Suddenly, Accelerator's heart trembled, because he noticed that someone was closely following him, shouting something at the top of his voice.

"What's the situation, even the kid is here, I'm really looking down on it..."

Accelerator sighed helplessly, turned his head helplessly and looked behind him... and saw a strange dwarf.

The man was wrapped in a dirty blanket from head to toe.

It was a light blue blanket that could barely be seen, completely covering the person's face and body, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

Also, this person was only about the height of Accelerator's stomach, so he felt like a boy or girl around ten years old.

Although Accelerator could not be considered tall and burly, he was only [-] meters tall, but even such a guy wanted to challenge himself, it was just too ridiculous.

Accelerator noticed that this little blanket weirdo was shouting something at him, seemingly in protest, and out of curiosity, he turned off his 'reflex'.

A high-pitched, but slightly flat, little girl's voice squeezed into Accelerator's ear hole abruptly.

"Oh, oh, it's a refreshing feeling to be ignored to such an extent...!!!."

"But then again, if it was maliciously ignoring me, why would it be so natural? This person shouldn't be deaf, Misaka Misaka tilted his head to think about this question."

If the eccentric was really a sneak attack as Accelerator thought, then the tragedy would probably have happened long ago. Of course, if the dwarf was not malicious from the beginning, he would not have been harmed at all. .

"Hey, does he think Misaka doesn't exist, or does he think Misaka is an invisible goblin,"

"Hello, Misaka is here! Misaka Misaka keeps emphasizing his own existence."

" said your name was Misaka"

Accelerator stopped abruptly and was stunned there.

Seeing that Accelerator finally noticed his existence, the blanket girl seemed quite happy, jogging to catch up.

"Oh! This person finally admits the existence of Misaka, Misaka Misaka is very proud!"

"Enough, shut up for me now.

Take the blanket off you and let me see your face."

Accelerator frowned and said.

"Hey...isn't it too exciting to ask women to take off their clothes on such a big street? Such a request is really messy..."

One way:"......"

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Chapter 690 The Last Work

"Enough, shut up for me now.

Take the blanket off you and let me see your face."

Accelerator frowned and said.

"Wow, are you super serious, please don't pull this blanket, because the pattern under this blanket is really not suitable for others to see..."

Despite the man's constant protests, it was clear that this didn't change anything.

Gently grabbed and tugged at the corner of the blanket, and the old gray-blue blanket fell very naturally... a very familiar face, but not the familiar fourteen years old, instead it looked only like ten year old appearance.

A miniature version of Misaka Mikoto! "Wow, give it back to me!"

Misaka cried and shouted to return the blanket to her, Accelerator pouted and threw the dirty blanket at her.

"what's the matter with you"

Accelerator felt unhappy in his heart. It stands to reason that after he was defeated by Chutian, that...boring plan should have ended, but now such a little girl has appeared again, "Do you want to know my origin? "

"I can probably guess. I can feel that there is a control terminal at the upper end of the network, it should be you."

Accelerator seemed to be taking down the girl's platform very seriously.

"Wow, it really deserves to be Accelerator. Actually, what you said is not quite right. Misaka's number is No. 200, which is the last sister to be made. Misaka Misaka uses the simplest language to show her identity."

"The code name of Misaka Misaka is a very memorable 'last work', please remember it!"

"Oh, boring."

Accelerator turned around and was about to leave, he really wasn't interested in this kid.

However, the other party didn't seem to want to let him go, so he just followed behind, two figures, one big and one small, gradually drifting away on the road at two o'clock in the morning.

"Because of the order from the top, the experiment was stopped in the middle, and Misaka was thrown out of the incubator without even completing the adjustment of the body, so Misaka looks much smaller than the normal Misaka... You have Are you listening?"

Misaka rubbed her hands together and said as she walked.

As far as Accelerator knows, all the existing sisters should be sent to various facilities around the world for resettlement after the experiment, ... but after all, there are too many people, and it is normal to have a few mistakes. "So, what do you want me to do, send you to the 'Abandoned Child Adoption Facility'?"

"No, anyway... I have nowhere to go, so I have to come to you."

"Don't follow me, be careful to be killed."

"Misaka will not be killed, Misaka said seriously.

Turning directly from the main road, and then passing along an alley, two people, one big and one small, came to a relatively new-looking student dormitory.

It's just that looking at this tall in the dark, it's easy to feel that you are facing a very huge monster, and the gloomy corridor is like the monster's open mouth.

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