Feng Zhanbinghua tugged at Kamijou Touma's sleeve, and said to Kamijou timidly.


Some of the game consoles in Academy City were imported from outside the Academy City, and some were developed by scientists in their own city. That's a lot of tricks, and games from almost all countries in the world can be found.

"Wow... it's so good here... Come here when Ma Dang Ma, I like that... Twinkle, twinkle, still: beeping thing,!"

Index had already entered the store, and her little hand kept greeting the two of them.

"Let's go!"


The store is very lively, with beautiful girls playing dance machines, and boys with virtual eyes and guns playing gunfight games.

"Index, what do you want to play"

Kamijou Touma looked at it and asked casually.

However, it didn't get the proper response.

"Hey, Index!"

"Everyone, everyone wants to play"

"All right!"

Kamijou agreed numbly, while Feng Zhanbinghua, who was beside him, showed a sympathetic smile.

Chapter 677 You Mage Are Still Unfinished

"Wow, this is so much fun, Touma! I love this place."

Index was having such a good time that she ran out of coins in a few minutes.

Then he jumped and ran over to find Kamijou Touma to ask for coins.

"To Ma To Ma, which one shall we play next"

"Forgive me! I don't want to eat dirt for the next half month..."

"Just one circle, Touma, let's circle again"

"No, please don't."


There was no other way, Kamijou Touma could only look at Feng Zhan Binghua with help-seeking eyes, Feng Zhan was also a smart girl, she took the initiative to say.

"Aren't you thirsty after playing for so long, let's go buy some drinks!"

"Oh, okay, okay!"

Index cheered like a child and nodded vigorously.

Kamijou Touma slanted his hand and threw a few coins directly into Feng Zhan Binghua's hand.

The two were separated, and Kamijou Touma was finally able to catch his breath. At this time, someone behind him tugged on Kamijou Touma's shirt, and when he turned his head, Kamijou saw a girl wearing an ordinary sailor suit and a long skirt. His face was staring at himself angrily.

"do we know each other"

Kamijou Touma looked at the strange girl in front of him with some confusion, and asked back in confusion.

"Hey, I've already told you so many times, why are you still standing here leisurely and not knowing how to escape?"


"what does it mean to run away"

Kamijou Touma was puzzled, why did he run away? Besides, Index and Feng Zhanbinghua had already gone to buy drinks to quench their thirst. If they just left, what would they do if they could not find themselves when they came back? "Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong, you just said you've notified so many times...you talked to me"

The girl with shoulder-length short hair frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "I use telepathy, don't you hear it?"

Cardiac induction is... the ability of the sixth sense to transmit information, which is different from the sixth ability other than sight, hearing, touch, smell, and sense, which can realize data exchange between different individuals.

It is like the voice transmission in the martial arts world, which directly and remotely talks to the human brain.

Disciplinary committee members use this ability to evacuate the masses, and the efficiency is much more useful than any loudspeaker.

"Sorry, maybe it's because of my right hand..."

Kamijou Touma's right hand was absolutely blocked, and he estimated that his 'phantasm killer' had wiped out the girl's telepathy ability.

Take a closer look at this girl, she is wearing a green armband on her right arm, which means she is a member of discipline.

"Although I don't know why my 'telepathy' doesn't work, but if that's the case, I can only explain it to you verbally, and immediately after listening to it.

Get out of here, okay?"

The disciplinary committee girl looked at him all the time: Kamijou Touma of ink marks, black lines all over his face, this place is about to become a battlefield, you must know that every second of time is very precious, and the time left for them is very rare .

The disciplinary committee girl took a step forward and said loudly to Kamijou Touma: "This underground street is no longer safe, some terrorists have sneaked in, the red alert above has been issued, and the arrest of the intruder will be in 3rd. It will unfold in a few minutes, then we will put down all the partitions and block the entire underground street, if you leave late, you will not be able to leave, do you understand!"

I really don't know, I was startled when I heard it. Although Kamijou Touma didn't know who the so-called intruder was, he knew that once such news was released, the guards would definitely be dispatched. In the fierce gun battle, in case of being hit by a stray bullet again, Kamijou Touma is estimated to report to the wonderful frog seeds again.

"Leave as soon as you hear it. If she is heard by the intruder, she may try to escape from here, so we can only rely on telepathy. When you escape, try to be as natural as possible."

The disciplinary committee girl didn't change her face, and told Kamijou Touma just like that.

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