"But I still have two friends. We made an appointment to wait here. What if I leave and they can't find me?"

"They should have received my notice. You should go outside and wait first."

Kamijou Touma's face darkened, Index did not understand what the so-called red alert meant, and could only hope that Feng Zhanbinghua would take her away.

However, when he remembered the news that Jishen Qiusha told him before he left, Kamijou Touma was not so relieved about Feng Zhanbinghua.

"Okay, okay, too much time has been wasted. Now that the matter is known, let's leave quickly. It's less than 1 seconds before the underground street is blocked."

The disciplinary committee girl looked at the clock on her wrist, dropped a sentence, and left. Her mission was very important, and she couldn't waste all her time on Kamijou Touma.

Kamijou Touma looked around and found that the students who had been trying to cool off in the underground street were moving toward the safe passage one by one in a natural manner as instructed by the Disciplinary Committee. It seemed like a perfunctory incident. evacuation training.

"Index and the wind cut them off..."

"To Ma To Ma!"

From a game equipment covered by a curtain inside the game hall that had almost disappeared, two girls, one big and one small, walked out. They were still there just now: they were worried, but they ran out by themselves.

"Mr. Touma, the voice I heard just now..."

Before Feng Zhan Binghua could finish speaking, a woman's voice she had never heard before interrupted her roughly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, finally found it!"

Looking in the direction of the voice, Kamijou Touma froze immediately.

On the wall not far from him, there is a semicircle of ping pong balls the size of a palm, which looks like a child's mud on the wall. Looking at the gap, you can see that it is a human eyeball.

At almost the same time, Kamijou Touma's entire body became: a chill, the appearance of this kind of thing was completely beyond Kamijou Touma's expectations, not only felt panic, but even a little nauseated, especially that. The eye is not still, it is like a living thing, even constantly turning.

That woman's voice is probably from this eyeball! "Oh hehe...it's really pleasing, let me see...banned book catalogue, fantasy killer...tsk tsk , and the key to the imaginary math area, the artificial angel... hey, which one should I choose?"

"Really, there are so many options, it's also a very nerve-racking thing!"

This woman's voice sounded quite coquettish, and it also brought an inexplicable sense of heaviness, reminiscent of things like the earth and rocks.

"Ma, I'm having dinner with my little sister, and you're here to make trouble. You guys are still going to end."

A huge fist smashed directly on the creepy-looking eye, almost like a bubble that was blown up and exploded. With a snap, the eye was smashed into a few pieces of dirt.

"This is... Mr. Chutian"

Kamijou Touma looked at Chutian and Kiyama Chunsheng who suddenly appeared, and was shocked.

Especially on Chu Tian's body, the black suit was stained with a lot of dirt, it is estimated that the black-skinned magician got it on when he summoned the mud monster just now.

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Chapter 678 With him, the matter is solved

"What's the matter with you, Kamijou Touma? Are you possessed by mold? I've clearly avoided the streets you're going to as much as possible, and in the end I've installed you."

Chu Tian felt a bit of a pain in the ass. He remembered that Kamijou Touma in the original book was attacked in an underground street not far from the school. In order to avoid himself, he deliberately spared the long way. can bump into.

But now Chu Tian can't help complaining. The mud monster that had just smashed an eyeball with his rude fist did not make the magician retreat. The place wandered over and gathered around the battered comrade.

"This is a human virtual image created from clay using Kabbalah as the main interpretation style, and the core is to replace the giant of the earth, who is the guardian of the Jews, with the identity of the guardian angel."

Index immediately.

Went to Chutian to explain.

Feng Zhan Binghua and Kamijou Touma also quickly climbed up, and there is no safer place than Chutian.

"Does that mean... puppet magic?"

Chu Tian frowned, what he hates most is... this kind of magic, the magician hides behind and directs, although the magic puppets summoned are not infinitely powerful, nor difficult to kill, but the number is very large, and the constant flow Production.

And another advantage of this clay puppet is that it uses local materials, and there is a steady stream of materials.

If the steel mecha still has relatively fragile parts such as seams, which cannot be moved if it is broken, then the puppets made of mud have no dead holes, and they can be destroyed if the runes are still there. Almost infinite rebirth, very difficult to deal with.

"What I hate the most is... mud monsters and slime monsters, that kind of... obviously weak, but extremely difficult personalities make people feel very uncomfortable."

"It is said that the first human being was created by... 'God' using soil, this kind of stone giant is a kind of theory of 'creating man', according to my speculation, this magician should have discovered a special emphasis on Part of the eyeball clues, and based on this, I combined Golem's."

Magicians explore all things in the world and analyze the nature of the soul. Every magician has a different understanding of magic. Even if it is the same book, in the hands of different mages, there will be different deviations according to the path that the mages take. , This... magician uses the eyes as the core to control the magic of the stone giant, which is also a different way.

While talking, eyes the size of ping-pong balls gathered densely together, countless eyes turned around on the wall, and the black and white pupils flickered, it looked like this piece of wall had skin. He was sick, and the layers of eyes seemed to be still there: rotten pustules, such a scene, Haruo Kiyama and Kamijou Touma almost vomited out of the poor conditions in their hearts.

"Hey, don't be ashamed of the two of you. Index and Feng Zhanbinghua haven't said anything yet, but the two of you... can't stand it anymore."

Chu Tian frowned.

"Although I don't know who you are, but if you get in the way of my plan, you will die!"

The eyeballs vibrated, and countless humming sounds were intertwined. The sound caught the minds of the guards who were coming from a few hundred meters away. Then, countless eyeballs rotted, turned into mud, and crashed to the ground... ...and then, the entire underground street began to shake violently.

Countless gray-white dust fell from the ceiling.

Kamijou Touma and the others were like sitting on a small boat in a storm, and they stumbled a little when they swayed a little.

Chu Tian took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped the dirt on Mu Shan Chunsheng's face. Just as he was about to start, he keenly noticed something coming not far away.

"Sir, I heard someone talking here."

"Heizi, didn't you say that the crowd has been completely evacuated? How could there be still people?"

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