Just based on these few words, it is almost possible to judge the identity of the person. The title of 'sister-sama' is a girl manga, except for Misaka Mikoto and her junior sister Shirai Kuroko, it is estimated that no one will really say this.

In the dark underground world, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko came around the corner while bickering. However, they moved forward, but stopped when they saw Chu Tian and others.

"Hey, those guys over there, why don't you run for your life, what are you doing here?"

As a discipline committee member, Kuroko Shirai is her job to protect ordinary students, including Misaka Mikoto, who need to be protected by Kuroko.

But when the two approached, they were stunned.

"Mr. Chutian! Why are you here?"

Seeing Chu Tian's face, Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto's hearts dropped, and they even added some defensive outfits.

With Chutian present, it basically means that the incident has been resolved.

"Ah, I was having dinner with someone, but a magician came to attack."

Press: According to Chu Tian's keen observation, he had long felt that Academy City had intruded into the magician. He originally planned to clean up after eating, but he didn't expect the other party to do it first.

"Since you are here, then I will be relieved. Please protect Miss Mushan, she is an ordinary person here."

Mu Shan Chunsheng blushed, and a warm feeling appeared in his heart.

Although Chutian has a lot of interpersonal relationships, he still cares about himself very much. I love it! The entire underground street shook violently again. This time, the degree of shaking was even more intense, as if the whole ground had turned into waves. Jian, except... Chu Tian, ​​no one else can stand firm.

"It seems that the guards are already at war with each other, and the situation is very intense!"

Kuroko heard the latest information from the wireless earphones, which is why the magician disappeared after saying a line just now. She had to deal with the unimportant people before enjoying the big meal.

Well, that's how every villain operates.

On the other side, in the dim underground street, the red light splattered on everyone's body like blood. In the hands of the armed guards, bullets were flying like locusts, and powerful high-explosive grenades were jumping under their feet. On the red battlefield of sound and gunpowder, the magician Shirley walked as gracefully as a noble lady.

The bullets couldn't take away her long hair, the explosion couldn't mess up her clothes, a tall stone statue stood in front of her, like a huge shield, all attacks were blocked by this stone statue.

Shirley was holding a white holy oil crayon, her right hand was waving in the air, and the lines were outlined, forming a white command pattern, just like the operation instructions for controlling a robot, the command pattern was continuously thrown into the stone statue, The huge stone statue is also constantly advancing with the changes of the command.

Chapter 679 Stone Giant

"There is more than ferocity, but not enough agility."

Shirley looked at the guards who were standing in front of her and lined up in a long line. She watched with interest the tongues of fire from the guns of the guards, and gave them such an evaluation.

In fact, it's not wrong. After all, the guards are just ordinary human beings. It is not bad that they can hold weapons to suppress the crimes of the capable people in Academy City. Who would dare to ask them to tear apart tigers and leopards like the elite soldiers, and defeat a hundred with one attack. , to know that the other party is the legendary magician.

In addition, the space here is too limited, and the stone giant Ellis can directly hit his head when he raises his head. It is like a moving fortress. Even if the attack is fierce, it is impossible to hit and hide. On Shirley behind the Stone Giant.

As for Ellis, this guy is originally a stone giant. As long as he has the supply of magic power, he has an immortal magical puppet, not to mention hundreds of bullets. Even if it is really blown into fine particles of soil, Ellis can Regain your body by absorbing nearby dirt or bricks.

"You can't stop Ellis, back away with peace of mind, I don't have to kill you."

Surprisingly, Shirley speaks fluent Japanese.

However, the guards don't think so, "Don't even think about it!"

A tall and large-looking security guard said bluntly, she took off her helmet, revealing a black ponytail...

"Invading Academy City and wanting to hurt the students, even if I risk my life, I will never let you pass!"

"Oh, have the backbone, I appreciate a woman like you, and in that case, Ellis, I will grant her wish."

Xue Li looked at the resolute-faced woman in front of her with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Huang Quanchuan Aisui gritted her teeth, facing the stone giant who was as unstoppable as a mountain.... But she didn't take a step back.


Another female police officer who looked a little impatient took a high-explosive grenade from her waist and greeted Huang Quanchuan Aisui. She quickly pulled out the safety latch of the high-explosive grenade, in order to subdue the stone. Shirley behind the giant, she wants to attack through the gap of the stone statue.

"Ellis, jump!"

Just before the grenade was fired, Shirley, aware of the danger, raised the holy oil crayon and made a strong stroke in the air.

Although she has not yet reached the bishop level, she has stayed at the instructor level: Shirley, who has been at the level for thirteen years, her intuition is no joke.

The giant stone giant weighing dozens of tons obeyed the orders of Mage Xue Li, and its entire body leaped into the air, and even its head made of mud was smashed in half by the top floor of the underground street, and the bunch of hanging orchids did not know where to go.


The stone giant with such a heavy weight fell back to the ground, and this mass shattered the floor of the entire underground street in just a few seconds. It shook like a huge wave.

"Iron suit!"

The giant female security guard holding the grenade gave such a pre-emptive shock that the opened grenade lost its safety sheath, and the grenade slipped from her hand... Huang Quanchuan watched as his best friend was about to be hit by the grenade. Her voice changed a bit when she was fried with blood.

The cylindrical high-explosive grenade hit the shattered ground, followed by an explosion.


A thick smoke and black mist exploded, and surprisingly, the explosion was not loud.

Although saying these words at such a time of crisis might ruin the atmosphere, the explosion just now sounded like a fart.

"Yahleahle, why do you throw bombs when you don't agree? Don't play with such dangerous things."

Chu Tian shook his hand, the bomb just now was pinched with his bare hands, and then exploded abruptly in his hand.

Otherwise, these guards next to you, at least a few of them will be blown up on the spot.

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