"Wow, what a nice place you live!"

Misaka raised his face, looking at Accelerator's indifferent face and said.

"It's okay, so-so."

"Isn't it a very happy thing to be able to have your own independent space and do whatever you want? Misaka Misaka asked suspiciously."

"If you can't come up, if you don't... I don't care if you come up...

is you."

Accelerator stepped on the stairs to the transfer point, tilted his head and glanced at Mini Misaka who was still standing there, and threw out such a sentence coldly.

Although Accelerator's laughter is abnormal and his behavior is strange, he is still good in his heart.

Especially for .. Misaka Mikoto's clone, he has a very deep sense of guilt.

So I still let people in.

"But to be honest, you are really bold enough."

"Misaka Misaka doesn't quite understand what you said."


Accelerator opened his mouth and looked at the barefoot girl who was running in front of him with small steps. He could only change his tone: "By the way, you are walking on the road with bare feet, don't you feel pain?"

"Wow, are you caring about me at Accelerator?"

"Don't think too much, just follow me honestly."

The two went up the stairs, but when they were walking to the floor where their apartment was located, Misaka stopped.

"That..., Accelerator, what number is your room?"

"Ask what to do with this"

Misaka said in a very calm tone: "Electromagnetic sonar is activated, it vibrates with a wavelength of 310 MHz, and detects the situation. There are five people 5 holding dangerous objects in a room on this floor. Misaka Misaka reports the truth.

That's probably your room, Misaka Misaka warned."

"dangerous item"

Accelerator shook his head and sneered: "What dangerous item can be more dangerous than me."

However, Accelerator still narrowed his eyes slightly. Including yesterday and today, a total of six bad boys attempted to attack him. In this way, it would not rule out the possibility that the seventh attack would be ambushed in his room.

"Tell Misaka what number is your room, Misaka Misaka tries to urge."

I was a little annoyed by the last act, and Accelerator also wanted to make fun of her, but the more important thing was that if there was really an attacker in her room, then she couldn't let it go: she was one step ahead of herself. , what if this kid gets hurt.

Accelerator thought for a moment, then said a number: "4"

"Ah, 4 is that room, Misaka Misaka pointed at the door, Misaka is going to open it."


"Excuse me, Misaka Misaka will not forget etiquette even when no one is there."

The little girl babbled and walked towards the door of Room 404. She reached out and held the doorknob in front of her. A blue-purple electric current flashed past, and the door was opened.

The last work was quite satisfied with his superb skills, he walked into the room arrogantly, and Accelerator gave her a somewhat amused look, then ignored him, and walked towards the door of his house first.

"Hey, there seems to be no one here. Could it be that Misaka's calculation was wrong? Misaka Misaka asked in surprise."

"I'm still acting, you know what my abilities are, and I won't know the first time if there is any movement at home? You just want to come in, right?"

Misaka stuck out her tongue, but this deceitful act she... didn't deny it.

Chapter 691 The Enemy Attacks

At 5:[-] in the morning, Academy City, the tenth school district, a large number of foreign vehicles come and go at the city gate, supplying the living materials of this ultra-modern city.

A Japanese man in his thirties wearing a white coat looked anxiously at the passing vehicles. His hair was messy and his face was stiff and numb. He looked at the gate of the city, as if he was looking forward to something. appearance.

That expression, like a fish thirsting for water.

A blue Lamborghini sports car entered the driveway from the city gate and drove straight towards the man in the white coat.

The door of the car was opened, revealing the face of a large black man with a bald head.

"Patio, Yaxiong"

The big black man spit out a name in harsh Japanese.

"Hi, yes, yes, I'm Tianjing, Yaxiong."

Wearing a white coat, his messy hair seems to be a patio that hasn't been washed for a long time. Axiong has a smile on his face, and he doesn't have the prestige as one of the managers of the 'Absolutely Ability Project'.


After confirming that the target was correct, the black man nodded and let Tianjing and Yaxiong get into the car, and the gorgeous and handsome Lamborghini sports car started, and merged into the traffic flow together with the transport vehicles carrying materials..." How is it, Patio, Doctor, has that fat pig from Kihara Raccoon contacted you?"

As expected of a high-end sports car, the chassis is in a mess, but the patio and Yaxiong are not in the mood to care about this, he sat in the co-pilot, and soon, the car TV appeared on the car. The figure of a man said to him with a smile.

"Damn it, the senior management of Academy City are all a group of white-eyed wolves. With an order from the chairman, those guys have become turtles with their heads shrinking. Kihara raccoon is like a... dead fat pig with its tail between its tails. They all abandoned me."

On the patio, Yaxiong said through gritted teeth, no matter what...

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