cream pudding frequently, because the amount of food on her plate didn't decrease much.

After admonishing Misaka, Accelerator casually cast his eyes out of the window.

He saw a familiar figure walking down the road slowly with his body lowered. The guy was sneaky and occasionally turned his head to look in this direction.

Seeing Accelerator's sight, the man immediately ran into the sports car parked in the parking lot as if he had been electrocuted.

Accelerator knew the man, and the girl had been dealing with him for a long time.

"Patio, Yaxiong... sneaky..."

Accelerator's muttering was noticed by the last work who was digging the rice into his mouth, and the little girl looked at her with a puzzled face.

"Hey...!!!, Accelerator, what are you looking at?"

The last effect asked curiously, looking at the white girl whose face was not very good-looking.

"It's okay, it looks like I saw an acquaintance."

Accelerator watched Tianjing Yaxiong's yellow sports car gradually move away, so he withdrew his gaze and said nonchalantly.

'That guy, why are you in such a place?' Accelerator narrowed his eyes slightly, always feeling that something was going to happen in his heart.

"What are you looking at, what are you thinking, what are you talking about Misaka Misaka try asking."

"There is so much nonsense. Have you been dumb in your last life? Think about what is the most important thing for you now."

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