"The level of vector control, the ability is fully activated, and even the rotation of the earth can be affected, and direct hand-to-hand combat can't hit him..."

Accelerator's ability is very powerful, but he is not invincible, and he has fallen into hard battles many times in the original book.

First, the vector manipulation must be the vector of this world, the other world's need to be recalculated.

Here you can refer to the second child of Wannian - Weiyuan Substance, his ability made Accelerator very embarrassed, although he was defeated in the end, but he used his life to point out a bright way.

Second, the opponent's ability must be within the calculation range of Accelerator, and the vector manipulation beyond the range will be invalid, and Accelerator will also be knocked out with one punch.

Third, just like Kamijou Touma, a pickup artist who can nullify all abilities, mere vector manipulation, no matter how much you come... it's all in vain.

Fourth, when fighting with Accelerator, a loli makes him want to stop, so lolicon will be distracted, and then the computing power will decline in an all-round way... The third and fourth points, Chutian The eye can do it, but he has the ability to do the first and second points. The ability of other worlds can be used to make one uncle cry. If the Saiyan mode is used, the whole world will cry.

"The cafeteria has spicy sauce, yay!"

Without any explanation, Chutian directly summoned the Platinum Star to attack him wildly.

You know, aside from vector manipulation, Accelerator's hand-to-hand combat ability is on the same level as the gangsters on the street. If you refer to...his weak physique, maybe even the gangsters can't match.

No matter how strong your vector operation ability is, the primary factor to activate this ability is...calculation.

Now Chutian has directly suspended the time in the whole world, and the other party has stopped even thinking, how can he activate his ability.

“Da da da da”

Like a machine gun, the Platinum Star kept beating the uncle's face like a machine gun.

Chu Tian was very interested in teaching the uncle how to be a man. As for what would happen after the fight, it was not within his scope of consideration.

Since the platinum star's ability to pause is linked to the spirit of the stand-in messenger, the time that Chutian can pause now has reached a terrifying 10 minutes.

But he wasn't that ruthless either, in ten minutes, I'm afraid that the uncle would have become a pile of meat paste.

After 1 minute... Accelerator fell to the ground, his whole body seemed to be run over by a road roller, and every bone on his body was broken, and he fell directly to the ground.

"This! What's the matter!"

Accelerator had no idea what was going on.

He still remembered that Chu Tian was upstairs, but now he came to him.

And the injury on his body was obviously caused by... him! Accelerator's status in Academy City is very high, in Aleister's plan, he is the most important part of all 5 miles, and he has never encountered He has been to people who can cause harm to himself, so now it has suddenly become like this, making him a little confused for a while.

"Didn't I tell you, don't make trouble for yourself?"

Chutian's calm and relaxed attitude greatly annoyed Accelerator.

"What the hell are you capable of!"

Accelerator growled like a jungler.

He already had a few speculations in his heart, maybe Chutian has a speed beyond the limit that the naked eye can't catch, or the ability to teleport in space.

But a little scrutiny of these two speculations fails to hold.

Academy City doesn't have a level 5 space ability, all the registered ones are 4, let's not talk about the attack power, even if he really hits himself, will he not feel it? "I can't use the diffusion stand to perceive his super power level. , will it be the original stone?"

Accelerator felt that he probably had the truth.

The original stone! The person who obtains the ability of personal reality under accidental conditions without human intervention, also known as the person with natural ability.

The probability of occurrence is extremely small, and there are about 50 people in the world.

The abilities of rough stones are often very bizarre, and some are not even understood by themselves.

Unlike those with artificial abilities, the abilities of the original stone can be freely cast like instinct without calculation. Compared with those with abilities developed by Academy City, they are more dominant in battle.

"There is no need to calculate, the ability to use is like an instinct. Compared with the ability, the rough stone does have an advantage, but..."

Accelerator laughed dumbly, revealing deep resentment.

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Chapter 646 Miss Misaka

Accelerator's pursuit of power can be called obsession. In order to become the legendary 6, he did not hesitate to degenerate, violated his conscience and stained himself with blood.

"Damn you!"

Yifang Tong Xing roared, his feet stomped violently, his body was like a cannonball, and he charged towards Chu Tian.

Chu Tian didn't use teleportation, he put one hand in front of him, propped up a spherical energy barrier around him, and firmly protected him in the center.

The ability to reflect all vectors and touch with the light wave barrier held up by Chutian is a contest between absolute defense and absolute defense.

But there is a fatal difference between the two, and that is the number of abilities.

Chutian's energy shield is just a small skill of his, and to break through this shield, Accelerator has already shown his full strength.

Bang! The circular air wave was compressed and twisted, and the compressed rebound force bounced off, setting off a hurricane-like shock wave that completely destroyed the already messy street.

In the dust, Accelerator rushed out backwards, smashed a utility pole, and slammed into the wall behind him. A huge force smashed the reinforced concrete wall, and he was buried deep within it.

"Sure enough, you are not a space capable person, what kind of ability do you have when you arrive at the ground?"

Accelerator's face was shocked and said in astonishment.

In the competition of confrontation ability, he tried to analyze Chutian's barrier. Although he had not completely cracked it, he was surprised to find that Chutian's ability had nothing to do with space.

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