Is it a 'mass-producing capable person plan' or an 'absolutely capable person program', Tianjing and Yaxiong are both investors in the experiment. The experiment was cancelled by an irresistible force. Naturally, Tianjing and Yaxiong were the most severely damaged. The individual investor who is now still in debt, has been living like a mouse in hiding for more than a week.

Dissatisfaction gradually turned into anger towards Academy City, Tianjing and Yaxiong immediately contacted an external organization that had a hostile relationship with Academy City.

"[-] million US dollars, use your knowledge to control the 'military clones' that have been scattered all over the world into a rampant state, and set the result to 'destruction of living humans', if all countries in the world suffer casualties , I guess the allies of Academy City will turn their backs!"

The people on the TV screen seemed moved by his wit and cleverness, and laughed to themselves.

In the patio, Yaxiong's body trembled in reality, and there were more than 13 15 or more electric shockers, among which there were [-] level existences. Once they aimed to kill people... Reminiscent of the patio of the scene , Yaxiong had a shiver in reality, but in this way, Academy City couldn't get rid of it.

Yaxiong will become the public enemy of the world, Yaxiong swallowed his saliva, he just wanted to hand over the control terminal of 'Final Signal' to those people and get the money to repay his loan, but he didn't expect those guys to pay back the money. With this idea.

If the higher-ups of Academy City really knew that this matter was done by themselves, Tianjing and Yaxiong couldn't imagine what would happen to them, just like those... I have dealt with them for thousands of years. Like all clones, being thrown into an incinerator to be burned to death is the lightest punishment. there a way to refuse? No, ever since Tianjing, Yaxiong tried his best to get in touch with the hostile organization, his way back has been blocked.

"Don't worry, after the mission, Asir will pick you up from Academy City here. After all, the doctor is also a rare talent!"

On the patio, Yaxiong looked at the man on the screen, his lips twitched, but he couldn't say his refusal. The strong black man sitting next to him was facing the patio, and Yaxiong showed his snow-white teeth to express himself. Even Aser, Tianjing, and Yaxiong could only reluctantly nodded to him.

On the patio, Yaxiong looked at the ferocity in the corner of the man's eyes on the film and television screen. He had no doubt that if he said his refusal, the smiling and sunny black strongman Asil beside him would immediately send him to him. Go see Amaterasu... "Well, I'll do it this time, Aser, lend me your car."


"The 'Final Signal' has escaped, hiding beside that... 'monster', in order to find a chance to catch her, so I need fast transportation."

"Monster, is it worth my bullet?"

Aser, who was born as a mercenary, smiled disdainfully. He didn't believe that there could be any monsters worth a shuttle of bullets. If he was really like that group of... magicians with tortoise shells, then two shuttles... ... "Don't show such a disdainful smile, that is the most powerful monster in this city, even if it goes to war with the army of the whole world, 15 Accelerator will not be injured!"

Tianjing, as soon as Yaxiong mentioned that name, he felt his whole body trembling, it was fear buried in his bones.

As the leader of the absolute ability experiment, he has seen too many battle scenes between Misaka and Accelerator.

More than [-] experiments, all ended in failure of the experimental body, even if tanks, sniper rifles, rockets, and even poison gas were used... The results remained the same.

That thing is not something that ordinary human weapons can hurt, and he can even carry a nuclear bomb.

The sun gradually rose.... The dazzling sunlight poured into the room through the gaps in the blue curtains, and Accelerator woke up.

It was almost noon, Accelerator looked at the clean and bright room in front of him, thinking a little blankly.

"Hey...!!!, Accelerator, you wake up!"

Accelerator noticed the face of a rather cute-looking girl in front of her, staring at him quietly.

This is the last work of the Misaka sisters who are full of curiosity about everything.

"Have you left yet?"

Accelerator's dissatisfaction reprimanded that he didn't want to live with a little devil forever.

"Put your blanket over and wait: take you to the shelter."

Accelerator stretched out his hand and rubbed it under his eyes, exerting force on his waist, and sat up.

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Chapter 692 Children's Package

Accelerator took the young girl and walked on the almost deserted street.

Xiao Misaka was draped in a light blue, dirty blanket full of stains, and followed closely behind him, like a little follower.

"how is it there"

Accelerator stopped and asked, pointing to a family restaurant not far away.

"Oh, are you asking for Misaka's opinion, Misaka feels very..."

"Yes, or no!"

Accelerator wasn't in the mood to talk so much useless nonsense with the last work, and he bluntly stated two options.


"No denial is... for sure, come with me!"

......The food in this restaurant is still good. In the past, if you didn't want to eat refrigerated food, Accelerator would come to this restaurant by himself and enjoy his time alone... ...and now, when Accelerator pushed open the door of the restaurant, he turned his head silently and looked at the little girl dragging a light blue blanket, she followed closely behind him. ...."Sit here and don't move."

Accelerator took the last work to a two-person couple's seat, pointed to the seat and said.


At this time, the little girl probably knew that she could fill her stomach with something, and she was coming soon. After hearing Accelerator's words, she nodded obediently and climbed onto the red sofa, and sat obediently near the window.

"Waiter, come over here, please."

Accelerator stretched out his hand and greeted the waitress who was holding a plate not far away.

"Hey, can you please wait a moment, there are not enough staff today... I'm sorry."

"Okay, just give us two family packages, and you don't have to be so troublesome."

Accelerator finished his words, and then sat down, just across from Komisaka.

However, Misaka seemed to be very afraid of this situation, and like a kitten who was caught and smuggled into the blue blanket.

"Put your head out, and now you're not afraid of running out. I'll buy you some clothes in a while. You can't go out on the street like this."

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